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Suppose I have Midiboxes SID and FM, and a Paia Fatman or two in a rack.  Together they have  a lot more outputs than typical keyboard amps have inputs.  The obvious solution would be a simple 12-channel (or so) mixer in a 1U package.  The controls would be level, panpot, mute, and a master output level with maybe a headphone output.  The output would then go to a guitar amp or two, easily and cheaply available from a pawn shop.  I've yet to see an amp intended for keyboards in the local pawn shops.  The summing amp circuits discussed when I brought up adding an internal mixer to a synth sounds like a good place to start.  Opinions?

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Suppose I have Midiboxes SID and FM, and a Paia Fatman or two in a rack. 

Hmm.. Sounds good. Someday someday...  ;) Only got 5 pieces of gear and already having 21 outputs.. I'm not the one liking the small and compact mixers, but searching for "the sound" with plenty of easily reachable faders ect.

Anyway, this sort of a keyboard/line mixers are pretty easy to DIY. Not going for over simple solutions - these are basicly (audio grade) opamp buffers on inputs with a summing opamp on the output.

http://sound.westhost.com/project30.htm - shows plenty of the basic building blocks.

Could be a nice addition to MISC section of the Forum?

Bye, Moebius

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