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Real cheap Alps motorfaders


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Ok, They got here today and this is what the deal is:

These are not actually a complete Alps Motorfader, rather what they are is an alps fader with a custom assembly on top that attaches a motor to them.  As such there will definitely need to be some research done to make these work with MIOS.  The good news is that the overall construstion of the fader is rather nice, they have a nice bit of momentum to them and, overall, the PCB's look like we may be able to re-use quite a bit of stuff.  I'll do what I can to take some pictures this weekend, but the PCB's for my 808 may show up first in which case I need to focus my attention there.

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Couldn't go to sleep without fully dissasembling one of the assemblies to see what they are made of 8) :) 17 faders, 16 vertical bargraph assemblies, 16 alps encoders 16 circular graph assemblies 32 tact switches with LED's.  I've got the knobs, slider caps and front panel bezels for the LED graphs too.  All the hardware is mounted on one PCB and there is a daughter board containing the PIC and drivers for the motors.  The PIC is a 16C74B which, to my sleepy eyes, looks pin compatible with the 18F452.  It looks like the signals from the faders is multiplexed into the PIC via 4051's and I see quite a few 595's on there too, but I'm pretty sure the bargraphs all have their own 595's on the main PCB.  I havn't re-traced the whole motor control circuit, but I see a LM324, a couple voltage references (there is a 3.3v marking on the PCB) and a BD139/BD140 output stage which is probably to drive the low impedance input to the motors.

And thats all for now.

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Allright, I'm moved into my new apartment and I've got all the 808 kits shipped out.  So.... who is still interested in getting one of these boards?  Given the cost of shipping some of the 808 kits across the ocean I would estimate the cost of shipping to the EU at about 40$ USD.. so it's not quite the super cheap faders they would be to people in the US, but I've got them here, so speak up if you want some!

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hey moogah


        i originally asked for one of the slider assemblies

        but i dont think that i can use it because of the power requirements

        i dont want you to be out of pocket though as i did ask you for one but it seems like you might be able to sell it to some one else

      if not let me know and ill take it

      thanks very much

        regards kris

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hey guys,

i finally got my whole assembly.. however i seem to be missing 2 caps for the faders and one of the faders is damaged.. does anyone have either or both to spare.. favorably in holland..

when i disassemble the assembly i may even need other parts, as shipping wasnt kind for the buttons and other fiddly bits..

i want to reinstate it and update it so it will grow into a huge sequencing beast :D



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one of my encoders was damaged :( well the whole shaft was missing..

is there any way we can utilize the existing chips on the PCB boards? instead of normal DIN and DOUT.. making new PCBs for these things would be costly, and if the original mixer works with it why not midibox (or am i overly hopefull? or overly ambitious?) also does anyone here has the display aswell? dont suppose it would work with midibox straight out of the box. i cant seem to find the exact display, so i cant be certain if it is compatible..

it has 3 t6a39 column drivers and 1 t6a40 line driver..


hold up.. ive found info.. "T6963C/T6A39/T6A40" this could mean there is already a driver written for this.. however it apparently not possible to use it with midi.. me thinks a separate core for the lcd alone could be an idea.. then we could do more graphical things with it.. like nice pictures and such..


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