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Everything posted by henkmeid

  1. now that is sexy. These kind of project just make me eager again to start a project myself... Ohhh the time...
  2. Thanks for clearing that up for me Thorsten! I will definately go for NG then. I will buy myself the LPC17 core and start experimenting. The NGC syntax seems to be quite handable for someone with limited programming skills.
  3. Hello all, After a year looking around on this forum and making several ideas, i think i have come to my final idea. I want to make faderpacks for a Tascam DM-4800. They will be faderpacks of 8 channels. I'm thinking about using the default Midibox LC application as it will be 90% what i want. So hardware will be as follows per faderpack: - 1x Core - 1x MF_NG - 4x DOUTX4 - 4X DINX4 And the default LC application offer me the following per channel: - 1x Alps Motorfader - 1x Mute Button - 1x Solo Button - 1x Select Button - 1x Rec Button - 1x Mute Led - 1x Solo Led - 1x Select Led - 1x Rec Led - 12x VU Leds - 12x Rotary encoder ring leds - 1x rotary encoder So this is exactly the default Midibox default LC application. Thought i would like a few addons/modifications: - Can I use the MF_NG module the same way as the legacy MF Module? - for each channel i would like a 0.96" SSD1306 OLED screen, how would i do this? And i would actually use 2, but they would show exactly the same, can i just put them parallel? - I'm not planning on using the other stuff from the default LC application, can I just leave this out? e.g. leave the coding the same, only not connecting the leds and switches, etc. - How would the midibox NG fit into this picture? (Maybe a noob question, but I'm a bit confused about this). Looking forward to your ideas folks! Regards, Henk
  4. what will shipping cost to the netherlands?
  5. Maar dan kan je geen kits bestellen, alleen pcbs...?
  6. Just check the alps website: http://www.alps.com/WebObjects/catalog.woa/E/HTML/Potentiometer/SlidePotentiometers/RSN1M/RSN1M_list.html And for this fader you find the datasheet here: http://www.alps.com/WebObjects/catalog.woa/E/HTML/Potentiometer/SlidePotentiometers/RSN1M/RSA0N11M9A0K.html
  7. One downside, the delivery time is 17 weeks, so that would be january/february.
  8. Gents, Sorry for my noobish question. But i'm looking for LCD's and some of them say 'negative'. What does this mean, and how does this affect my midibox LC project? Cheers, Henk
  9. Gents, I can maybe get the following: ALLRSA0N11M9A0K (motorfader) Minimum order: 200 Order per: 100 Price: around 8,50 EUR including vat (Dutch VAT will be increased to 21% october 1st) ALLEC12E24204A8 (encoder) Minimum order: 600 Order per: 120 Price: around 0,60 EUR including vat (Dutch VAT will be increased to 21% october 1st) Is this a good price? Cheers!
  10. Heren, Gaat er iemand binnenkort nog spullen bestellen bij SmashTV? Als we samen bestellen scheelt dit allicht in de verzendkosten. Cheers!
  11. I do have some programming skills but its long time ago. Pascal, C, basic. What would be the ready made firmware solution? The one documented on the LC page? And how much programming would it be to change this to my desire?
  12. Thanks for the reply! Acttually I want to make 3 of these, so I woul have a 24 track console. So that's why I'd prefer 1 core for each 8 tracks. Unless cubase would allow me to have 6 midi connection. Or would it be possible to have 2 cores on 1 address? Regarding the LCD, the design I have does not really allow me to have 2 40x2's. I only need them to display the tracknames, I don't have the need for feedback about pan and eq as this would be given to with by the encoders and LEDs. I assume it's possible to have 4 tracknames on a 20x2 LCD? 2 on each line TRACK1----TRACK3---- ----TRACK2----TRACK4 Any advice is welcome!
  13. Hello Gents, I'm new to this forum and i'm really eager to build my own console. As far as i can find out the most things i want in my new console are possible. I hope anybody can help me out with my checklist. 2 20x2 LCD's - CHECK 8 Channels with each: - Motorfader - CHECK - Mute button & LED - CHECK - Solo button & LED - CHECK - Rec/Ready button & LED - CHECK - Select button & LED - CHECK - PAN encoder + 12 LED - CHECK - EQ HIGH encoder + 12 LED - ????? - EQ MID encoder + 12 LED - ????? - EG LOW encoder + 12 LED - ????? - 5-10 LED VU meter - ????? Or am i asking to much of it now? :) Regards, Henk PS. this is an awesome initiative!
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