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Posts posted by Phatline

  1. hey

    i am working on a new project "Konga Trigga", and i want to reuse the DipCoreF4 for that again... since it is really handy :cheers:

    i need 3 Digital Inputs (used as Trigger inputs  -  feedet with Schmitt-Trigger Digital Signals)


    i dont want to connect them via a slow shift register - since it is trigger > it is time critical.

    As far as i can see i can use J5.A0(PA1)  +  J5 A1(PC5) > and set them in Mios as Digital Input, makes 2

    so only one Digital input left - is there any other Pin i can use as DIN? (LED.1, LED.0 for example?)


    User.Butt (PA0) > is for Bootloader Switch  - maybe that one?

  2. 5 minutes ago, jaytee said:

    the most cost-effective option, and what I used on my own personal MB-6582, is having PCBs printed on aluminum, with the soldermask as the main panel color and the silkscreen for my labels (you can even go crazy and use a copper layer for additional decoration). AllPCB in particular can print PCBs on aluminum,

    interesting - please upload some pictutes

  3. hot glue on the usb socket. and a big hole as usual no problem.


    planned is remote record for the 4 parts. as already implemented in the cliplauncher of triggermatriX (cc command)

    also on device is footswitchjack which act as record/play button for currently selected part.  ... i will screw the jack directly on the housing.

    a footswitch turnt out to be "handy" :) to tweedle and record multiple ccs...


  4. loopa xmas.... triggematrix. a keyboard ... loopa ...  a cc looper looped nordrack 3... dupdiduu ;)


    its a remote device built to be a midiclock slave. it takes clock.start stop as usual.

    cc looper get remoted via cc (from the master 4 examle loopa   in my case triggermatrix  by songparts selecting like ableton) select bank and pc (pc as standard pc message + bank via cc..). store and load. set the tactsystem 3/4 4/4 5/4..... havenot need sysex so far just a few ccs .

    all the other functions (play record looplength copy clear paste whole sets or single selected cc automations are set on cc looper itself and will be saved on sd card as pc loadable file - which itself has non-standard :)



  5. hi.

    since i need a few Extra LEDs to light up the UI, i was searching for the Onboard GPIO - i found PC6+PC7 > perfect.

    > on DipCore PC6+PC7 you handle as LED (DOUT) - how to call them in MIOS? > as Board LEDS? aka "MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Set(0,1);" ) > see http://www.midibox.org/mios32/manual/group___m_i_o_s32___b_o_a_r_d.html#ga46e21f1170f1876435f40d65977c6a83


    > the PTC you used on DipCore what SMD Package is it? ( i want take the same as on DipCore... dont want to buy 2 different parts)


    > since i will be ready soon with the cc_looper - will order Protoboards for it the next days - i assume nothing changed on the Pinout of the DipCore until now > so i can order?


    have a nice weekend - mike

  6. - to bad that you not connected a single Pin on the 5V area...


    to understand that right:

    * you use dipcore like a PIC18 - a PIC back in the days needet external power     (but a pic also has no usb connector on it ;) and more then  40pins  )

    * on the dipcore is a usb-socket - but you dont want to power the dipboard with that USB (and all J8/9...).

    * on the dipboardf4 is no usb-socket - and you power your modules and the dipcore with dipboard, the 5V you need - you get from a Walladapter connected to Pinheader... or you wire a external USB-Modul on dipboard (but as you wrote, the usb dont get better over 10angels...) .


    instead of

    routing USB over several connectors and traces, and by doing so - reducing my Space for Rear Connections on my Main-PCB


    will solder a wire to R3 and connect it to my motherboard, nasty, but when i read your shematic right - it will do the the job.

  7. Just now, Antichambre said:

    From the same external source where you connect VBUS of the dipCoreF4, Simply see it like a component, you've got to supply it in 5V and it will provide you the 3.3V.
    Remember, there's a 74HCT541 onboard, all J8/9 and J19 output pins are in 5V. Usually this level shifter is on the mbhp, but here the Core is dedicated to MIOS32 then I put the 541 directly on it.

    i know that the HCT541 is onboard, i already connected the 165 and 595 datalines...that was no problem.


    i dont know what you mean-it is not clear for me: with the VBUS and external source... > i want to plugin a USB-Cable, and power my Core and the J8/9 with it

    * i dont use a Dip-Expansion-Mother-Board - i plug the DipCore into a UI-PCB where all shiftregisters and all other components are already on it.

    * a simple example Circuit: a 595 and 6n136 are connected to the DIP-Core, where do they get 5V? (from the VBUS-Pin? is this the source?)



    thx 4 help

  8. PB2 > PA4  = SD-Card Dat3   >>>   OK thx for INFO.


    as i am currently redesign my CC-Looper-Circuit/PCB... i have (maybe) a last question:

    ? where to take +5V on the DipCore32 -  to powering for example 165/595 registers?    -   you sayd VBUS is input, so i assume i dont get it from there?

    thx 4 info

    A Note:

    In Kicad you cant connect: on one Component, multiple Power-Outputs, to a single 3,3V plane...

    you have to make then two seperate planes for your connected Components like "+3,3a" and "+3,3b"


    change in the Component one of the 3,3V Outputs to bi-directional (for example - so there is no confligt in designrule-check)


    you dont connect anything on the second Power-Output (but that would eliminate the Routing Benifit of a "Air wire" over the dipcore...)

  9. 25 minutes ago, Antichambre said:

    Seems fine, great!

    Maybe i am wrong - but i miss PB2 for SD-Card (maybe i am blind, i dont see it)


    at least you told me how to connect it right on the DiscoBoard see this:

    but maybe you changed the PinOut on MIOS-Side - and this is one of the changes ( if then - please say wher to connect "CD/DAT3" to DipCore


    thx mike

  10. Just now, Antichambre said:

    Seems fine, great!
    Think to set 3V3 Power supply pins as Output type! To avoid any mistake. VBUS(5V) is an Input type of course.

    ok, done i replaced the file above.

    They where set as

    3,3V and GND was Current-INPUT   -  I changed them to Current-OUTPUT,


    VBUS   was BIDIRICTIONAL - now they are set as    Current-INPUT

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