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MIDIbox SID V1.4/18F


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Hi *,

I just have finished the port of MIDIbox SID to the MIOS platform.

It behaves 1:1 like a PIC16F SID box, but the performance is much better. The software engine takes about 200 uS instead of 600 uS for one update cycle on the PIC18F, this gives us enough freedom for additional features (primary the Control surface). However, since both versions have been implemented like a realtime system, you will hear no difference. ;-) Even if a long envelope or a slow LFO is played, the timing is absolutely cycle accurate.

The code can be found under Concepts->MIOS->Download

I will release a first version for a minimal Control Interface with 6 buttons, one rotary encoder and a 2x20 LCD in the next days. :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi all,

Can´t wait!!  ;)

Sorry to ask,but I must.......When can we connect all our 3-16 SID in a row with one display and one bankstick...???   ;D

I'm not sure, maybe after the minimal control surface has been finished, but this step could be delayed, since I also want to finalize my MIDIbox64seq (PIC16F and PIC18F version) before continuing - however, it will be possible sooner or later! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Can i be the guinea pig for a 18F 4 Sid monster - is the mios code dun with this rls, soz the whole MIOS thing kinda pass me by a bit - needs much more readin ;)

Only cos, I've built the 4 cores and sid brds already ;) the master with the 18F and the rest with the 16F

Also, i'm gonna use a 4x40 LCD (as i have one already) for this sid control surface - would i be able to make more use of the added character space?



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Hi Dan,

I've just added a MIOS introduction to my homepage which should make the concept clear. ;-)

4x40 LCD: sure - will work. But you have to enhance the application by yourself, so that it prints more or less usefull messages on the additional space. Thereafter you can send me your modifications so that I can release it with the official version.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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T, again u've suppassed urself - I'm now a member of the SID 18F club :) ;) It works puuuuuuurfect!

Can i hook up the other 3 16F sids i've done with this rls tho? Also, am i able to have all the pots/buttons/encoders/leds etc on that SID 18F core?

I've had a read and look, is there where i havto to modify code :(

In 4 SID heaven....


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Hi Dan,

fine that it works! :)

No, this release doesn't provide the control surface handling, this has to be done when my own hardware is ready (could take 2-3 weeks).

You could modify sid_ain.inc. SID CC's can be controlled with the SID_CCIN_Set function.

However, in the meantime I had the idea for a very flexible minimal control unit which is similar to MIDIbox TC, but much faster in the handling (it's a mix between the VST parameter handling of Logic Control and the F-key handling of a HP48 calculator ;-)) and it will provide several hardware options: 2x16, 2x20 or 2x40 LCD, 8 buttons, 6 buttons/1 encoder, 8 buttons/1 pot, etc.

So, if you want to control your SID(s) directly without a computer, it could be a good idea to continue with the MIDIbox TC example. I will release the interim solution possibly tomorrow :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Great! ;D

i'll prolly hold out for the control surface to arise then, at least now i have all the internals workin ;) also started refurbishing and ol c64 case to put it all in...;p Besides, i've still gotta finish my original MB64 and MBLC in the meantime... so plenty to keep me busy until the MBSID control drops....

Thanks again...


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Hi Dan,

thats ok, the concept allows to load the application also into the MIDIbox LC (or into a PIC18F based MIDIbox64) so that you can control the SIDs from another MIDIbox via remote ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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okay, a cpl more q's :p...

1. In this post: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=news;action=display;num=1042125068;start=15#15 (Launch of SID 1.4 f/w) you say:

The interaction between the control surface and the external SID cores will happen over common MIDI connections. Every core gets it's one device number, so that up to 16 cores can be accessed. It will be a one-way connection between MIDI OUT of the control surface and the MIDI INs of the other cores. The MIDI OUTs of the external cores will not be used, since every slave is under direct control of the master core. The SysEx commands which are necessary for this configuration have been introduced in firmware release v1.4

Does that mean that i can as of now connect the midi out of the 18F 1.4 SID to the MIDI in of the 3 other 16F 1.4 SIDs and control them, as i'm running the 1.4 f/w? Do i connect just the audio outs of the 3 16Fs to the IN of the 18F too?

2. In the same post, you also posted a rather tasty layout for the control surface front panel ;) Is this all still doable? I'm in the process of panel contruction for my other boxes now, and wanna do the SID control in the same hit too if i can. I'd do more-or-less the same design except mebbe replace the encoders for pots, and just have the one main enocoder (by the LCD in ur design). Is this okay? will i have the same functionality?

I'll leave the q's there for now ;)



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Hi Dan,

Does that mean that i can as of now connect the midi out of the 18F 1.4 SID to the MIDI in of the 3 other 16F 1.4 SIDs and control them, as i'm running the 1.4 f/w? Do i connect just the audio outs of the 3 16Fs to the IN of the 18F too?

Currently this option isn't supported, therefore you have to connect the MIDI INs of the other SIDs to J11:MI and J11:Vs

As soon as the "through" option is available, the slave SIDs have to be connected to J11:MO instead so that the control surface is able to insert additional events.

2. In the same post, you also posted a rather tasty layout for the control surface front panel ;) Is this all still doable?

Please don't start with the panel before I've finished my own panel (I will begin in 1-2 weeks). I don't expect problems, but if I notice that the handling could be improved by adding more buttons (or encoders/pots), the layout could be completely changed.

I'm in the process of panel contruction for my other boxes now, and wanna do the SID control in the same hit too if i can. I'd do more-or-less the same design except mebbe replace the encoders for pots, and just have the one main enocoder (by the LCD in ur design). Is this okay? will i have the same functionality?

Yes, definitively! I just have finished "Step A" of the control surface (see download section, documentation will follow this evening). It's so flexible, that every parameter (also wavetables!) can be edited by using some buttons and an optional rotary encoder (for faster data entry). It supports 2x16, 2x20, 2x40 LCDs w/o loss of any possibilities

Everything else will be optional stuff for an improved direct access to the parameters.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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