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NJU7304D sample and hold chips


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i just cannot find a supplier for the NJU7304D sample and hold chips (for the MBHP_SHX8 ) in europe. And mouser is charging 12 US dollar for shipping and i made some bad experience once ordering chips from US. Payed 30€ extra for duty.  

Does anybody know something.

I need 4 of them.



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Let's make this "European NJU7304D bulk order" topic ;) I'll PM you later.

(@mouser, don't know alternatives)

Maybe that's because Mouser is stocking the last ones (of this DISCONTINUED part) in the Whole World?? (mantra: IamnotgonnasayanythingIamnot...)

Bye, Moebius

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Smash - a good idea ;)

I don't REALLY know a thing about customs handling between the US and EU countries - but I guess, direct orders from Mouser (even by individuals) will be handled as they were for commercial usage, unlike (DIY electronic kits maker) PAiAs -

"Shipments are declared as "Electronic Hobby Kits" for lowest legal duties"

I don't know if this really matters - but maybe a middleman in the US could save us europeans from UNFAIR customs handling, even with a bulk order - we are hobbyist afterall.  ;D

Bye, Moebius

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Hey guys let me know if I can be of any help with a bulk order for these....

thanks for the offer! is this no problem for you? (i can imagine you lead a busy life  ;D ) if it is;

i also know small bear electronics, a (guitar)fx diy part/kit supplier;http://www.smallbearelec.com/

can supply mouser parts (if you order something from smallbear?). Cost is mouser catalog price + $7,- + the shipping costs to europe (ranges from $3,50 to $9,50 depending on weight)

(i need parts from small bear anyway but dunno if this is a good deal?)

anyway let's see who's interested in the bulk and we'll contact you smash.

bye, marcel

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Smash - a good idea ;)

I don't REALLY know a thing about customs handling between the US and EU countries

That's the bad part, nobody does!  VAT and other shipment recpt. taxes are a Euro only thing, and there is no way to know what a customs agent in any particular country will value a shipment at when it comes across his hands.  

I have been shipping small things all over the planet since way before the MIDIbox days, and the VAT laws of each country seem to be open to very wide interpretation.  I once shipped a package to Australia that contained a mylar overlay worth around $150usd.  The contents weighed less than the packaging (less than 1lb), it was insured for the properly declared value in the customs forms (that were all complete and correct).  When it got there he had to pay roughly $50usd VAT to recieve it! :o

but I guess, direct orders from Mouser (even by individuals) will be handled as they were for commercial usage, unlike (DIY electronic kits maker) PAiAs -


I really do need to go visit them again, Been many years.....They are only 20 miles or so from me (other side of the city).  Very nice people, great deals on rackmount enclosures.....:)
I don't know if this really matters - but maybe a middleman in the US could save us europeans from UNFAIR customs handling, even with a bulk order - we are hobbyist afterall.  ;D

Bye, Moebius

My thinking exactly.  Paying VAT, international shipping, then local shipping (after the contents is split for the "last mile") on one big box could be way cheaper than all of that for individual shipments.  



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Hi all,

so maybe Smash can order them and send them to us. i am located in germany and austria. What would be the price for shipping and VAT for germany?



Well, nobody knows yet ;) First, we don't know yet how many people are wanting to participate in this bulk order, splitting the costs of shipping ect.

An the big unknown: It dependents very much on what Customs duty is going to be.

Packets between EU countries are duty free and shipping should be pretty cheap..

Bye, Moebius

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This weekend i'm going to place the (european bulk)order for the S&H chips for the SHX8-module. Smash tv has offered to help us as a middleman (thanks Tim!) Price will be mouser catalog price + the shippincosts/participant (i will calculate then)


for now the only participants are;




cheers, marcel

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  • 2 months later...

BIG Thumbs UP for Tim (SmashTV) and Marcel (illogik)! ;D

The wait was rewarded as today I got to pick-up nicely packed goods from the Post Office.

So - Thanks illogik, for arranging this thing and using his "PayPal Powers" ;) and thanks Smash, for being the U.S. contact.. especially for picking up unrelated PAiA stuff for me!

And respect to both for trust and credit in payment.

From my view everything went smoothly,

Moebius/ Samppa

p.s. Note on Fatman pcbs.. hmm over 40(!) wirelinks there - some things are better done "double sided"  ;D

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  • 3 weeks later...

i wanted to bring this up again, cause i received the package from illogic last week.

great stuff, hope that i can use these wonderfull little chips soon, and control my modular synth.

Until now i refused to think about the possibilities i have. too much for my small brain

but thanks again to illogic and Smash TV. Great work.


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