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ain jitter


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This is a very common problem. The answer however is 99% always the same - Check, double check, triple check your soldering.

Get a multimeter and set it for continuity and make sure every possible connection is true beyond every solder. Print out the wiring diagrams for the AIN and the CORE and check, double, triple check you have everything right. Read the documentation on the AIN: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ain.html and make sure you've got everything covered.

Trust me, it's always your wiring or the soldering.

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hello hopefully someone can help me

im using an ain x4 board and only using two ics so ive clamped the unused ics to ground but im still getting jitter from the pots and sliders has any one got any ideas

                  thanx kris

Hi Kris

Assuming you have a 4051 at IC1 + IC2, nothing in IC3 + IC4, J5:A2 and J5:A3 should be tied to ground. 

Is the jitter from only the pots/sliders connected to the half AIN, or is there random data from controls that are not there?

If it's jitter only on your connected pots (no random data) it is a wiring/ground issue between the pots and AIN, but if you have random data from "ghost" controls the AIN/CORE is not setup correctly, and you will need to fix this before moving on.... 

Jack is 100% correct, just about every issue we see here is related to connections/wiring.



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Have tried all the cable connections between core & ain module, also from pots to ain module with no luck. I have even removed all the chips in the ain modules grounding the relevant pins and yet still i GET A LOT OF RANDOM MIDI SIGNALS ON MOST CHANNELS.

pointing to a fault on the core module maybe? - HELP I have ran out of ideas. can anyone point me in a new direction as to what may be the cause of these problems.

((( I am running the OLD version Pic with the OLD midibox 64 software )))

Thanks -Kris-

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I don't think that this is a problem with the core - is this correct: you are getting random MIDI messages even when all analog inputs are tied to ground?

Then I would assume, that you forgot the 10k pull-up resistor R9 at pin RD1

Check also, if the 1k pull-up resistor R2 at pin RA4 is connected properly

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Please Please Help - Im pulling my hair out now. all analogue inputs have been grounded & also the chips have been removed plus the +5v power removed from the din. I have checked the connections of the 2 pull up resistors you mentioned plus checked the values on the board also the whole core module has been checked & double checked for mistakes. I'm still getting erratic midi signals and have completely run out of ideas. thanks in advance from kris.....

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Please Please Help - Im pulling my hair out now. all analogue inputs have been grounded & also the chips have been removed plus the +5v power removed from the din.

Just to be clear: the word "din" in that sentence is a typo right?

If you ground the inputs on the ain board -and- remove the chips, the connection from core to ain will be left floating.....and it will give random data depending on cabling.

I have checked the connections of the 2 pull up resistors you mentioned plus checked the values on the board also the whole core module has been checked & double checked for mistakes. I'm still getting erratic midi signals and have completely run out of ideas. thanks in advance from kris.....
My rule of thumb is to inspect polarity, connectors, and soldering.  Usually don't have to go past there, but next step if solder passes visual again is to reflow every solder connection on the board.  Even pro solder monkeys can make a bad solder connection that looks great.

On your AIN board: are you using mine or another layout, and are your jumpers in place?

Describe your power supply.....I have seen builders with these symptoms from trying to run a switching power supply vs. linear.

Ready to help, but need more info......  ;)



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Just stumbled across this when completing my core.

I use only one AIN module, so I thought that the other muxed AIN inputs on J5 of the core (A4...A7) should be clamped to ground, too. Maybe this helps... and if this is the case, then it should be mentioned on the core page in the J5 description, right?

Right now I'm about to power up and check those cores... so excited  :D - aaand, the cores rush to life, all voltages fine 8)

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thanx very much for the response as i say i dont allways have internet so it takes me time to reply

the boards are from mikes as i orderd them in europe

the power supply is from my computer supply

ive pretty much remade all of the solder connections on the core board and between the core and ain board and din boards

the 4051's are in the first two sockets and the other two are grounded your right it was a typo jumpers are inplace and jst for the record im using anold pic and an old version of the midibox software

im now wondering about quality of components

im thinking about remaking as one board to do away with interconnections

thankz very much

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thanx for the reply

    when you say not so clean what do you mean

      i can try with another power supply but its quite important to use the computer power supply so maybe there is a solution somebody knows something about

        thanx kris

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computers have switching PSU's (google it) and as far as i understand this can cause the voltages to have spikes/ be unstable. But you are using this PSU on it self or together with PC? using it simultanious with the pc could cause problems for sure.

to be sure you can just test it with a regular adapter/wall wart and then fix it up with the PCPSU

cheers, marcel

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  • 3 weeks later...

thanx for everybodies help it wasnt a problem with the power supply

as usual connection problems and a faulty 4051

finally im done and time to have some fun with my new box ill post some photos when i get chance

once again thanx for all of your help i think sometimes leaving it going and doing something different then coming back is the answer


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