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Please help - Can't upload MIOS in anyway


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Hi people, how are you? My name's Julian, and i'm a newbie from Argentina. I'll start by telling you all about my problem

I made my own pcbs, according to the files I downloaded. I soldered all the stuff, burned the bootloader to my pic 18F452 with the pic burner (design also listed in main site). Till this point, we're cool. Now, the problem comes when i try to upload mios with miostudio. I plug a power supply, nice, strong and filtered. Got my 9V, got my lcd, one line black and the other blank. And when i start checking midi in and out pages, i realized that it keeps sending and receiving upload requests every 2 secs. This, i think it should stop at the time mios starts uploading, but it doesn't, making the upload to cancel on the 16th message! I tried every single thing listed on the forum, and every test, midi, core, everything, but it keeps working this way.

I have some expertise in electronics, that is soldering, making pcbs, measuring voltages and all the stuff, so i managed to check the pcb, compare it with the circuit, i also checked for solderings, and i also went through all the board, and measured every single track for shorts.

I dont know where to head to from here, so please, i need some help. I would really really appreciate it.

Best regards for all

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AFAIK your problems could mean one or more of the following:

- Most general: There's a bridge somewhere

- More likely: You MIDI In on the core isn't working or not receiving any signals. Is the optocoupler dead (http://www.ucapps.de/howtodebug/mbhp_core_opto_test.gif)? Did you re-check the wiring?

Try uploading MIOS w/o "smart mode" and see if it'll work (it won't cancel the upload even though there's upload requests)

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Hi nILS Podewski. I did check both the optocoupler and the tracks, several times, 4 to be exact. Also bought another pic, and programmed with bootloader, still happens the same. I also uploaded w/o smart mode, and happens exactly the same!

Thanks, regards

It cancels the upload, whether i use smart mode or not, on the 16th msg!

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Hi Julian,

Well done for getting so far.

The first test I would do is the documented test with just an LED and a series resistor. This will certainly show if there is a polarity issue (DIN socket connections) or if there is actually a MIDI signal getting to the board.

What is the exact Opto Coupler you have used ?

Good Luck


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But if i use a basic config, it should always be 0, right? I came to the conclussion that my core is not receiving midi data. I tried to upload mios via sysex, using hex2syx and sysexbox, and it happens exactly tha same. going to check the rx path again.

Thanks a lot for your help, i'll let you know how it worked later

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Sparx: He only has the bootstap on the PIC - this gives him an upload request every 2 seconds, so it doesn't matter when you start the upload.

Julian: Try setting the deviceID in MIOS Studio to other values. If that doesn't help, you MIDI In is most likely not working at all.

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Ok, tried to upload via sysexbox, and it seemed nothing changed. I try the to upload via miostudio, and the message has changed. it's now Received unexpected MIOS SysEx message = 00007E400001F7  expected = 00007E4001.

Have i given a step forward or backwards?

my mistake, sorry. i noticed that message changed because of the device id...

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Well, here's where i'm standing. I measured the midi out from my usb adapter, and found out that the voltage is very low to make the optocoupler run. I'm taking one of these ways: I'll find an optocoupler that needs less input signal to run, or i'll get a soundcard.

Thanks a lot for your help, i'm very grateful. And again, i'll let you know how things are around here.

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