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[S] 6582 SID chips for sale! ***IMPORTANT UPDATE***


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UPDATE: I am ending the order collection for this batch NOW

see last post


I have found more 6582 SIDs and will be selling them exclusively to MIDIbox forum members.

If you do not know what a 6582 SID is, it is a SID that operates and sounds exactly like the 8580 SID, with the filter that is good for the MB-SID V2 bassline engine and with less noise than a 6581 SID.

The price of these 6582 SIDs is US$25 each, sold in multiples of 2.

As I have only a limited number of SIDs (in the current batch), and with so many MIDIbox SID builders (including 100+ MB-6582 PCBs sold), it is likely I will not have enough SIDs for everyone who wants them. They will run out. I have come up with a reasonably fair way to deal with people's orders for

SIDs so that the most people can buy them, and it won't be just to the fastest people to order.

I will allow two weeks from now for people to email their orders.

Order quantity must be a multiple of 2.

Each person will be put in a list.

I will go down the list allocating 2 SIDs to each person in the list.

If I reach the end of the list, I will go back to the top of the list and go down the list allocating 2 SIDs to each person/order in the list.

If I run out of SIDs before I reach the end of the list, then some people miss out, and I will start from that point in the list when I get more SIDs.

Instead of sorting people in the list by how soon they see this SID sale post, people will calculate their own ranking and I will sort the list by this ranking. The ranking is calculated by the following:

MIDIbox Forum Membership (per year): +1

MIDIbox Forum Posts (per 100): +1

Developing MIDIbox-based user project (per project): +1

Developing and shared MIDIbox-related schematics, PIC sourcecode or PCB designs: +1

Completed any MIDIbox project (per project): +1

Completed a MIDIbox SID project (per project): +1

MIDIbox project featured as MIDIbox of the Week or in MIDIbox Gallery (per project): +1

Blog/wiki/webpage of any MIDIbox project construction (per project): +1

Currently own or have already ordered MIDIbox SID PCBs, including MB-6582 PCB: +1

Evidence of "SID fan" status, published music using SID or C64 remix, other forum memberships: +1

Missed out on a previous SID sale and asked me if I have any more SIDs to sell: +1

(people with equal ranking will be sorted by date of receiving their SID order)

So for example, someone who has been on the forum 1.5 years, posted a lot, and completed a MIDIbox project and has just recently ordered MB-6582 PCBs:

MIDIbox Forum Membership (per year): +1

MIDIbox Forum Posts (per 100): +1

Completed any MIDIbox project (per project): +1

Currently own or have already ordered MIDIbox SID PCBs, including MB-6582 PCB: +1

Ranking: +4

This means they will be higher in the list than someone who is very new to the forum and MIDIbox, maybe someone recently inspired to build an MB-6582:

Currently own or have already ordered MIDIbox SID PCBs, including MB-6582 PCB: +1

Ranking: +1

Hopefully everyone will think this method of sorting the orders is fair. For the newbies who might think this is unfair, please remember that by only allocating 2 SIDs to each order as I pass through the list, I am maximizing the number of people I can sell some SIDs too. I could quite easily sell all these SIDs to only a few people who want lots. It is a lot less effort for me to do that too. I will try to find and sell more 6582 SIDs, and restart the allocation at the position in the list where I stopped.

I've tried to give people an idea of how their contributions to the MIDIbox community and interest in MIDIbox projects will affect their ability to buy SIDs, i.e. that they will be served ahead of the newbies. However, it's not intended to be anything other than a fair method of sorting people in a list so that people who have wanted to buy SIDs for ages do not miss out because they were not fast enough.

How to order

Go read the entire post again and make sure you understand everything.

Calculate your ranking.

In the email to me, please include:

Your MIDIbox forum username

Your ranking, including which criteria apply (see examples above)

Proof of your ranking (links to photos, forum posts, blog, wiki, webpage). Don't make it too hard to check your ranking is calculated correctly. I know it's not that important, but I also don't want people to cheat. People with 100+ posts and over a year of membership don't require photo proof of all their MIDIbox projects. I can take people's word, but when I need to tell the difference between a total newbie and one with some MIDIbox experience, I will check.

How many 6582 SIDs you ultimately want to buy (even if it takes me many batches of SIDs and many passes through the list).

My email address is Jason.S.Williams@ I HATE SPAM gmail.com

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How big, red and bold do I have to make things for people to read them and do what I say??


Calculate your ranking, including which criteria apply, and email it to me.

It's not that hard, and I get to know who you are at the same time (eg. "Ahh, the guy who made that one! Cool!")

Also, you can round your posts to nearest 100, and round years to nearest whole years.

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I was hoping people were not going to brag or compare rankings.

"Ranking" was just a quick thing I worked out to sort the people by MIDIbox experience.

In less than 7 hours, the 17 orders for SIDs are more than the quantity I have to sell (in this batch). Now you know why I had to do something like this, even with it's bias towards forum addicts with thousands of posts. (I think I will cap the ranking for posts to +10)

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OK more "noobs" emailed thinking they won't get any SIDs because they have low "ranking". That's not the point of the system. Ranking is just a way of sorting the list. Everyone gets 2 SIDs each time I go down the list. And since most of you are ordering 2 or 4 SIDs, there should be plenty left over to sell 8 to the few who want 8.

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I am closing the SID sale for now. This does not mean people on the list already will miss out completely.

If you have not ordered SIDs yet then please wait until I post here that I am accepting orders again. There is a 99% chance that I will arrange another batch of SIDs and sell them here again. The responsibility is on you to watch for new posts on this thread.

If you have already emailed me about SIDs, you are on the list. You haven't missed out on SIDs this time.

Basically I am not waiting the full two weeks to collect orders like I said initially because:

a) I am already quite busy with the MB-6582 PCB order

b) I already have a good number and fair distribution of noobs and gurus on the order list

c) I have secured enough SIDs to please everyone on the list now, giving everyone almost all the SIDs they ordered.

d) Most people check their email often enough to have already heard about this sale and replied. If you waited to email me until you counted your pennies, then bad luck. These are new-old-stock 6582 SIDs. You should have ordered first and then sold your grandmother.

e) I totally forgot about the importance of buying 8 from one batch, as that's a big deal for some people, or at least a really nice thing to provide to someone spending $200 on SIDs.

f) people ordering 6582 chips would prefer (as would I) that all the chips they want get shipped with the PCBs I'm shipping soon.

If people are ordering more than 2, they would prefer that all were of the same batch. People ordering eight and I assume fully stocking their MB-6582 with eight 6582  ;D  deserve to get all eight from one batch, and not get 2 or 4 with the PCB and then wait maybe four weeks and get another 4 or 6 which are of a different batch, pay for shipping again, etc. Please note I'm not biasing towards people buying more SIDs, I still allocate the same way and they will run out with some people not getting all the SIDs they want.

So... I stop the orders now, and modify the allocation to 4 per person as I go down the list. That's more optimal for everyone, especially people buying MB-6582 PCBs (which most of you are anyway). The people on the list now will be more happy (on average) than people on a future list. People not on the list now won't be happy, but they can wait until I get another batch. And I stay sane because I'm not collecting orders and updating a spreadsheet all day and can pack nearly all of the SIDs in with PCB orders, save you guys cash, etc.

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I am closing the SID sale for now. This does not mean people on the list already will miss out completely.

If you have not ordered SIDs yet then please wait until I post here that I am accepting orders again. There is a 99% chance that I will arrange another batch of SIDs and sell them here again. The responsibility is on you to watch for new posts on this thread.

If you have already emailed me about SIDs, you are on the list. You haven't missed out on SIDs this time.

Basically I am not waiting the full two weeks to collect orders like I said initially because:

a) I am already quite busy with the MB-6582 PCB order

b) I already have a good number and fair distribution of noobs and gurus on the order list

c) I have secured enough SIDs to please everyone on the list now, giving everyone almost all the SIDs they ordered.

d) Most people check their email often enough to have already heard about this sale and replied. If you waited to email me until you counted your pennies, then bad luck. These are new-old-stock 6582 SIDs. You should have ordered first and then sold your grandmother.

e) I totally forgot about the importance of buying 8 from one batch, as that's a big deal for some people, or at least a really nice thing to provide to someone spending $200 on SIDs.

f) people ordering 6582 chips would prefer (as would I) that all the chips they want get shipped with the PCBs I'm shipping soon.

If people are ordering more than 2, they would prefer that all were of the same batch. People ordering eight and I assume fully stocking their MB-6582 with eight 6582  ;D  deserve to get all eight from one batch, and not get 2 or 4 with the PCB and then wait maybe four weeks and get another 4 or 6 which are of a different batch, pay for shipping again, etc. Please note I'm not biasing towards people buying more SIDs, I still allocate the same way and they will run out with some people not getting all the SIDs they want.

So... I stop the orders now, and modify the allocation to 4 per person as I go down the list. That's more optimal for everyone, especially people buying MB-6582 PCBs (which most of you are anyway). The people on the list now will be more happy (on average) than people on a future list. People not on the list now won't be happy, but they can wait until I get another batch. And I stay sane because I'm not collecting orders and updating a spreadsheet all day and can pack nearly all of the SIDs in with PCB orders, save you guys cash, etc.

We all love you Wilba, please stay sane indeed  ;)

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