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New source of SID 8580s!


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Sorry, i am making this the only thread.. i started the first 2 in the wrong section.

Here's the deal.  I can get 30 of them at a discount price of 31$ american + SH to wherever you are.  They are going to go on ebay at 35$ american + SH, so this is the discount.

It's slightly more if I only get 20.  IT's not the hugest discount, but it's a discount!  If i can get people for 30 chips i'll get 30, if i can get people for 20 chips, i'll get 20, so if you neeed 8580s, private message me and i'll write you down.

Fingers crossed we get enough!

31$ us Per chip.  they will be 35$ per chip online.

more than a 6581, but the sound is different, so if you want the 8580 sound this is a means to that end.

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Sorry, you told me that you were going to relist them on ebay when i messaged you the first time.  Friend of a friend is sort of a generic "i know a guy who knwos a guy" you know?

Anyway, i wanted to broker a discount for the midibox sid community, because i've seen enough people trying to find sids and intact commodores.  IF you were already on here, i didn't know, but now that i do, could offer a discount directly to this group now and I don't need to bother?  W ould you be willing to treat this midibox community as a single entity and if the community en masse orders a sufficient ammount of sids would you give us a group discount?  This would save a lot of reshipping costs and let everyone deal with a single direct supplier!

Pretty please?!

I arrived at 31$ US from the discounted price you quoted me converting to  about 27.50$ US and then the price of 3.50 US to ship them from my house where i was planning to order them from to the others, who predominantly live in the united states, btw.  So i wasn't trying to make a prophit, just to act as a hub for people to get these sids.  Sory if it caused confusion, but no harm no foul. 

So now that you've spoken up though, how about offering the price you quoted me to the good lads and ladies on this form directly?  they'd get a furthr discount (as i owuld not ahve to include reshipping charges).

Shipping for 30 chips: $9.87 + $6.00 insurance + fuel surcharge + GST = $17.69

this is what i was quoted,

30 chips at 35 CDN - 15% discount = 892.5

(892.5 + 17.69) / 30 = 30.33

30.33 CDN =~ 27.50 US

Shipping to the US of a chip i estimated at about 3.50, i 31$ US.

Just to let you know where i got the number from, and that i was not trying to markup or make a profit.  I guess i might have made around 30$ if my shipping estimate was off ... ahah.. awesome proffits!

BTW.. the guy who posted saying he got them for liek 12 euros.. WHERE? ! 

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hey polyfusion,

i expect there are a lot of people quite interested..

not me though.. the price is way to high.. i buy my chips for about 5 euros.. with the commodore 64 still attached (they are 8580's)

but for some.. new unused chips would be their first choice..

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hey polyfusion,

why dont YOU sell them here.. i expect there are a lot of people quite interested.. not me though.. the price is way to high.. i buy my chips for about 5 euros.. with the commodore 64 still attached (they are 8580's)

but for some.. new unused chips would be their first choice..

Yeah, that would be simplest.

BTW, where are you getting 5 euro C64C rev 2s or newer 128s?  because man, in toronto, all you find are brown breadbox styles and 6581 R4s in C64Cs...

I need more european friends.. sigh

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Actually, Old English is very close to dutch.  the branch of germanic that dutch and english are both on split majorly when the danish influence on english started in the 8th century after the danish invasion, and then really split when the normans invaded and brought their weird norman french.  But dutch and old english at least share a common parent.  However, old english is SO vastly different from middle or modern english that they're unrecognizable..

if i wrote like

Ic gelufie thu tha tha haest wundorlic eigen

no english speaker could understand that.

too bad though, it's a beautiful language.

BTW!!!  iwould one of you wonderful europeans like to help some north americans find the impossible to find 8580 ??

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hey polyfusion,

why dont YOU sell them here.. i expect there are a lot of people quite interested.. not me though.. the price is way to high.. i buy my chips for about 5 euros.. with the commodore 64 still attached (they are 8580's)

Wisefire: I wasn't planning to sell stuff through this forum. That said, if anyone is interested in getting some brand new 8580 R5 chips, just give me a shout.

Hey Slorrin, no hard feelings about this, I just got worried when I saw stuff about these SIDs in posts all over the forum and thought I better speak up.

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Wisefire: I wasn't planning to sell stuff through this forum. That said, if anyone is interested in getting some brand new 8580 R5 chips, just give me a shout.

Hey Slorrin, no hard feelings about this, I just got worried when I saw stuff about these SIDs in posts all over the forum and thought I better speak up.

No probs.  If i had known you were on this forum, i would have just asked you directly to deal with us as a group.  the prices are a little steep, to be sure, but the demand is high.

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Ic gelufie thu tha tha haest wundorlic eigen

I believe you * * got marvelous own(as in "my own".. not in "i own you")

what does it mean?

as for the 8580 chips.. the price is cheap but the time it takes to get it is another story..

You love you that has wonderful eyes.

or more literally, I REALLY love you that which has wonderul eyes.

ge is like latin co, it's an intensifying prefix.  Lufian is love, but geLufian is REALLY love.. like looooove loooove.

DAMN for time... hmm.. if only i could send you some of the abundant time we have in acanada.. Here in canada, time passes very slowly.. we could trade time for cheapness...

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As Slorrin mentioned, I have about 100 brand new 8580 chips (R5). I'll test each before shipping to make sure that all 3 channels work properly and the filter sounds as it should.

To keep things simple, the price is US $29 including postage to the USA/Canada and US $30 including air mail postage to Europe/Oz/and the rest of the world. Chips are packed in static tubes and bags. Money back guarantee against DOA.

PM me if you're interested and I'll let you know how to order by Visa/Mastercard.

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I have been looking into getting 64C-II units and the price of the units + shipping always totals more than 29$ US.  So this looks like, for north americans, to be the best possible deal.

I'm not in league with this guy and trying to promote his sids or anything, if you can find cheaper sids, please share.  But after numerous Ebay dissapointments as prices went up beyond the 29$ US level, i am starting to hink i'll just buy my sids from old siddy here.  Sidman.

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