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Application Upload mb64/mb64e


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Hi there,

after i got my mios on the pic, i try to upload the mb64/mb64e to the cores i want to use (one for mb64, one for mb64e) with the virtual-midibox-gui. But I don´t know if it did work. Do i have to connect all my din, dout and ain modules to the core before i make the upload? how can i test my hardware and see if the dump did work?

thx & greetz, lide

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ok. i already got it!  :)

but now that i have contacted one pot to ain it seems that only one half of the pot range is controling the whole parameters 0-127. i think this is software prob. Can i change a parameter in virtual midibox to solve this problem?

and i wanted to test controling ableton live with this pot. i couldn´t assign the pot to any virtual pot/fader in live with the midi learn function of live. why? my midi-led shows that there is signal coming in to my pc and live.

mmmhh.... strange this. would be nice to get help from you guys... ??? :(

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hi thorsten,

i currently have connected one ain-module to one core and only one pot to the ain. the other free ain-pins are connected to ground. mios and mb64-app running on the pic.

the problem with live is solved... i forgot to activate the remote for midi-in-port:-[.

but the pot-behaviour is still the same. if i turn the pot from left to right, the parameters on the display reach max (127) at half of the complete pot range (mid pos.). i got no idea which changes i have to make in main.asm.

maybe i didn´t read carefully enough...

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yesterday i read the main.asm of mb64-app carefully and couldn´t find anything which aims to be the function/parameter to adjust to solve this one. i also read the function-reference without success...

anyone help? i really want to finish my midibox this week.  :'(

greetz, lide

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yes i think so. and the 5V are on the ain module as supposed.

if i change the left and the right pin (vcc and ground) on the pot it should be the same with the difference that the value is decreasing while turning the pot to right, correct? will try this tomorrow. if i measure the voltage between the middle pin and the left or right pin when connected to ain, what voltage-range should be there if i turn the pot from min to max?

i will check my hardware tomorrow, because i don´t have it at home right now.

thanks for help so far moebius

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The pot is working as a voltage divider. Say, You have GND at left side of the pot and Vcc  (+5VDC) on the right = the pot turned to left (end position), the left pin and the center pin = 0V, pot turned to right (end position), the left pin and the center pin = 5V.. should be around 2,5V at the middle of the turn.

Bye, Moebius

p.s. Hmm.. just started to think.. are you sure you have a linear potentiometer?

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p.s. Hmm.. just started to think.. are you sure you have a linear potentiometer?

I also thought about this possibility, on the other hand Lide wrote, that 0-127 is sent with one half. A logarithmic pot would reach 80 or so, but not 127 at the middle

But if the description is not detailed enough, then you are right: it could be a pot with log behaviour

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok, i measured the following:

- pot on pin 1 at ain, pin 2-16 in ground: pot voltage ranges from 0,75V (left) to 5,8 (right) while the display starts to react at 3,4V to increase the value from 0 to 118 (5,75V/right). Turning to the middle i measure about 2,6V. The pot shows a print on the housing that says "10k A".

- connecting the pot to pin 16: voltages are the same, display reacts at about 3,8V (0) increasing to 116 (5,75V).

Sorry that i´m not that familiar with electronics/programming and detailed in my descriptions.

But thanks very much for your time!

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it seems to be grounding problem. i asked a friend of me to look at it and with the scope he measured peaks on ground signal. so i had to much crossings from board to board. he said the most important is to make circuits always starlike and as short as possible.

since i don´t have my front and back panels yet, i connot go on further. this was only for testing if the software works properly. it seems to.

i think on thursday i´ll get my front- and backpanel, so i can mount the stuff together as it should be and then have a second look on it. i´ll post here again then if it´s better than work i´ve done before  :-[

so far i thank you all again very much for assistance.

greetz, lide.

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'A' normally means a linear pot. So this seams OK.

Actually, the A and B markings are subjective to the manufacturer.  The most common (standard) is A=Log and B=Lin but now some manufacturers make Linear pots marked A and Log pots marked B.

From -most- manufacturers a "10k A" will be a log pot.  The only way to know for sure is to measure.

I have seen mention on usenet of Malpin and some other known parts houses selling pots with the "new" marking standard....



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Actually, the A and B markings are subjective to the manufacturer.  The most common (standard) is A=Log and B=Lin but now some manufacturers make Linear pots marked A and Log pots marked B.

From -most- manufacturers a "10k A" will be a log pot.  The only way to know for sure is to measure.

Thanks, Smash for clarifying (and sorry Lide for missleading you)!

I didn`t knew this. All my lin pots are marked with A (or without any mark). So A and B markings are like most other "industrial standards" - worthless :-\

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