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Troubleshooting midiphy SEQ v4+

latigid on

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Thank you both for looking into this.

I've had a look at all my joints, but still no luck. I can look at alternative solder - I also have a flux pen if you would recommend that.

As far as SW 12 goes, unfortunately I think the copper pad is worn out, so it looks like I may have to order another JA PCB + parts and have another go.

Still, it would be good to figure out what went wrong here so I can avoid it next time.

I have installed SEQ_L.NGC, and succesfully loaded seq_l and set debug on.

One thing I noticed however is that 'NG' doesn't show up as a MIDI port in MIOS as it does in the build video. Could this indicate an issue? I'm not sure why it's occurring as I am following the instructions in the video and can successful load seq_l...

LEDs definitely don't have reverse polarity, I checked again, and I was very careful of this in the first place.

As far as the physical issues you mention, the one which I suspect the most is a dodgy ribbon cable - could it be possible that this could prevent the LEDs from lighting up, yet still allow the switches to function?

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1 hour ago, UnUnUnium said:

Thank you both for looking into this.

I've had a look at all my joints, but still no luck. I can look at alternative solder - I also have a flux pen if you would recommend that.

As far as SW 12 goes, unfortunately I think the copper pad is worn out, so it looks like I may have to order another JA PCB + parts and have another go.

You can always bodge the parts. 
LED anodes connect across a row
4148 anodes connect across a row, D12 cathode to bottom-left pin when viewed from the front.
"switch cathodes" connect to SW17 below; for simplicity's sake that is the LED pin marked with a dash.


1 hour ago, UnUnUnium said:

Still, it would be good to figure out what went wrong here so I can avoid it next time.

I have installed SEQ_L.NGC, and succesfully loaded seq_l and set debug on.

One thing I noticed however is that 'NG' doesn't show up as a MIDI port in MIOS as it does in the build video. Could this indicate an issue? I'm not sure why it's occurring as I am following the instructions in the video and can successful load seq_l...

As long as you get 4x MIDI ports it is okay, sometimes they will be named differently. This varies depending on your OS.

1 hour ago, UnUnUnium said:

LEDs definitely don't have reverse polarity, I checked again, and I was very careful of this in the first place.

As far as the physical issues you mention, the one which I suspect the most is a dodgy ribbon cable - could it be possible that this could prevent the LEDs from lighting up, yet still allow the switches to function?

Technically not. The matrix sink columns here are also driven by 74HC595s, so I would expect all or nothing. If the matrix was otherwise dysfunctional, you might see multiple button events triggered at once.

You could consider to carry on with the lemec boards and then you can see if the signals make it through JA.

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Thank you - the bodge option makes sense (jumper wires could do it), and I will probably crack on with building the lemec boards.

One thing I am still confused about is the SEQ_L.NGC situation - I get only 2 MIDI ports (In and out) and no specific NG ports.

load seq_l works though, and I repeated the video many times and I'm not sure what I could have done wrong - the script is on the SD card and installed the hex file from MIOS studio successfully.


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3 hours ago, UnUnUnium said:

One thing I am still confused about is the SEQ_L.NGC situation - I get only 2 MIDI ports (In and out) and no specific NG ports.


Sounds like MB_NG is not loaded properly... if it is a Mac I think there is a way to delete some config or so. You can try with another OS or computer. I hope that you closed MIOS Studio between firmware updates. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone. I am working on the project and got to the point where I need to test the LED matrix. I have the bottom half of the matrix working, but the top part doesn't react at all. I slide CC16 and half way there it will light up bottom half of the led matrix, but after that nothing happens. I checked and reworked the cable, but I am not sure how to test all other parts. Could you please help or point out to schemtic?

Thank you

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I would still suspect the cables :)

You should be able to measure continuity between the IDC8 socket on lemec and the first 8 pins of the JA IDC24 (i.e. closest to the ring MEC switches). With a cable attached of course!

Are the matrices positioned the right way around? Upload a photo of your work on the JA and lemec_R.

Otherwise, if you mean the top 4 rows of the matrix don't light up, that is to do with the sink driver IC18 and shift register IC17.

For the driver: output side is pin 18 -> matrix bottom row (row 1), pin 17 -> row 2.. pin 11 -> row 8. Input side just the opposite leg on the IC.

For the register: pin 7 -> row 1, pin 6 -> row 2 ... pin 1 -> row 7, pin 15 -> row 8.

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I reworked the cables and checked pin by pin, all working. Top 4 rows are not lighting up, so as you said I will reflow IC17 and IC18. Here are the pics of how I soldered them. Thank you for the fast reply.


EDIT: I reflowed all both ICs and now everything works perfectly. Thank you.



Edited by sanemalkavian
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Now I have to fix OLEDs. They worked partially after I installed hardware config file (left screen was showing some parts, but not all, and right screen was showing only first few columns). After I installed latest project.hex midibox firmware Only first screen is working partially, the second one is not working and I am getting strange info on the first one. Lots of strange symbols and skipped places. The second screen is not working and when I try to play the sequence the led matrix displays FAULT.

How to start debugging this?


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Worked out with the JA matrix then? (Seems so, well done!)

The normal fix for OLEDs is to put a jumper in J15s (3v3).

Other options are to check R33D (560R), make sure there are no shorts from the back of the IDC cable to the OLED PCB and cabling in general. 

Edited by latigid on
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I'm having some trouble with video 2, step 33, 'Building and testing JA Matrix LED cable'.

MIDI CC 16 does move the LED dots, but some of them seem to be missing.

Ive attached a picture - what are the likely culprits here? The matrix itself, the cable, or the shift registers?

All the best, Jeremy




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Hi Jeremy,

The cables are the issue 90% of the time :)

But what you see there is two columns not driving, so that could also be on the resistor networks (particularly RN5, pin12/13) and other shift registers (particularly IC20, pin 3/4). The other two LEDs on the first 16*8 row are not simple to explain as the other rows and columns are functional.


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I got to the stage where the firmware was supposed to be uploaded.

All tests (switches, buttons, LEDs) passed perfectly. 

Unfortunately, I think I uploaded the wrong firmware and "bricked" the core board - I can't seem to communicate with it via MIOS Studio.

2 questions:

1. If it is in fact bricked, how can I fix it?

2. When I do fix it, can someone link to the firmware for the RH MIDIbox SEQ V4?

I've uploaded a picture showing the message from MIOS - the SEQ V4 has no lights, only the green light on the back pulses momentarily when I plug in power.


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Might have been the one for an STMF1 core? 

Just checking, did you reboot the core and close/reopen MIOS Studio? 

If you did, see if you can use JPA0 to enter boot hold mode and try to upload the app again. If it doesn't help, it would need a JTAG programmer or even just an STM32 DISCOVERY board if you have one around.

Note that there is only one SEQ app. The configuration is set by the HWCFG file that you upload onto the SD card.


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Hi Jeremy:


38 minutes ago, UnUnUnium said:

Yes, I think it was the one for the STMF1 core.

It happens :)


38 minutes ago, UnUnUnium said:

I did reboot the core (just pull the power/reset button, yes?) and I closed and reopened MIOS Studio.

That's right, pulling out the power/USB will do. Always restart MIOS Studio following a power cycle.


38 minutes ago, UnUnUnium said:

Looks like the current one, yep!


38 minutes ago, UnUnUnium said:

JPA0 is on the core board?

Yes, you need to jumper it, means opening up the case unfortunately. Also ensure that resistors R101/R102 are installed.

Hope you can get back to the bootloader! If not, it's typically no biggie to reflash with ST-LINK or JTAG.


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