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Mackie Protocol - Data going from Software to the midibox


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There seems to quite a lot of data on what is sent to the S/W from a Mackie Control, or in this case a midibox, does anyone know of any charts of the data coming back? I.e. what CCs/Notes are driving the Clip LEDs, the Meters etc etc?

The Midibox LC obviously has all of this working, but it's written in ASM which makes I hard for me to follow, and very hard to modify.

Does anyone have or know where to find the definitions for the data going to the midiBox, or have any C programs that contain this that I can poke around in and work out for myself?

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TK have released a C version (beta one) of the LC, it's this one I use.

you can monitor the output of your host with mios studio, no?

the LC output sysex for text string, note on/off to trigg the led (the same note the lc send, but the lc send note on/note off each time, the host send back note on or note off...

on our wiki:


thre is a map at the bottom of the page

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i'm sorry to get of topic but might someone help me? i have put together a rough midibox lc and it started to work fine - it shows "mc logic emulation" in the first line of the lcd and the selected track number in the second line.

but nothing else... i mean when i click selectr plugin or select pan or anything the same thing is still on the screen. and it should change - i have huskervu in the background and it shows that there should be something else on the screen....

did i miss something ?

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