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Well it has been a learning curve alright but with help from latigid on, Antichambre , TK. , FantomXR  and Zam

I have been working on replica controllers for a couple of plugins i use here all the time, Arturia Sem Filter, Mini Filter and the Matrix Filter. I am lso doing a couple of plugin synth controllers.

I am also working on the Blue Cat audio summing mixer MB7 thaty i use in my master chain, its a great plugin. As much as I love these plugins I also love being able to reach out to a knob, button or slider and turn it and that controls what happens but, I know I can buy a generic controller that everyone uses but building and desiging your own version of what you see, thats where the fun is for me.

Years ago I designed an built the MOTU BPM replica and its still going to this day and has never let me down however, I can now upgrade this to the newer disco board and the .ngc and also look at adding the sample player to it making it self contained and designing a lighter casework as well.

I figured out how to use the MB_MF and get the faders set up and calibrated. the new syntax and structure of the .ngc ngl files and ho to edit and test in real time in mios studio with some help.

Every evening trying new things out all the time and constantly learning.

I look forward to sharing things on the blog as I go, if I can help out in return please feel free to ask.

Photo to come in my Gallery this week ;)

May the blue smoke be with you.



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