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MIDIBOX CV Modular (FilterBank/Switcher/Synthsizer) - %20 Panel Art & Schem..

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Yey... Nearly done with the user interface ...come up with some sweet new tricks ..would show you now ..tho it would just spoil it ;)

complete UI shots will be up soon as im done... Think of backlit lettering sitting behind smoked perspex ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, vactrols... can you pulse the LED and get a constant CV out of them?  'Cause that would be a possible cheap D->A converter...  using PWM or just a bitstream ...

What are you using for your routing matrix?


Hmm, vactrols... can you pulse the LED and get a constant CV out of them?  'Cause that would be a possible cheap D->A converter...  using PWM or just a bitstream ...

I tried this once as a way of getting PWM --> CV. The repsonse time of vactrols and similar is  strange - the response and recovery times are not always symmetrical and both a relatively slow. I'd say fast enough for LFO type work, but not fast enough for FM. A coast through the  data sheet at:


will fill in the details. You willl notice that the faster VTL series have Ton and Toff times are in the 1mSec upwards region, limiting your PWM rate, the cheaper LT series being in the 10mSec upwards category - more for control isolation.



edited to add: the application note:


is useful too.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ive not yet read full topic, tho my suggistions are the follows:

-ebay is FULLY stacked with SSM2044 ~ full CV control, there is even discount above an amount ;D

-I found this nice patent: http://tinyurl.com/36vrq7

describes a minimal CV feedthru, low (VERY low) control delay VCA    circuit, where multiple vca-s can b chained, not just 2018 family but even the THAT218x if you like _this_ better.

- the new aout2 module gives 16 channels with enormous accuracy, so we have ADSwhateveR for the VCA-s PLUS the actual filter CV-s for voices. 

This D igital C ontrolled VCF and DCVCA would be QUITE useful for those who build drumsounds, just think it over...

one thing to keep in mind bout filterbank.

There is an issue called ringing aka. Gibbs phenomenon

every >3 order filter has it, not to mention phase problems . Perhaps not the best idea to chain these in serial , unless of course if you want to borrow glass properties to the sound. Phase linear Bessel filters would be the ones I would build discrete.


(shrug) ..its a box that (eventually) will control multiple modules via CV & route audio - an expansion on the already adiquate original mbcv project for filter gluttons like me :) ...what it becomes, is down to the users choice of filters, oscillators and all that jazz.. So, naming the project/topic is tricky ...CV Modular sort of accounts for the vagueness ..the rest points to possible applications; all it does is provides a framework to build ontop of..

Finished the user interface, psu and box ..been too lazy & distracted to finish the last bits on it ..will fix that, provide some snaps & maybe think about furtheringthis project shortly :)

..yeah cv module revision 2 ? ..wtf ? ..news to me.


This concept kinda got named MBFX back in the day but obviously it could be oscs etc, which aren't really FX at all. Not sure what poly- / multi is about?

Who's working on that DAC? I thought seppo was using the TLV?


Hi guys,

@Playbo$$: you didn´t really read my pm? Please stop spreading rumours about unmade decisions.

@all: there is NO such thing as an aout2 module yet and there won´t be one in the next few months! As you can read in the AOUT redesign thread, the TLV is quite ok but suffers from suboptimal linearity. It would be the choice for a new AOUT because of its price and availability, and more than good enough for VCF/LFO/VCA CVs, but the mediocre linearity would be a problem for controling VCOs. So it can´t be a complete replacement for the current AOUT. The AD53xx showed up in the discussion. These DACs have really great specs, there are 12 and 14 bit versions with 8 or 16 channels. The problem is a) the fine pitch SMD package and b) availability. We´ve found no other supplier than Farnell so far. But the IC seems to be very new, so TK and I decided to wait a few months if the availability gets better and then evaluate the topic again.

So this means this project is on hold right now. I have not designed anything up to now and won´t until TK gives a Go for a certain DAC. All of this I´ve told Playbo$$ via PM. If you are in such a hurry, then go on and design some new AOUT yourself. But I won´t do anything without TKs approval - any new DAC module won´t be of much use as long as TK doesn´t announce his support for it...

Even if the AD would be the DAC of choice, I don´t think the 16 channel version would be cool. More expensive, probably very dense board because of all the supporting cirquitry for 16 channels. Most people probably won´t need more than 8 channels, and if they do: These DACs are cascadable like the MAX525, so it´s no problem to build two modules. Two modules won´t be that much more expensive than a 16 channel one.



Seppoman, youre right, I shuld have written - unconfirmed but probably- AD5392.  Excuse me, BTW, anyone can read this and the latest infos @ the Aout module2 topic. And yes 0,5mm IS horrorshow, but there can be multitudes of concepts for solution.

- Im the one suggesting a possible VCA module, this is one reason Im not in a hurry at all.

found this app note: http://www.thatcorp.com/datashts/an102.pdf

showing directions. 7ms control delay, instead of the 0,5ms in the patent I showed before.


Well, the pitch is 0.65 mm like in TQFP. I soldered a few of these last week and it´s really no problem with the right equipment. You just shouldn´t try to solder the pins individually. I´ve got a Weller soldering station with a "Hohlkehlenspitze", no idea what the english word is for that. Its a tip that is slightly curved to suck up a bit of solder. Then you take some flux (the stuff coming in a syringe), pour it over the legs and pull straight over the legs with the iron. After cleaning the flux away, the result looks nearly industrial :)



  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen a friend of mine using that kind of hardware to solder such components and he used to call it in french to solder "à la cuillère" but I'm not sure it's the real "technical term". That technique is working amazingly well, when I saw him do it I thought it would be full of shortcuts everywhere but no everything goes in place naturally and solder nicely...

Best regards,


  • 4 months later...

I´ve got a Weller soldering station with a "Hohlkehlenspitze", no idea what the english word is for that. Its a tip that is slightly curved to suck up a bit of solder.

A few years ago I took a SMT soldering course, the instructor called it a "flow tip".  Because of it, I now actually prefer surface-mount IC's to thru-hole for assembly (just not when you need to remove a chip to reprogram it, like a PIC).

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