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Posts posted by Phatline

  1. I sell my used BLM16x16+X.



    The Orginal BLM16+16+X has a 8Bit microcontroller, this one has some modifications:

    * 32Bit Core Module (Micrcontroller)



    * 2x2 Midi IO

    * a bootloader switch,  if you bricked somehow the device, with this normally you get it to live....



    * and a expansion port on the front (AIN, DIN), (which you maybe never need, except your are a programmer...)



    * I soldered yesterday new Faders, so they are brandnew, they are connected to a Serial AIN Board, so they work with 5V! (normally Faders direct connected to a 32bit MCU needs 3.3V, so less resolution) you could mount 12 more faders or pots into it, or via expansion port (DIY...)




    * it is 5V USB-Powered, and can be used as USB-Midiinterface, as well there is a sysex protocoll to fast transfair button-led status between a Max-Msp Patch/Ableton live and so on... but for that you have to DIY again



    * Theoretical it also can be powered from the SEQV4, but for that you have to carefulle check the 8-Pin DIN-Socket on the backside off the Device - this holds 2 extra Midi ins 1 Midiout and +-5V --- but i dont know if it wired correctly - you may have to check that yourself (DIY!)



    I fully cleaned and checked it yesterday (i completely disasaambled and assambled it)



    leds are: blue-green-cyan --- and all are working






    Price: 800

    here more detailed Calculation: (without the expansioport, additional midi IO) so you see where the cost is coming from... - i would sell it on sequencer.de - and i think i would find a buyer there - but i cant post there (not enough posts or +-points) -maybe someone can give them a wink... :hmm:








  2. 1 hour ago, Antichambre said:

    I hope for you things have changed because for us everyone looked at us with big questioning eyes and the sound manager tended to put us in the wheels. lol

    i mixed our sound on stage with our own mixer (like always)

    with the crappiest crackiest paper monitors i ever heard (you may can send a voice on it, but bass? kick? a stereo summ of EDM > no way!)

    i sent the stereo-summ to the "sound manager"

    the sound manager was sent here from church  during his "social task year"... he hasent any clue, nor interest, he was sitting there doing "smart"-phone - no it was no "mixer" app ;)

    the sound manager - managed to get the thinnest silence sound on the floor ever.. and when he heard feedback from our mics, he quickley reduced our Stereo Summ on Main PA > well thank you - not!

    i drunk 2 beers...then it turned out that i had to build up the main pa, and helped other bands - because the sound manager havent any glue


    --- what i learnt --- always - always -always  take your own Monitors with us, and sent the stereo-sum (if possible) directley to main PA --- hopefully my bandmate learnt this too -because i was the one that wantet to take the monitors with us in first feeling...

    • Like 1
  3. control sourface for what? DAW? Synth? Record-Session? Ableton? ... it depends...


    For in Depth Edit:

    Endless-Encoders with "end-break" + 2toRGB Color Ledrings with at leas 16 LEDs + LCD above it to show the parameter-name + CC-Automation + CC-Patch-Storage.


    Normal Mouse and or Touchscreen if its for example Ableton


    For Live Play: (all 8 or so most used Parameters for a gig)

    Potis and Faders for Liveact-Action well arangent and unique in feel look and size ---so you can drive it blind... i found out that there are only a few importent Parameters,

    to mouch of Parameters, make it to complicated...


  4. 1 hour ago, oliq said:

    Are there people on this forum who do building for others?

    i had a fiew people that wanted me to make one... but when i wrote them a  realistic price the run away.... 

    so i learned....if you send me all the parts i can assembly and solder the project for you...(sourcing parts isnt a big problem here with mouser parts list anyway - the project is really good documentaded)

    to shift hundrets of teuros from bank to bank is notca very good idea...

    i take 20€/h and can give you for that time a honorar note for it (as a free artist for a other artist for building a music device) thats the same ammount i charge for drawings and shooting photos or other arts. best mike.


  5. EDIT: :pout: ui ui.... @admins > wrong forum-section: could someone please move this to the BLM-Section... thanks



    i took some time to calculate the total costs from all parts, inclusive build time, from the last BLM16x16+X Variant.

    i have done this because someone offered me 300€ for a working - not used- unit (excl Case), and i thougt its a bit too less :itsok:, so a calculated...:

    here is what i got, for the whole unit:

    16x16+X Cost
    what from pieces price Forreign EUR
    4x4 softbuttons adafruit 18 $4,46 $80,28 € 71,45
    DHL EXPRESS WORLDWIDE adafruit 1 $29,67 $29,67 € 26,41
    PREPAID DUTIES AND TAXES adafruit 1 $24,37 $24,37 € 21,69
    electronic components mouser 1 € 253,00 € 253,00 € 253,00
    523-T3507-000 8pole Din-connector mouser 1 € 8,72 € 8,72 € 8,72
    spacer formular 1 € 49,43 € 49,43 € 49,43
    shipping formular 1 € 12,50 € 12,50 € 12,50
    Main BLM PCB midibox 1 $75,00 $75,00 € 66,75
    shipping midibox 1 $12,00 $12,00 € 10,68
    case midibox 1 $270,00 $270,00 € 240,30
    built time phatline 15 $20,00 $300,00 € 267,00
    Shipping the ready thing 2 you country? 1 € 20,00 € 20,00 € 20,00
    Core STM32F407G-DISC1 Mouser(1x) 0 € 17 € 0,00 € 0,00
    core pcb smashtv(1x) 0 € 10 € 0,00 € 0,00
    core parts smashtv(1x) 0 € 13 € 0,00 € 0,00
    midi io pcb smashtv(1x) 0 € 7 € 0,00 € 0,00
    midi io parts smashtv(1x) 0 € 7 € 0,00 € 0,00
    built time phatline(1x) 0 € 20 € 0,00 € 0,00
    Core-8-Variant ca. midibox(1x) 1 $25,00 $25,00 € 22,25
    SUMMED         € 1.070,17

    Its round 800 if you DIY Soldering and Assamble the whole device

    its round 550 if you CNC the case yourself

    ...You can play arround by download the open-office-document here:  16x16 costs.ods

    however i endet up that 300€ its too less... maybe that helps to get some overview what comes to you when you want to built your own the next run...

  6. ... i was searching for a cheap soundmodule... and came back to this... and its midi cc-able..:http://serdaco.com/downloads/X2/X2_Documentation/X2_5504_SPECIAL_MIDISPECS.PDF

    ok there is this *.dxb [dreamsoundbank-format] which is a single binary file which, what seems somewhat closed (except you have +€650 for a editor),

    so there are no user-patches possible > except you have the money... but mostley as artist you have the art and time and not the money... so one comes the nothing other... and since 2016 there was no grow in his soundbanks (of course!!!) you can download 3 of them.

    info from 2016... dont know if there is anynews:


    If you want to make your own soundbanks on your own pc, well this is how it can be done :

    To edit + compile banks into this 'Dream 5000' proprietary binary format, you need the Dream 5000 SDK (http://www.profusionplc.com/parts/sam5000-sdk).
    This is a hardware+software bundle which works well, but is fairly expensive (list price was 650 euro +VAT last year).
    This toolkit allows to import wav files, and access to all synth engine parameters of the dream, to create professional soundbanks.
    It has no soundfont import function, but it uses an XML based format (+ wav files) for storing your instrument/bank projects, so in theory you can make a tool that
    generates data that can be read by the bank compiler.

    And there actually is one person I know, who's working on generating this XML format : Garth from Chicken Systems (he also has the Dream 5000 SDK).
    I am helping him test the Dream XML driver he is developing for his Translator Hi Tech edition software.
    This 299$ software package allows to read many soundbank formats (including soundfonts) and export to Dream XML format http://www.chickensys.com/products/tran ... hitech.php.
    It is really powerful software, but there are not many users for the Dream driver, which makes slow but steady progress.
    Melodic instruments already convert fairly well (still needs some manual tweaking), drum bank support using the different 'drum' bank structure format is still under development.
    So yes to convert an individual saxophone or piano bank, i think it is already up to it, for musicians. It does a large amount of the job for you.


    so whats the deal with "dream"? I dont have a good feeling when looking on this lack of user-bank...

    maybe this is more a way to go...https://www.tindie.com/products/monkeeeys/midi-sound-module/

    if you just want to play sf2 files... (i know this here is for soundcards... but in fact the dream pcb could be used in a midibox environment to... so..)

  7. after founding our label in order to make our own isrc codes, and programming  our bandsite www.crimic.at, and after endless jamsessions,after adding a songmode to my triggermatrix, after months of video editing having a music video...

    we want release our songs... but which distributor (that can do beatport too... and the ni stems format)?youtube is full with us gb or nl distributors but i want a distributor on the european mainland...

    i found dig.dis they ca do stems.mp4 any expierence with them or others?

    thx for any info - mike


  8. well,



    the providet file "MIOS_Studio" is marked as Type "gemeinsame Bibliothek",

    while "mios_msi" (see screenswhot filebrowser) is marked as Type "Programm",

    "Programm" is executable with double click,

    while "Gemeinsame Bibliothek" is not.

    --- booth "MIOS_Studio" (which i got from ucapps) and "mios_msi" (Built from src on my machine) are marked as "als Programm ausführen" in the Preferencys.



    create a program-folder, (in for example your home folder), and add its path to your environment variables (root/etc/environment) (PATH="/home/t/program" for example)

    put the MIOS_Studio File (from ucapps), into the program-folder

    then restart system.

    after that its still not possible to start Mios_Studio with double click,

    but you can start it with a console by Typing "MIOS_Studio"


    @Antichambre i like your Midnight theme...

  9. @TK.

    my system: linux kernel 4.15.0-39 & also 4.18.016 , Linux mint mate 19 TARA

    i use MIOS Studio 2.4.6 ... it works (except the load hex button thing>

    the new 2-4-8 Mios Studio "rar" file you posted, i unpacked it, i checked that it is standart marked as "als program ausführen" in the file-browser settings... but double click or try to run it from console says "keine anwendung zum öffnen von Mios Studio gefunden"

    Do i have to install a Application first? which? thx.

  10. @lcsc.com:

    i have ordered there over the 20€-free area... ordered 200€ there, and paid +150€ taxes (austria, import tax, and zoll) - dont think that it is cheaper to import cheap china parts, instead of reichelt, mouser and co.

    the duty department of austria had a lot of questions- why i order 5000 parts - and didnt believe that it is non comercial...bla bla... ( it is not hard to get over 5000 parts, when the minimum order of a smd resistor is 50 100 or 200 pieces...) @ the end of the day i had massive bill --- so be aware. :confused:


    best mike

  11. i need a count from 0-1ms (to modulate the triggerlength for a TR606 - in order to get some velocity-like reaction from the machine)

    count is not the problem, more the execution of the function

    also to make a RTOS-Task for it - i know very well and use it a lot.... but since now i dont needet anything under 1ms Rate...


    when change from (taken from tutorial 006_rtos_tasks)

    vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastExecutionTime, 1 / portTICK_RATE_MS);


    vTaskDelayUntil(&xLastExecutionTime, 1 / 10);

    has it effect or is it "fixed with min 1ms" ?

    are there MIOS functions i can use instead which have a better call-rate?


    thx 4 info

  12. ok i thougt maybe there is something with the "browse-button" programming and Linux Mint Mate19? in context with PATH-grammatic (/)

    so i readout the Path of the hex file with:

    t@t:~/Downloads$ readlink -f project.hex

    i then paste the result directly into the Browser-Field of the MIOS-Stock-Built and Mios_Studio i built on this machine (today-after installing all the librarys)

    and it F***ing Works!!!

    the browser Button, is not in function with Linux Mint Mate 19!

    Version Linux Mint 19 Tara 64-bit
    Kernel Linux 4.15.0-38-generic x86_64
    Version Linux Mint 19 Tara 64-bit



  13. i then built a Mios_Studio on this Linux Mint Mate19 Machine,

    but the build give me the same error when loading a hex file:

    t@t:~/midibox/mios32/trunk/tools/mios_studio/Builds/Linux$ mios_mate19-2
    JUCE v2.0.38
    JUCE Assertion failure in juce_File.cpp:149
    [1]+  Angehalten              mios_mate19-2

    aha.... i then searched again for "juce_File.cpp" and i found it under: /home/t/midibox/mios32/trunk/tools/juce/modules/juce_core/files

    which now exist because i had to unpack the juce files in order to make a BUILT

    so line 149 says: jasserfalse - which i think is a break command in this ELSE if... which has something to do with Absulute Pathes and "/" (((dont know what that mean)))

    -by the way i searched the .hex-file with the "browse-button" since a drag and drop of hex never worked on Linux anyway (in this case it of course also not worked!)

       else if (! path.startsWithChar (separator))
            if (! (path.startsWith ("./") || path.startsWith ("../")))
                /*  When you supply a raw string to the File object constructor, it must be an absolute path.
                    If you're trying to parse a string that may be either a relative path or an absolute path,
                    you MUST provide a context against which the partial path can be evaluated - you can do
                    this by simply using File::getChildFile() instead of the File constructor. E.g. saying
                    "File::getCurrentWorkingDirectory().getChildFile (myUnknownPath)" would return an absolute
                    path if that's what was supplied, or would evaluate a partial path relative to the CWD.
               #if JUCE_LOG_ASSERTIONS
                Logger::writeToLog ("Illegal absolute path: " + path);

    when clicking in the mios-studio browser-adress-bar i get this for example:

    /home/t/Gtk-Message: 17:35:54.994: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.

    the rapid hole getting deeper, and i even dont know "i am in the right hole?"

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