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Get inspired (2xMIDIbox LC of Axel)


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Two MIDIbox LC made by Axel

Is this the MIDIbox of the Year?  :D

Lay back and enjoy:







Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: there are still other very great made MIDIboxes in the queue, I will publish the pictures as soon as the server in Austria is up again. However, this Twin-MIDIbox LC demands for an exception :)

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WAHOO , it's great


but ....  THE PRICE of This :o

i'll think for doing this midibox , it will cost many and many dollars or EURO

can you tell me a price comparaison than commercial mix table  :P

but it's great , and i think , i make program on linux for midibox 16

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Wow! what an awesome piece of work! Inspiration indeed!

Hey Axel, are you doing multitrack recordings in logic? I'm buying Logic in a few weeks (New lower student price deals will be happening then) and want to know if I can use my 8in 8out soundcard.

Logic control is around $3000 in Australia probably 3 times the cost of building it, depending on which components you use, could be cheaper. ;) I dunno about other countries

bye, from Steve

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thanks very much for your comments... :)

Dan: i did the layout in Illustrator and gave it to a printservice. They did an ink-print of it and applied a foil to protect it against light and scratches. After that i cutted the holes with a tool i don´t know the name of even in german  ;); it´s more or less a tube with sharp edges on one side...

TUX: the price of the whole thing is about 850 Euro, but that´s mostly caused by the motorfaders (20 Euros/pP) and the displays (4x 40 Euro). The buttons i made of plexiglas, the panel is made of a plastic material similar to ABS which is very easy to work with. I drilled and cutted the holes with a technique described by Dan in another thread. The result is not as "real" as a metal or aluminum panel, but with a good frame for stability it´s a good compromise (espacially compared to have it done by schaeffer which would´ve been 400-500 Euros... )

Compared to buying a "real" LC + XT for about 2.400 Euros it´s a good deal, i think...  ;). Even if i had the money i would prefer to build a MIOS based Box because you have much more possibilities (free configuration and design, layer switching, SID control...)

Steve: which soundcard do you have? It should have ASIO2 drivers to be a good companion for logic.

Best regards


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Hi Axel 8)

 sounds like a lot of thought went into the panel design! I've been thinking of using two strips of aluminium to hold my motorfaders in a row whilst in the testing phase!

 I have an audiotrak INCA 88 soundcard, yes, it has asio2 drivers. But logic fun is really complicated to me, and I haven't managed to get individual ins and outs to work yet. (works fine in cubase) I'm getting 'Logic education' when it comes out in a couple of weeks, which I think (hope) is the same as logic silver, and then I'll be able to read the manual!!!!!

 btw, do you have a logic environment for multitrack audio recording?? I'm still not sure if that's what I want, it still dosen't make much sense to me yet!! (I have a Protools background ;))

 well have fun using that thing!

 bye from Steve

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Hi Uclaros,

I'm interested in your buttons that you said are made by plexiglass. Could you describe how you've made them?

I made them on a friend´s lathe out of round plexiglass material. They are 9mm in diameter and have a hole at the bottom to fit on the microbuttons. It´s a very cheap solution because the microbuttons are only about 10 cents/pP. I bought them from Buerklin in Germany (www.buerklin.com, do a search for G070.612) but i think you should get similar ones at other places.


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OMG !!  :o WOW!

This IS definetely THE Midibox of the year! Gotta put this baby to the front page, TK! just a big WOW

Hey Axel:

MANY questions!

Cool buttons! How did you make them? They dont look like they were just cut out. And the LED light is coming from the back/side?

Where did you get those pot knobs? Theyre just perfect for those LED rings.

Is there some plexiglass in front of the LCDs or is it just cut out?

AND: I know, thats a big question: Would you PLS make a small tutorial about this baby? Not all those electronic stuff, but the mechanical.

PLS post more pics, if you have some. I´m especially interested in the Howto (do those buttons, drilling, the case (!!)).

DAMMIT, thats so much better than this shitty original Logic Control! Its some kinda babe!! Big Respect!!

You can also send me the pictures to my email, if you want to. Just a PM to me.


I´m burning to try some of that stuff on my future SIDs and midiboxes.

/edit: also wanna know: where did you get these play/stop buttons?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The_Accelerator

Well done !!

Can you please tell me, how did you made the LED-rings ? And how did you fixed the plexiglas-buttons on the micro-buttons ?


The Accelerator

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sorry for the late reply, i took a little break... ;-)

First, thanks for your comments and compliments. I don´t know if your questions are already answered, i´ll try it anyways.

Cool buttons! How did you make them?

See above in this thread and the pics at the end of this posting

Is there some plexiglass in front of the LCDs or is it just cut out?

It´s just cut out, but there should be a better way using a custom made panel for the LCDs.

where did you get these play/stop buttons?

I stole them from my old Soundcraft console (the one you see on the pics giving my LC a home...); i just replaced the electric bulbs with LEDs.

how did you made the LED-rings ?

First i made a flat plexiglas cylinder (app. 30mm in diameter and 5mm high) with a hole for the potshaft on a lathe. After that i made the LED holes with the help of a plastic template. They are going just half through the plexi providing a nice indirect illuminating effect.

And how did you fixed the plexiglas-buttons on the micro-buttons

See this pictures (really bad ones, sorry...)



Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Guest eBetan

on an unrelated topic (sorta)...is that a button-based step-sequencer in the top left corner (next to the monitor?)....is it a mod of the midibox sequencer?

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Hi eBetan,

All those buttons are the routing matrix of the desk. These type of controls are standard on all pro desks and also avalible on alot of semi-pro desks.

These buttons allow the uses to send analog signals to various places within the desk (i.e. groups/busses which are usualy connected to a Recorder of some discription). Each channel has it's own set. This allows the user to send the signal in one channel to ALL groups (which will usually send to all inputs of the recorder) or you could send ALL channels to one group(therefore one input of the recorder), or any combination there of.

For example, you have a Mic/synth connected to channel 1 of you mixer which you want to record to track 8 on your recorder. Simlpy press the button marked 8. this will send the signal to group 8. the output of group 8 is connected to track 8 on the recorder.

See the flexiblity that this type of system offers? like I said this type of feature is standard of pro desks (think Neve, SSL etc) so once you understand how this system works you will be able to use ANY pro desk.


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Guest eBetan

I see Stryd!...very nice idea!...Always appreciate a little insight!...wonder why I havent seen button matrices like that on some modular synths instead of patch-bay style matrices....seems so easy by comparison...anyhow...I will just let it go  ;D I think I have strayed WAY off topic on this one!

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