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SID 8580s for sale! I found about 100 of them!


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Hi.. i don't know if i'm breaking the forum rules, if i am, i'm sorry, and tell me and i'll delete this.  I am not selling anything though, but my friend in the commodore underground found a guy who just got about 100 unused never inserted sid 8580s, and he hasn't listed them on ebay.  I am trying to negotiate buying some in advance, and if anyone is looking for this chip, i would be happy to try to get you in touch with the guy.

The 8580 runs cooler, and has much better filtering, but lacks some of the gritty distortion of the 6581.  It's up top you guys.  I am not making any money out of this, i just thought you';d want to know about this.

Again, i don't know if you're not allowed to post about commercial opportunities like this on the baord, so if  you aren't, please, don't ban me, jsut tell me and i'll delete the post.

just sharing the good news

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I don't see why this would not be allowed on the forum, everyone wants SID chips, don't they? So the community can only profit from another source of fresh SIDs. Unless they're priced too high, but then the seller is going to have a hard time selling them anyway.

I only think you posted on the wrong board, there's a special area for this kind of posts called Parts Archive. I think the moderator will move it there shortly :-)

Cheers,  Alex.

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Thanks.. i'll post on parts archive now.. i just thought the SId forum was good for sids.

the price i was quotes was 35$ canadian, but that was for one.  I think a batch buy would fetch a discount.  It's not the cheapest, but not the most expensive i've seen. 6581s are easy to come by as there are just so many more of them, and they are often about 20$ on ebay.  Once you factor in the flesh you have to cut off.

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Hey Slorrin, i'll be interested in buying at least two of these, possibly four depending on the price. Can you pm me or mail me some details as soon as you get them?? This'll be great for alleviating my guilt at taking apart these lovely old machines ;)

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Here's the deal.  I can get 30 of them at a discount price of 31$ american + SH to wherever you are.  They are going to go on ebay at 35$ american + SH, so this is the discount.

It's slightly more if I only get 20.  IT's not the hugest discount, but it's a discount!  If i can get people for 30 chips i'll get 30, if i can get people for 20 chips, i'll get 20, so if you neeed 8580s, private message me and i'll write you down. 

Fingers crossed we get enough!

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