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SID meets Moog


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Here some impressions from my first experiments with a real (not virtual) Moog filter:


(I've received this kit as a present from Hallucinogen --- thanks for this great toy!)

The cutoff frequency is controlled by MIDIbox SID via the AOUT module. In the first example you can hear a bass sound. In the first part the Cutoff and Resonance is changed by hand, in the second part CutOff is controlled by an envelope generator with non-linear curve. Decay and Sustain are increased smoothly:


The second example demonstrates another possibility: saturated filter distortion. I've modified the input amplifier, so that the gain factor can be increased until the amplifier saturates. Just hear the result - sounds a little bit like a guitar:


(in the second part I've added the "Banaan Electrique" Fx from Reaktor - a guitar amp simulation + Reverb + Delay)

Last but not least all together + some drums:


(the tune is known as "Delta Theme" from Rob Hubbard)

This thing keeps me busy :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Whoooaaaa! fu**in' great!

This is *exactly* what I'm seraching for.

Do you have a shematic/layout for that filter-module? Or AOUT?

Does it require any changes to the SID-app?

Unfortunatly, these weeks I got very few time for soldering or even music...

Please keep up this good work!


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Hi everyone,

that sounds really nice!!! After having built this: http://www.orpheo.nl/dutch/index.php?mainframe=rsynthsite.php, i'm settings things up for new project.

I would like to create a 4xSID and 1xFM MidiBox with two or maybe even four (for dual stereo) Moog filters in it, but I was wondering how to incorporate this into the system.

Do you think it's possible to let one of the PIC cores handle those filters? I was thinking that the AOUT module could control resonance and frequency cv's and maybe even a drive parameter, but I'm not certain if it is technically possible to save the settings for the 'external' filter with every patch on the SID synth. I'm not scared of programming, by the way (I study artificial intelligence), but I'm not familiar with assembler.



ps. Now I'm thinking about it...maybe it would be a cool idea to create a totaly seperated Core and AOUT module to function as a multi effect with it's own programs. The SID master core could then simply send a 'program change' to this effects core and handle a stack of analog effects (filters, phaser, BBD flanger/chorus).... Of course i'm not thinking about the costs, but hey....please allow me to have this fantasy ;)

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As answered in another article, in MBSID V2 controlling AOUT modules has been completely integrated into the patch structure, and into the modulation matrix

It's already integrated into the existing MBFM patch structure (but with much less modulation possibilities compared to MBSID V2 - which is a modulation monster! ;-))

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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