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DIN or PIC problem? please help!!


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  Hi to all, first of all thank you Thorsten for share this fantastic DIY project and thanks to all the people which help to us all newbies  ;D ;D ;D.

  I made almost 2 years ago a midibox64, but had a problem with DINx2 module, I did wrote about this problem here but I never found the nature of it o_O, even I made other DINx2 and other 3 CORE modules!!! and the problem persist.

  I checked out the SC and RC pins but seems both ok (I heard it with my sound card and even recorded it with a program!!, sounds like a square wave for about 2 kHz), and measured it with a tester and Vd, S1 and RC pins have 5V, (SC have 0,26V I think it's his rms value or something ...).

  I brough another PIC but nothing. I mounted on a breadboard a DINx1 and the problem STILL THERE!!!.

  The AIN works fine, i tried it with 28 pots.

  I think is the PIC, maybe the damned little short circuit in the J11 in the first DINx2 module I made internally damaged both PICs (i forgot to delete the square rounding the circuit in the layout hehe  ::) ...).

  I configured the main.asm for 4 pots and 8 buttons. This is the behavior of the DINx1 that I mounted on a breadboard (pin names according to http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_32buttons.pdf):


90 3C 7F

90 3C 00


90 3D 7F

90 3D 00


90 3E 7F

90 3E 00


A0 3F 7F

A0 3F 00


B0 5B 40

B1 5B 40

B2 5B 40

B3 5B 40

90 30 00

91 30 00

92 30 00

93 30 00

94 30 00

95 30 00

96 30 00

97 30 00

The Right, Left and Exec buttons don't send any message but works fine in the Internal Bank Menu (the LCD shows "Snternal Bank" ... ??? ). In the Edit Events --> Edit Button Menu, the Snapshot don't send messages, it toggles  1 , NOff, C_3, 127* from " 1|NOff C_3 127*" LCD displaying.

    Please if you tell me definitely the PIC is the problem I will jump through the window screaming of happyness  ;D ;D ;D !!!.

    Thank you all for your time and patience. 

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emm ... err ... what s the problem?

I checked out the SC and RC pins but seems both ok (I heard it with my sound card and even recorded it with a program!!, sounds like a square wave for about 2 kHz

making noise with a core... interesting! refreshing at 1ms = 1 KHz ?

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  Sorry if I don't spoke clearly, the problem is the snapshot button, it send those messages when push it, Thorsten told me that time the buttons sends 1 single message and it be about a hard-to-find short circuit but ...THE SAME short in 3 CORE modules??? Thanks for your answer.

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Yes, when I read your description today, it sounds more like a configuration issue.

It makes sense to have a proper conditions when debugging this after so many months - means: reinstalling MIOS and the application. I guess that you are using a very old MIOS version, uploading the current MB64 release would crash the core.

Therefore just upload the pic18f452/midi/update_with_old_mios.hex of the MIOS update package first, and thereafter the most recent release of MIDIbox64

Thereafter the internal bank should be properly initialized again (btw.: the S in "Snternal Bank" has maybe be changed manually, this can be done in one of the configuration menus...)

As doc mentioned, it really makes sense to test all button functions with the ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3 application. Buttons should send notes independent on how the application handles the button events.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  The PIC have MIOS v1.8 and midibox64 v2.4, well the buttons works perfectly, each one sends his respective message (from B0 00 vv to B0 07 vv), but I have problems with the AIN module now, but I think is the circuit board, be cause when I put a single pot directly in the core, it works as well as the 8 buttons (really sends 8 messages, I understand this is for the multiplexor configuration). Anyway I will mount too the AIN over a breadboard and will tell you the results. I will try to reload MIOS and midibox64 thanks a lot, wait I remember when I load midibox64 with MIOSstudio appears these error messages:

Starting upload of main408.HEX

Received Upload Request

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00003000-000030FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00003100-000031FF

Received Checksum: 4C - Error

Sending block 00003100-000031FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00003100-000031FF

Received Checksum: 60 - OK

Sending block 00003200-000032FF

Received Checksum: 40 - OK



Sending block 00F00000-00F000FF

Received Checksum: 0B - OK

Upload process complete

And when a load MIOS v1.8:

Starting upload of mios_v1_8.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000000-000000FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000100-000001FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block 00000100-000001FF

Received Checksum: 5A - OK

Sending block 00000200-000002FF

Received Checksum: 29 - OK



Sending block 00003200-000032FF

Received Checksum: 40 - OK

Sending block 00003300-000033FF

Received Checksum: 01 - OK

Upload process complete

I will tell you the results soon, thanks!!!

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Error: Received unexpected Upload Request
Received Checksum: 4C - Error

Yeh, that's no good....

Have you tried the midi troubleshooting document on ucapps.de?

What MIDI interface are you using? I have one that will never work and one that is rock solid... Maybe the common link between these three cores is the MIDI interface you're uploading with.......

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    Well I think the midi cable is OK, I have being making midi cables for a long time and never failed when I used it in those 3 upload cases and others instances. But everything is possible in this moment... maybe some electromagnetic interference that I haven't realize at this moment.... ??? ... no I don't think so  :D .

    Maybe the solution is (if is a firmaware problem ..) starting again, deleting the PIC, burning it with Bootstrap Loader, etc .... Thanks for your answers !!  ;D

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    Well I think the midi cable is OK, I have being making midi cables for a long time and never failed when I used it in those 3 upload cases and others instances.

So you have successfully uploaded MIOS and applications to other cores with this interface? Cause so far I haven't seen any evidence that it works ...

Mine worked fine for sending midi notes and CCs and some lighter sysex...but the midibox wouldn't put up with it.

Would you like to tell me what interface it is?

Have you checked that you have made any core mods necessary to run your version of MIOS?

Have you tried upgrading the bootloader?

I'm sure it can't hurt to try reburning it etc... What did you burn with originally?

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Have you checked that you have made any core mods necessary to run your version of MIOS?

Do I have to do some necessary modification?

Would you like to tell me what interface it is?

The interface has 2 meter long and works fine, I use it with vmidibox64 editor to send/receive sysex dumps and never have errors.

Have you tried upgrading the bootloader?

Never, but I will do all from the beginning. and then will tell you about it.

I'm sure it can't hurt to try reburning it etc... What did you burn with originally?

I used P18 v1.2 programmer to burn mios_bootstrap_loader_v1_1b.hex and then I used the core v2 to burn the pic with MIOS 1.8 and midibox64 v2.4 with miosstudio...that's you mean? Thank for your answers.

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Do I have to do some necessary modification?

'fraid you'll have to look that up... I just buy new PCBs from smash ;) I do know that some older boards needed mods to run a certain version of MIOS.

The interface has 2 meter long and works fine, I use it with vmidibox64 editor to send/receive sysex dumps and never have errors.

OK so it's a DIY serial port interface. I could do sysex dumps with my interface and it wouldn't do uploads either. Budget MIDI interfaces get budget results, unfortunately. I was using a joystick-midi cable thing, and i changed soundcards and it worked OK... I expect your cable is fine, have you tried from another PC (another serial port)?

Never, but I will do all from the beginning. and then will tell you about it.

Good luck man.

I used P18 v1.2 programmer to burn mios_bootstrap_loader_v1_1b.hex and then I used the core v2 to burn the pic with MIOS 1.8 and midibox64 v2.4 with miosstudio...that's you mean? Thank for your answers.

That's kinda what I meant, I'm also wondering about what burner hardware you used (JDM/MB-Burner, etc)... What ID did you program the PIC with?

I hope we can work this one out :)

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That's kinda what I meant, I'm also wondering about what burner hardware you used (JDM/MB-Burner, etc)... What ID did you program the PIC with?

Well I used MBHP_BURNER_V1 and the P18 parallel port programmer V1.2.

I delete the PIC and burned it with bootloader v1.2b and then I used MIOSStudio beta 7 to send via sysex MIOS v1.9f: I get the same problem, the snapshot button sends:

B0 5B 40

B1 5B 40

B2 5B 40

B3 5B 40

90 30 00

91 30 00

92 30 00

93 30 00

94 30 00

95 30 00

96 30 00

97 30 00

I realize that these values are the initial pots value (4 pots) and the noteoff event for the 8 buttons. Even when I move the pots to another value (f.e.: 0 or 127), the snashot sends 40H ... I will buy another PIC and I'll go on with the tests. Thanks to all for the answers  :).

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I know the JDM needs a small mod (add a resistor) to program the 18f PICs, but I'm unsure if that applies to the burner, I think not. I'd check, but ucapps.de is unreachable from here at the moment.

It seems like you're doing everything right. Good luck dude!

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Hi to all, I bought another PIC and get the same Snapshot button's problem, this time I configured to 4 pots and 16 buttons, and this sends when I push it:

B0 5B 40

B1 5B 40

B2 5B 40

B3 5B 40

90 30 00

91 30 00

92 30 00

93 30 00

94 30 00

95 30 00

96 30 00

97 30 00

98 30 00

99 30 00

9A 30 00

9B 30 00

9C 30 00

9D 30 00

9E 30 00

9F 30 00

Well, I give up but it doesn't really matters at all :), thanks for your answers guys!

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