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Power Supply


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I can't give specific advice about powering the SID module, but search this area of the forum, and check the wiki.  I know using the c64's PSU has been discussed before. 

Also, does the CORE module need power before the MIDI can be tested?

Yes, you need to provide power to the core for it to turn on. ;)

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is what you should be going by.  I tested the simple PSU board and it was pretty noisy so this is the way to go

With the optimized psu, you will have +5VDC and +14VDC outputs.  The core module needs to have the regulator removed (you can take the rectifier off too) and its input wired to the output, the power will then be supplied to the core via J2.

The +5/GND to the SID will be connected via J2 VCC and VSS pins.  The +14VDC is connected to the SID module via J1. The 14V can be a single wire since GND is connected via J2.  You should also add a big cap (2200 uF/16V) at the end of the +5 and GND power lines to filter digital noise

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I second Altitude, it's definitely the way to go. I've not seen a board layout for the optimised PSU, but it's simple enough to make it on protoboard, even if you've no circuit design experience. This is in fact what I've been doing for the past week or so (Yes, I know I'm slow, I don't have much free time hehe).

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Please excuse my stupidity.

I have seen this but i'm a bit rubbish and i don't really know what to do still. I am fine when i can see a picture of the circuit board and can copy it (like i did for the CORE and SID) but i'm not sure what to do with something like this.

Do i have to take apart the power supply and solder the certain bit's to the right places? Or is it meant to be kept as a whole?

Thank you


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Just buy a din 7 connector (same as the c64 psu) and make the circuit on protoboard

If you have a C64 case, you may as well do what I did and re-use the power socket and switch from the C64 as well. You'll have to bend a few pins on the switch to get them to the spacing on a piece of veroboard, but it's no big deal. You could even use the 2 controller sockets for banksticks, which is what I plan to do.

The pins from the switch work as follows:

Switch 'down' (switch rocked down towards pins):

  x  x
  |  |   <--connected
  x  x

  x  x

Switch 'up' (labeled 'on' on c64 metal plate)

  x  x

  x  x
  |  |
  x  x

I'll probably post some photos of my finished one in a few days once it's done, if you can wait that long.

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Right, I've got it finished and I'm just about to upload some photos to my site so everyone can laugh at my dodgy soldering "skills", but first I have a question: When I turn my power switch to the "off" position, the voltage drops a little, (around 1-1.5V) then slowly goes down. I assume this is the capacitors discharging, but I find it rather odd. Is this normal?

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Photos are uploaded. Not sure what you're after exactly, so www.danielprice.org.uk/synth-diy/sid_2.htm to go see.

Hi there,

that page looks very useful. I'm about to start getting together the parts for my own optimised C64/MIDIBox Sid PSU, and to be honest, I had no idea where to start before I saw your page.

I'm just wondering where you sourced your components from though. I'm guessing from your domain name that you're UK-based. I can't find the the B40C800 rectifier from any of the usual UK suppliers I've used in the past. I'm also having problems tracking down the 100nF and 330nF and 2200uF/25V caps, and have no idea which of the multitude of available types to go for. Any advice for a struggling newbie?




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Hi guys,

thanks for the advice. I've tried RS, but couldn't find the all the capacitors, or the rectifier. I may be looking in the wrong place though.

Any advice on what type of caps to go for?



capacitors are under electronic components, power & connectors | Passives | Capacitors

rectifiers are under Electronic components, Power & Connectors | Semiconductors & Optoelectronics | Discretes | Bridge Rectifiers Single & Three Phase, then type 'pcb' in the 'Search within these results' box at the top of the right hand column.

hope this helps

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Thanks for your reply Mr modnaR,

that's very helpful in narrowing-down the search. I'm afraid I still can't find the rectifier though. I've tried looking for '40V' '800mA' and '0.8A' but without success. You couldn't possibly tell me which one I need could you?

Also, any advice on capacitor types to go for would be great.

Thanks a lot,



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well, the 40V and 800mA you quote are maximum limits, so if you go a little higher, that won't hurt.

as for capacitors, it's all made clear by looking at the optimised psu pdf. the polarised ones are aluminium electrolytics, just go by the values given, although you can go higher on the voltage rating if you like. the non polarised ones in the pdf are ceramic (through hole) capacitors.

all of the above can be found in the aforementioned sections at rswww.com

hope this helps.

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I just walked into my local electronics shop (Lichfield Electronics) with the parts list. He hadn't got a B40C800 either, but the guy in the shop assured me the one he gave me (a DB104G) would do the job just as well. He carried all the parts I needed except for the 330nF ceramic cap and the 7809 - the 330nano I used a mylar cap for (marginally better anyway, apparently) and the 7809 he only had in 100mA, so I went to maplin and got a 2A 78S09CV.

Support your local electronics shop!  :P

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