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Warning - The Germans are planning for a Motorfader group order!!?!


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Hey Moebius

Yes we do... but I'm Swiss :-*

I was thinking about posting in the international forum part  ;) - The Problem is, that when I distribute the single orders to other countries than Switzerland or Germany, it would be way too expensive  :'( (individual Shipping costs)

If I would have a big enough bulk order from an other country, I could send the whole package to a spezified "middle man" (perhaps you ::))which then sends the small packages to the "end user".

I bet you understand the price listing. Otherwise ask for translation in this thread.

Greets, Roger

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Hey Moebius

Yes we do... but I'm Swiss :-*


I was thinking about posting in the international forum part  ;) - The Problem is, that when I distribute the single orders to other countries than Switzerland or Germany, it would be way too expensive  :'( (individual Shipping costs)

I don't believe so - Can you even have a quote for 8 motorfaders -  From Finland? If Germany is better, for the costs, just pass that order to somebody that is willing to take the stress.

"..Err, ME? Ok. If you "maybe" want some Motorfaders from ALPs.. just send your money to me"..

NO? ;=)


For US EUROPEANS - if the shipping is the problem, well - MY postal service will take care of that small packages - no problem.

Bye, Moebius/ Samppa

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I can split some up in the US, and some other countries that are relatively cheap to ship to (like Mexico, Canada, parts of the UK, etc.).

Just let me know what I can do to help..... :)

I would love to take part in the bulk order also, if possible. (Time to build a couple of 24ch boxes....need more faders...)  ;D

Any good leads on conductive fader caps to fit these? I -had- a decent apem rep but he moved on and that distributor quit carrying the line.......



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O.k. let me explain:

I live in Switzerland and the freight costs to other countries (including Germany) are about the same as if you would transport Gold from one US state to another  ;D

For Germany I would cross the border and send those packages from there  ;)

I can split some up in the US, and some other countries that are relatively cheap to ship to (like Mexico, Canada, parts of the UK, etc.).

Just let me know what I can do to help.....

... thanks Smash! That's the point to release the international order  :D

I would love to take part in the bulk order also, if possible. (Time to build a couple of 24ch boxes....need more faders...) 

Any good leads on conductive fader caps to fit these? I -had- a decent apem rep but he moved on and that distributor quit carrying the line.......

... it's all in this thread:

I will setup a new webpage this weekend with links to all the datasheets as well as pix of the stuff

Time to build a couple of 24ch boxes....need more faders

... I would recommend the K-Type fader (it's more "heavy duty"). I will ask Thorsten to test it for us (I would send him a sample) ... he once offered this in another thread.

Greets, Roger

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... this is the information webpage for the motorfader bulk order. - Prices will be posted next.

Please notice that I'm also ordering Knobs and Buttons. If anybody would like to extend / join my order... I'll be happy to profit for better bulk prices ;D

I'm sorry, I'll order only spezified items (no special order for other knob / buttons types)

Greets, Roger

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Hi Roger, actually ;)

Talking about those shipping prices... Do you have a really bad post office pricing over there in Switcherland? And Alps.de is probably, er.. in Germany? Just thinking - couldn't you hand over this to some german, if there's somebody interested? Maybe only for payment collecting and delivery?

Bye, Moebius

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Hey moebius,

Do you have a really bad post office pricing over there in Switcherland? And Alps.de is probably, er.. in Germany? Just thinking - couldn't you hand over this to some german, if there's somebody interested?

Roger already told us in a earlier post that he will cross the border to Germany for worldwide shipping.

But if he want's some help... I live in Germany only 1 hour from switzerland. So it would be no Problem for me to do the shipping (even if I don't know now if I will order some faders...).

Roger, let me know, if you need some help.


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The K-Type MFs are on their way to Thorsten. - Thank you for the service Mr Schmidt (albs.de)!

... and sorry, I forgot :-[... THX to Thorsten for his efforts of course  :-*

Just thinking - couldn't you hand over this to some german, if there's somebody interested? Maybe only for payment collecting and delivery?

So it would be no Problem for me to do the shipping (even if I don't know now if I will order some faders...).

Roger, let me know, if you need some help.

... I will think about that. - Thanks Raphael! I know, that my location is not the best but after there was mostly just talking about and around bulk orders I thought, that now is time for action and since I'm right about buying my stuff why not offer the service to the forum... good to know, that there are helping hands from Germany (Raphael) and USA (SmashTV).

Greets, Roger

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Prices for "SIFAM Push On Knobs" are published... the other ones are following (maybe tomorrow, I had to get used to Excel formulas again  :P)


Greets, Roger

PS: Please remember that the official start is in a new thread, as soon as we have Thorstens feedback on the K-Type faders. I then try to daily update the current order state in the Excel sheed, which always calculates the depending discount according the total ordered pieces.

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Prices for ALPS are published.


Information and prices on Fader Knobs will follow soon.

Talking about those shipping prices... Do you have a really bad post office pricing over there in Switcherland? And Alps.de is probably, er.. in Germany? Just thinking - couldn't you hand over this to some german, if there's somebody interested? Maybe only for payment collecting and delivery?

... I was actually thinking about asking Raphael to do the handling (payment / shipping) since he made me this offer, but when I recently was typing the prices into the Excel sheets, I realized, that the Swiss MwSt is only 7.6% but the German is 16%  :-\

Greets, Roger

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... I was actually thinking about asking Raphael to do the handling (payment / shipping) since he made me this offer, but when I recently was typing the prices into the Excel sheets, I realized, that the Swiss MwSt is only 7.6% but the German is 16%

Advantage.... Switzerland ;D

If you need some help with shipping all over europe, just contact me...


P.S.: I'm still thinking about 16 Motorfaders and Knobs... I'll mail you in next two weeks.

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This is my first post to the forum, and I am very impressed with this live community.

I am not able to open the link to the bulk order page (http://home.tiscali.ch/screamingrabbit/Pages/UCAppsBulk_Order/BULK_Start.htm) but I am very interrested in buying a small bunch of motor-faders and motor-pots. Am I to late?

ps. I live in Iceland if that's ok...

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Hey bjarnit

No, you're not too late, we're waiting for some additional fader tests, Thorsten is doing for us.

I tried to avoid using too many active-x stuff for the website. - Please try to change your safety settings (iexplorer / firewall).

You can trust me, there ain't any viruses on my site  ;)

Greets, Roger

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I just needed to restart my computer and then the internet worked again :)

A few questions:

1) What is the difference between "Single Unit" and "Dual Unit" faders? Why do we want "single unit"?

2) Are logarithmic faders more expensive or just not suitable for a midibox? (I am planning to send audio through some of them too)

2) Will the encoder with led ring take up a billion analog outs and ins, or is there some smart behaviour built in?

3) Why does it say 5kOhm!!! by the joystick? is that bad? (Sorry I'm a newbie)

4) Are there any other colors available than black and silver for the knobs, or would it mabey be smarter to use some other supplier for those instead of having them sent to me from germany? (If anione else has conductive fader knobs..)

Thanks and sorry for all the stupid newbie questions.


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