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HI There

A continue in introdusing unique parts I saved form Liquidation of Brookers company.

Dedicated to MIDIBOX Members, because This Unit contains 23 LCD display buttons in matrix 4x8, very well suited for unique MIDIBOX SEQ V3+)

check czech a like ebay:


Unique mashine contains this boards:

- 1 board fo 2x4 LCD Buttons -underlighted

- 1 board of multiplexors MM50xx

- 1 board with industry 286 MCU with some RAM and EPROM,

- 1 board with I/o,RS 232, digital I/o, 5V + 12 v stabiliser,

then there are 2 2x20 LCD s and couple of other buttons

right part is some dialer and telephone + EPROM key MEMORY CARD SLOT

well documented on


just click blue line above picture to enlarge:)

email me kobejn@seznam.cz Subject Midibox Matrix :)

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Are you selling this?

Yes, in Cental Europe are people used to earn money for their hobbies selling different goodies:)

for people out  of Czech Republic I offer this only for Midiboxers, althought i have just few pieces, i give gentelman guarantie, that i plugged it in, let it boot and do iniciation routines that all parts are working.

Give me an offer i can not refusse:) I am not a thief.

Im seriously keen into make of it Midibox based Killing seq, but as my profesion is architecture, dont have knowledge to do it as MIOS system, i understand sh*t about coding PICs, so i can weld whot another one is able to develop.

it is not hard generally, becaus board of LCD buttons is assemled with IO parts, which seems to be a standart.

This things was made by Wyatt- A reuter company, classical 2 side PCB, no SMD parts except LCD Driver

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Thanks for the offer pomics, but I've been off work sick for a long time and now I'm broke as a joke :( It is a really interesting CS, even though I don't know if the circuitry will be of use... I'm sure you'll find a buyer soon :)  Hope it's OK that I moved this to the fleamarket section, it should be easier to find now, and maybe a MB64 user will want one, who knows.

DrBunsen: Sorry man this killer flu BS has had me locked down ... If it's in the way, I can pay for a courier, otherwise I hope we can catch up soon :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 years later...

Hello and Than...

time moved up wellarrow-10x10.png almost ten years after

|studiing and reverse engeneering in LSI MSI electornic]

Im back with 4x4 and 4x16 LCD button.matrix to get alive.

still not shure hows LCD are driven,  originallz was all button board driven by Hitachi HD61830B

which works wellarrow-10x10.png in both character so graphical mode.

LED s [2Y+2R each button] MM5451 LED Display Driver 2 or 4 each board are serial 36 bit TTL shift registers.

I have already maped buttons led, and im dump enoght to get

into  button LCD driving. If anybody interest do develop some

application, before I get into programing and logic analiding {other 5/10 years of live]

and get these things go, please leave a message.

Please respect my poor ability understand well these things,

but I m wondering about ading 4 to 16 encoderes,

some track, layer, edit, perform, menu, enter {SET},exit,{RESET] shift, alt, up, down


and realise some graphical SEQ 4BLM version,

focused to work similary to SEQ 24


more edit and data soon



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