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E-Switch 5500 group buy...

Doug Wellington

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I'm pretty new around here, but I have worked on lots of DIY stuff over the years.  I recently got involved with the MB808 project, which is a clone of the TR-808 with a MIDIbox sequencer attached to it.  The design was done by Moogah, but I've volunteered to help him out with designing the graphics for the case and helping out with administering the forum.  You can check out the MB808 project at: http://www.eight-oh-eight.org/phpbb2/

Since the original TR-808 has red, orange, yellow and white switches, I have organized a group buy of E-Switch 5500 series single LED switches in those four colors.  A set of sixteen colored switches will be $50 plus shipping/handling.  (NOTE: there is a nine week lead time on the order...)  More info on the switches is at: http://www.e-switch.com/index.php?contentID=261&type=push&seriesID=37

I'm running the group buy at the MB808 forum ( http://www.eight-oh-eight.org/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=80 ), but thought that since it's a MIDIbox project, I should post something over here as well in case anyone else wants them.  Let me know if you're interested here or at the MB808 forum...





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Didn`t know aboout this project.  ??? I need to check it deeply these days. You should (or I missed it) inform the community about this project earlier. I`m sure people here are very interested. I am.  :)

Those buttons are pretty much expensive in shops in my town. I`ve seen it first time in reichelt, and too bad they aren`t produced in orange colour. This way I would use any other cool switch instead.

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Please don't get me wrong, but those are about 3.13 $ each.

[shrug]  It's the best price I've found for colored E-Switches with single LEDs in the (low) quantity we want.  If I could order 500 of each color, I could get a better price...

These are more like the ones I'm ordering (with single LED): http://www.reichelt.de/?ARTICLE=7248  It looks like those are not available in orange?  And they don't come with LEDs?  (Only some cents, but it's nice to get the E-Switches with the LEDs already bent and trimmed.)





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Didn`t know aboout this project.  ??? I need to check it deeply these days. You should (or I missed it) inform the community about this project earlier. I`m sure people here are very interested. I am.  :)

I don't know how much advertising there has been, but here are a couple references:



I believe the MB808 started as a hobby for Moogah, and then he decided to take orders for pcbs.  My guess is that it has been a lot more work than he expected it to be...

I`ve seen it first time in reichelt, and too bad they aren`t produced in orange colour.

E-Switch seems to be the only company that makes orange switches...





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Hi Doug... let me start by saying thanks for starting this. 

I`ve got all the black switches, being in on this MB808 since day one... but I love the look of the colored switches.  I`ve mentioned on the MB808 forum that I`m interested in getting them but just want to say thanks here for all the work you`re doing to help out.

There`s no doubt in my mind Jeff`s project will kill... I only hope he`s not totally burnt out at the end of it.

Same goes to Jason - aka Wilba... the SID box I`ll build from his design will be something to cherish and [glow=blue,2,300]tweak [/glow]like a mutha!!!

[tt]props gentlemen![/tt]

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The first few of us are finishing up hardware and sorting out assembly issues.  Moogah is currently working on the software that runs the whole thing.  Before we think about another batch, I think we should finalize some kind of case/mounting panel and finish the software and documentation and make sure the whole thing works...





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