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MIOS Studio Beta Release


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Hi Jidis,

I've made some more changes so you might want to download the beta5 version again before heading back to the studio ;)

I've basically implemented it in the way I described before, the string is split into multiple sysex messages for each line.  The LCD should physically display the way it looks in MIOS Studio, I've tried it with a 16 x 2 and a 20 x 4 display and it worked great for me.

Can you try it out and let me know your thoughts?



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A couple quick observations in the new build (I'm still at home).

- I can now reduce the extended width without restarting MS :)

- The height is still funky. Values beyond 2 actually reduce the height if anything and I haven't gotten a "1 liner" to display intentionally. It also does random things if I exceed the line limit via the return key, etc. (it sometimes suddenly shrinks the display to something really small or makes it really tall and narrow, pushing all the buttons off the bottom of the screen).

- It also doesn't stop your text at the last (maximum) character, and the length of the entered text sometimes goes beyond the window side or bottom and is cutoff. I've also seen the text string automatically resize the display and shrink it way back during a long backspace.

None of this is probably worth fighting with if it's difficult. For me, or most others, you can always get the correct size and layout with a few extra keystrokes (it's a simulated display anyway). If it prints to the MB properly, we're all set!

I'm dying to try that constant on/off message output tonight.

                                                                      - Thanks Again

PS - This (home) has been under Win2Ksp4 on an AthlonXP. Studio is another Athlon rig running XPPro and there's also 98SE I can check there.

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Hi Jidis,

Most of the resizing problems are problems with the way Swing resizes things - if it looks like it shrinks when you are meant to be enlarging it, try making the actual window bigger and it should expand out to the correct size.

There are a couple of interesting bugs/features with the way Swing handles the resizing of the text box, I'm still playing around with it to try and find the best solution. Currently if you exceed the number of characters for a line, the textbox will expand. This is because you need to put in a hard newline character ("\n") for it to go the next line, if the text wrapped to the next line there would be no way of splitting it up into multiple sysex messages - it'd treat it all as one long string due to the text wrapping.

I'll play around with it some more, one other thing is the "current cursor" option can lead to unexpected results - I'm still tossing up on how to deal with it.

- Adam

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I haven't left yet. It all makes sense now. It is indeed going by the MIOS Studio window size like you say. I had the app maximized and it was a lot better. It doesn't seem to blow right back up if you've had it in too small a window and switch (but so what). It also looks like the h/w settings aren't available after there's text in the box (another so what) and I can still get invisible text or chopped off text if I'm off the side or bottom.

So I guess you're saying the "return" to the next line is what the MIDIBox will agree with (I'll see in a little while). If you could get it to smash into the borders without running past that would be cool too.

-Thanks a lot!

PS- I personally won't need the "current cursor" right now.

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Hi Jidis,

How did you go with testing it? I've spent the last two days pulling my hair out trying to make the text box behave the way I want it to (restricting number of lines, number of characters per line, etc) , so you might want to download the beta5 again and try the new settings.

Maybe I went about it the totally wrong way, but what seemed like a really simple task ended up being way more complicated than I thought! But finally it works how I think it should work, it might take a little getting used to but try it out and see what you think. Basically the same as before, but text smashes into the borders like you wanted. Any text that moves beyond the borders (eg: by inserting some text before some exisitng text) will be deleted. Should make sense when you actually use it - just remember it doesn't behave exactly like a normal text box, there is no word wrap so you have to think in terms of lines, columns, etc.

- Adam

PS - The resizing problem is not fixed yet, that's another problem altogether!

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Hey again Adam,

I actually stayed home the past three nights to catch up on some stuff here and just made it to the studio tonight (where the box is). That last one worked great out there for the few minutes that I used it. The way you describe it, the wrap thing should be cured now :) That was the only significant thing I really noticed in it. The words would extend past the edges and show up at the beginning of the first column on the MB. As long as you can't enter anything that you can't see on the virtual display, it should be great!

Only other really minor thing was that it would occasionally let the current MB page flash through for a second or so while it was in message loop mode. - Not really a problem for layout tests.

                                         I'll have this new one with me tomorrow night.

-Thanks again for the app!     

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  • 3 months later...


Just a note for OSX users, Apple released a java update recently which seems to have brought OSX java up to date with the rest of the world. I'm still yet to do a proper test with MIOS studio as I don't have a MIDI interface handy and my MBLC is about 10k miles away (I kid you not! ;) )


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  • 1 month later...

I think that a full patch editor wouldn't be worth the effort, for such things we already have JSynthLib, which is also a java application.

But an alternative SysEx patch librarian to TL's SID/FM manager would be very useful - a patch manager which allows to load/store/copy/paste/move patches within a bank for all MIDIbox applications.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 months later...

I dont know what Im doing wrong here, but I cant get it to work!

"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:"

I have tried everything I can come up with.

Can anyone plz link the files I need to have installed to get it to work?

Its a WinXP system and I hope I got the right Javaapps installed.

Also got some problems with JSynth, but "java -cp . " made it work.

I want to update MIOS, but I dont want to open my SIDbox and take out the PICs and reburn them.

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