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Hacking a SpaceNavigator, anyone?


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has anyone ever tried using a SpaceNAvigator as a musical instrument interface???


It seems this would be a perfect device for soundbending, filtersweeps or more complex parameter control. They have a quite helpful and active developer forum and a SDK online, and the company resides near munich, germany:


maybe we could even connect those encoders directly to MB digital inputs before they hit the USB bus....

regards, karl.

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Funnily enough I was contemplating doing what you suggest in reverse - I do a lot of 3D design work and was thinking of making something like this based on the MB platform, with Bome's midi translator at the other end turning the notes into keypresses.

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I do not really get the point: you want to control 3D-models from your MIDI keyboard?

I klicked around on the 3DC website and they have this very nice controller with assignable buttons and a LCD display:


in the forums there are detailed descriptions how to adress the LCD directly:


mhhh, very slick hardware...

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I do not really get the point: you want to control 3D-models from your MIDI keyboard?

Not quite - I was going to make a kind of joystick/encoder assembly that would be MB-based, to control the positioning of 3D stuff more effectively than using a mouse and keyboard. It basically was going to consist of an encoder mounted on a joystick, with some other shortcut buttons around it.

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone considered this as a possible "joystick" for a MB..  i use the spacepilot to control solidworks and other 3d apps. and its a dream.  smooth motion - flawless -

you can get just the knob for about $50..  tilts forward, back, left and right.. pushes up and down.. twists clockwise and counter.

is this worth hacking-  would it work?


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I talked a co-worker into getting one of these and it is really hefty and just as good as my $400 version.

This one might be interesting too with buttons all around the side...  http://www.amazon.com/3D-Connexion-132100002-3Dconnexion-SpaceTraveler/dp/B000BU6Y68/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=

I love logitech products ;D

Since using I cant believe anyone does 3d without this.  In my hand 8 hours a day. 

I want to see implemented into a MB.

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Yeh USD$52 plus shipping etc means it'll be closer to $70 but that's still al ot less than the $300 they used to go for...

So, is the idea to hack it and make it a standalone midi device, or just to use software to send midi?

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Yeh USD$52 plus shipping etc means it'll be closer to $70 but that's still al ot less than the $300 they used to go for...

the idea

I would like to see the base removed and just have it from the led ring up sticking out of a MB... at this point I cant be picky about the manner in which it gets used as i do not yet have the skills to integrate it myself in any way.

Ohhh i forgot to mention that in addition to tilting f, b, l, r  it also pushes in these directions as well,  but you dont even have to think about it when you are using it.

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In a university project we used the Space Navigator as an input device for moving through a virtual world (instead of using the mouse or computer keyboard). The many degrees of freedom that the Space Navigator offers can actually make your life there more difficult, because you end up tilting and rotating if you do not have sufficient training to develop your minute motor activity the way the Space Navigator demands it. Seen this way, the Space Navigator is just like any other musical instrument that needs a certain amount of training to be mastered.

Best regards, ilmenator

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