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MBSeq & Cubase SX ???


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Hi there!

Question about the Seq: How do you control it in Cubase SX? I mean... has Cubase SX any Midipatchbay Function?

The Seq has to receive the Midiclock Signal and the notes (from some keyboard). But I can´t find any solution how to send the notes to the Seq *always* and then send them back to the specified instrument.

I just came up with a solution using a hardware Midimerger (thnx TK again!  ;) ) and nothing more. Has anyone implemented the Seq completely within Cubase SX?


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK... since nobody ever had the same prob...  :-/

Nobody using lame Win with lame Cubase with superb MBSeq?


So, I built the external Merger (used some old PIC 16F). The notes directly come out of the keyboard into the Seq together with the Midiclock of Cubase.

The only thing: I gotta use the Midimerger Function of the Seq a lot. While having it off as playing appregios, I gotta turn it on to just use the keyboard.

But hence... it works! So whatever...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi pay_c,

ähm ...now I'm in the same trouble...

after finishing my SEQ I also try to find a "connection" way.

I also use the merger for this now. But I would be lucky if there would be another way. I use various synth modules (not only the SID), each on a seperate MIDI port.

The cabling confusion is getting over my head when I use the merger ... :P

I think there must be a kind of patchbay function we could use. Do you know if there is a kind of ReWire for Midi available ?

In fact, I don't have ReWire but perhaps it can do this already ?

The best thing would be a VST plug-In that manages the various midi Ports.

I keep on searching !

If I don't find a VST solution I think about building a MIDI-Switch Matrix (MIDIBOX128 controlled) which is also able to switch several midi merger  between any connections (I also have a lot of old PICs). Tell me what you think about that idea.



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