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Where to buy 10k potentiometers with "snap" at 5k?


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Hello all,

Where can I find 10k lin pots that "snap" at 5k? (not sure if my terminology is correct... see below for explanation)

I want to have the pots that I have assigned to be EQ controls to "snap" at around the half way mark, so that I can reset the EQ's to 0db trim easily and get some sort of tactile feedback from the pot that its at the halfway (5k) mark.

My Mackie1202 VLZPro has EQ pots that snap at 0db trim - surely these are commonly available?



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(not sure if my terminology is correct... see below for explanation)

You are looking for "center detent".....The surplus dealers are the best place to find these since they are usually custom manufactured at build time.....

Good luck, please post your findings!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I know a store here in Sweden, http://www.trimlog.se

Prices in SEK ...

Look under: Elektronikkomponenter/Potentiometrar/Potentiometrar - 6mm 18-srårs axel

Then the pots marked with "centrumklick" at the bottom of the page.

Realy good feeling in those ! Going to be my pot choise for avTraktor box.

Bye, Wise

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know a store here in Sweden, http://www.trimlog.se

Prices in SEK ...

Look under: Elektronikkomponenter/Potentiometrar/Potentiometrar - 6mm 18-srårs axel

Then the pots marked with "centrumklick" at the bottom of the page.

Realy good feeling in those ! Going to be my pot choise for avTraktor box.

Bye, Wise

Hey Wise!

Do you know if they ship outside Sweden? unfortunnaly the website is in swedish only :( but they seem to have great prices.

THank you!

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Hey !

I don't know where they can ship outside Sweden. But I sent a mail to them now and asked.

You'r in Portugal, right ? I'm about to order from them myself in the days now, I could buy some center detend 10k lin pot's (VRB-101M10) and send you one private so you can get a feeling of them. Just have to check the shipping and payment, sounds interesting ?, pm or mail me !


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It may not be the easiest way, but it wouldn't be too hard to engrave a notch in the pot's shaft and come up with a little spring mechanism that would click when the pot is centered. All you really need is a little click, so any little spring mounted onto the back of the panel should do the trick, if you bend it just right. Good luck!

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