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cit last won the day on February 3 2021

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About cit

  • Birthday 06/02/1976

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  • Location
    Germany - NRW-BOH
  • Interests
    ACID,Synthesizer, TB 303

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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. wow ..what a great project.
  2. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    danke :) but the page is not there anymore
  3. yes. i know how to edit length. thanks. i mean as a quick entry on the rigth side on the length menue. there is one fre slot so if you can set here a custom length it would be aswome for faster jamming :). sorry hard to explain in english. im a stupid german :) thnaks and take care.
  4. i know this treat /post is a bit old. i have the midiphy v4+ . is it posible to have roland din sync on it? i want to use some tb 303‘s and others on it. ok i have sync boxes etc. but i just want to know if i can use it direct on it? thanks
  5. hello, is it posible to implement in the length menu a custom length ? i know to use the dial to set it to the length you ned but i often work with lengths like 3,6,7,9 and i saw that at the length option there is a slot free. would be great to have a custom one there ... any how i had a great day with the midibox, very great tool. thanks all and TK for this great tool.
  6. 40 is great will add the serial to my unit :)
  7. and the next one is ready. thanks for your work on it. now i have a v4l and a v4+
  8. Hello, after long time im back here. with a builded V4+ . Now i own a v4 lite and a v4+.
  9. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    sorry, back for a long long time. i lost the link to the actual or latest v4l firmware, where can i find it please ? i have an old one on mine. thanks
  10. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    sorry, hope this picture is ok ;)
  11. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    hi, im not good in making files in eps. i drilled them myself. it was a bit tricky, but i got it. you had 4 screws for mounting the case, take 6 , 2 in the middle so the case will close properly. i have to drill them manuly too. any how thanks a lot for your work. i have now a nice case for round about 25€. thanks.
  12. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    me to , mine has arrived jesterday. i took the cheaper material, but its not so strong, so for my second i take the harder material. some holes must be on the file. for mounting the smal pcb and in the middel of the rrontplate there must be 2 more holes. any how, nice case. picture is here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=168628226624561&set=a.147360718751312.35191.100004321531447&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
  13. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    Hi Martijn, nice work. thanks for it. Can i ask you something. Can you provide this file with holes for each LED Please. Ok it is a lot of work i know. Im to stupid to do that. it will we nice if you can do that. Have you tested this file , does it fit ? Thanks a lot, cit
  14. cit

    MIDIbox SEQ V4Lite

    hi, it will be nice if you can share your file.thanks cit
  15. cit


    Hi , i need a builded midimerger. does any one have on to sell. in germany ? thx
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