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MIDIbox of the Week (MIDIbox SpeakJet K64 created by Rio)


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Rio has implemented a decent control unit for Audiocommander's SpeakJet application:


More informations can be found here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_speakjet_k64_modul

Btw.: did anybody read the comment the german "Synthesizer-Magazin", Issue 3/07, last paragraph of the "Flame Talking Synth" article, Page 25: "Fuer Bastler aller Art duerfte zusaetzlich der Speakjet-Chip selbst ein interessantes Stueck Technik darstellen, und so moechte ich mit der Wette schliessen, dass es nicht lange dauern wird, bis die ersten DIY-Instrumente mit Speakjet-Chip das Licht der Welt erblicken."

Rough translation: "the SpeakJet chip is an interesting chip for DIYers, I bet that it doesn't take so long until the first DIY instruments will see the light of day"

The name (Henning Schonvogel) didn't know, that Lorin was one of the first guys who developed a DIY synth with SpeakJet ca. 3 years ago (see http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=2870.msg24839#msg24839), and that Audiocommander's project exists since more than one year... Rio's enhancements are the next step, and who knows what comes next...

So, if you want to win a bet, just try to find out his address and drop him a mail ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yeh it's top stuff Rio :)

I know that it was a 'necessary evil', but I hope that in the near future, the SJ libraries can be un-forked. If I can help you guys get it back to one, just say the word.

Rough translation: "the SpeakJet chip is an interesting chip for DIYers, I bet that it doesn't take so long until the first DIY instruments will see the light of day"

I don't know how he missed it, given that if you search for the word SpeakJet on google, midibox.org is 12th hit... and 13th and 14th and 15!  ;D

All hail midibox :)

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