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MIOS Studio beta7

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  • 6 months later...

mios studio doesn't work for me :(  installed JRE5.0 rev16, after i run mios studio, everything loooks ok .. i select midi device .. turn on midi in / out monitors ... i have core v3 connected with bootstrap loader .. but no initial sysex received .. when i turn on MIDI-OX, core's initial sysex is received correctly each 2 seconds .. it looks mios doesn't work with my midi device ..

i have windows vista home premium (32bit)

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i think vista isn't bad choice ;-) many apps (for example steinberg cubase 4) works better than with XP ... but that's discussion for other thread ;-)

to you question - i use else ZEND STUDIO (a php developing ide), which is too runing on java, and withou any problem - everything works fine ..

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no - it hasn't nothing to do with audio/midi - its editor/ide for php programming :)

anyway it's not a big problem that mios studio doesn't work under vista for me for now :) - i converted all .hex to .syx and uploaded them via midi-ox ..

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How does your machine work with other java based midi apps?

to you question - i use else ZEND STUDIO (a php developing ide), which is too runing on java, and withou any problem - everything works fine ..

no - it hasn't nothing to do with audio/midi - its editor/ide for php programming :)

Exactly. Try a java based midi app.

anyway it's not a big problem that mios studio doesn't work under vista for me for now :) - i converted all .hex to .syx and uploaded them via midi-ox ..

That's not recommended.

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MIOS Studio doesn't wok under Vista? Crap. Bugfight, get cracking on the MSfW :-)

no ....it's ... that mios studio doesn't work under vista for me for now


Do we really care if it works under vista anyway? So far dendy is the only one to use it around here that I know of ... Sorry dendy this next part isn't aimed at you in particular, it's just my professional opinion (and that of the majority of large corporations through to small businesses and government departments the world over)

Vista is for monkeys. With the amount of teething problems it has, you are looking at a couple of hours on average, possibly much, much more, to get your apps working. It offers little advantage if any, and the machine required to run vista would outperform it when running XP as the reduced overheads contribute to the performance of the XP box. Taking into account the few corner cases where apps are specifically written with vista in mind and may outperform the same box running XP, you still have to spend those couple of hours and possibly much more, getting your apps to work. If you have a job, you're better off just buying a faster CPU with that time/money, than to spend that time/money fighting bugs.

This may change in the future (I'm sure it will, if only when Win7 comes along) but right now, those are the facts. Vista is time/money (same thing) ineffective. Hence, vista is for monkeys.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been running Mios Studio and MidiOx successfully, for several months, on XP_Pro SP2 and have had no problems at all until........ I installed Nokia suite for my 6288 Mobile. This also, apparently, runs under java. Now, everytime I try to load Mios Studio, I get, guess what...Nokia Suite. The only immediate answer I could find was to uninstall Nokia. Anyone got any Ideas ?

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Vista is time/money (same thing) ineffective. Hence, vista is for monkeys.

I don't want to derail this thread to much, but I'd say that your statement is a pretty strong generalization. For us monkeys wanting to use all of our 8gbs of RAM, and still use Windows, the 64-bit versions of Vista is the only effective way to go really. One could use XP 64-bit but there tends to be less good drivers for that OS.

Vista 64-bit sure isn't always that pleasant with its forced driver system and whatnot but for the hardware and purposes I use it for it's still the only effective way to go.

However I can agree that Vista compatibility probably isn't the most important thing for MIOS Studio since monkeys like me still are in a minority. I really can't see why it shouldn't work however and I'll give it a test as soon as my Midibox has taken a more assembled form. :D

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Vista is for monkeys.

good to hear i'm monkey for you :-)

no, really - i know, lot people have opinion like this.. in fact, i had TOO this opinion... but in feb/2008 (i think), i get burned my old notebook, so i must qickly buy new (my notebook is not only heart of my home studio, but also my worktool because i'm coder)... there was vista pre-installed on new one, and i haven't time to reinstall it (lot of deadlines, lot of work in that time;)

so.. i turned off all stupid vista stuff like aero, graphical enhacements, etc .. and stared working with vista, in standart default windows skin,  with plan to downgrade to XP when i will have more time..

... but..

downgrading never happens ..

more that half of year after this, i'm still under vista, no reinstall needed - verything works GREAT, stable, all softwares what i use (for example Cubase 4 studio, photoshop, flash8, ..) works faster and more stable than on my old compter (wich had almost same CPU/MEMORY/HARDDRIVE like new one) ... im very very satisfied with vista - lot more than with XP, i was never able to use XP more than half of year withou need of reinstalling it because of everything was going slow (bootup, turnoff, applications start, etc)

my personal experience is, that lot of people who hate vista haven't never tried it .. or they downloaded some warez cracked version, installed it, tried it for few days without any tunning, with areo and all graphical enhancements turned to maximu on single core cpus with 512 megs of memory and then they were wondering why it doesn't work good..  ::)

imho vista is best OS ever made by M$ .. i personaly doesn't much like M$ & their products, and i thought that vista is shit, but i must say i was wrong.  vista is great OS for me, really stable and fast - i can't say no one bad word on v..

from now, only ONE application wasn't working correctly and this application was MIOS studio :-))) all other apps (for example MidiOX, wich is too working with midi) works great ..

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Thank you, stryd_one, for your comments on the Mios Studio / Nokia problem I have.

I checked the start properties for Mios Studio and it seems there are two options for java. One is standard and the other is 2 platform ?  Mios Studio runs on either of them. When time permits, I will re-install the nokia and see if  each program will run on a different java option. I don't know if the two options belong to the original java installation, or if the nokia install put one of them there.

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to stryd_one

Your first comment,  "Step 1 - Talk to Nokia", proved to be the answer. I downloaded and installed  the latest version of the Nokia Suite and all the problems have disappeared. When I check the properties for the Mios Studio exe file, it now shows the original two java options, platform and 2 platform, but now shows the nokia suite as a third option. Thanks for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted it here too since it would be of interest to people using MIOS Studio. I doubt that they all read my midibox building thread. I really don't see anything wrong with that.

But you are right it doesn't mean that it will work on every single computer in the world running Vista 64-bit.

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I really don't see anything wrong with that.

Then you don't know why crossposting is bad... It's better to just link to a single information source, Eg, write it in here where it's most appropriate, and then put a link to the post in here, in your other thread.

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