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Posts posted by tago

  1. This is the NG app compilation output:

    rm -f project.hex
    Application successfully built for:
    Processor: STM32F407VG
    Family:    STM32F4xx
    Board:     MBHP_CORE_STM32F4
    LCD:       universal
    arm-none-eabi-size project_build/project.elf
       text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
     294048     224  173520  467792   72350 project_build/project.elf
    20000000 D __ram_start
    2002a6b0 B __ram_end


  2. Hi,

    i compiled an unaltered NG app and uploaded it to the core ( STM32F4). MIOS Studio told me it was uploaded successfully. During upload i could see 'bootloader mode' on the display. But now the core is unresponsive and MIOS Studio doesn't find it anymore. One red led is blinking the other is permanently on. A green led near the micro USB port is on as well. The Display which is connected to the core shows nothing.

    How can i check what's wrong?

    Thank you


  3. 38 minutes ago, FantomXR said:

    I remember that I encountered that a few times too already. All digital signals where inverted after system boot. So also buttons that were connected to the midibox didn't sent 127 when pressed but 0 and the keyboard did the same. 

    I never solved this. Maybe @TK. has an idea. 

    Did you try to set fastboot on in the bootloader? I think that was my workaround...

    The motherboard doesn't have an option for fastboot. It's an older Asus P8Z68-V Pro. I've changed some USB settings, but no luck with that.

    I tried this: https://help.uaudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/213195423-How-To-Disable-Fast-Startup-in-Windows-10

    But this didn't do the trick either.

    Really strange. I don't know what else i could try.

  4. I could locate the problem to a point after some further testing.

    It has nothing to do with changing the USB port. Simply removing and plugging the cable into the same USB port again solves it when the computer is already running.

    The problem occurs after every system boot when the pc was disconnected from the mains before. But what can possibly go wrong in that scenario? I never encountered such a problem with any USB device before.

    Has anyone an idea what to check or why it happens? Maybe it somehow power related?


  5. I've swapped the MIDIBox controller with another MIDI keyboard and everthing looks fine in Cubase MIDI monitor. It sends Note On and Note Off events as expected.

    Besides MIDI-OX outputs everything as expected for both of my controllers. MIDI-OX output looks exactly like MIOS studio output.

    So there is something wrong when using the MIDIBox controller with Cubase. But what the hell is it?

  6. I noted another strange thing.

    When i press C3 for the first time after opening Cubase i see multiple Note On 0 events with different note values fired. There is no C3 0 event, only the last C3 127 event.

    Note On   E1   0
    Note On   F1   0
    Note On   F#1  0
    Note On   G1   0
    Note On   G#3  0
    Note On   A2   0
    Note On   A#3  0
    Note On   B3   0
    Note On   C3   127

    After the first C3 press, there are only two events fired per key press as described in the opening post.

    Edit: this happens only sometimes

  7. Hi,

    i've encountered an issue while testing my keyboard controller.

    The output in MIOS Studio shows correct note on/off (key pressed down = on, key released = off) events, but when i'm testing on a separate music computer running Cubase those events seem inverted (on -> off and off -> on)

    Cubase MIDI monitor shows something like this on a single C3 press:

    Note On   C3   0
    Note On   C3   127

    It looks like Note Off events are missing and strange 0 events are triggered before Note On.

    I've no idea what is causing that.


    Edit: The solution was to change the USB port or reinsert the USB cable.

    Edit 2: The problem is unfortunately still there.

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