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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Ok, so the 74HC595 shift registers are not serviced by the PIC. Now it's important to know if the firmware is running before debugging the SID module. Here some voltages, which have to be measured against ground: Pin #1: > 4V Pin #17: ca. 2 V (must be > 1V and < 4V) Pin #19: < 1V Pin #20: > 4V Pin #21: < 1V Pin #22: > 4V Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Another check to determine if the SID can be accessed by the PIC: at power-on, the reset signal of the SID (Pin #5 of the SID chip) is going low for about three seconds, thereafter it goes to +5V. This can be measured Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. There is possibly a way to freeze the LCD driver, and thats a floating signal at pin RB7 of the PIC. Dan: could you please temporary remove the LCD and solder a 1k or 10k resistor from Pin #40 of the PIC to ground? If this doesn't help, I will provide a very reduced test program for the SID which *must* work. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. It\s time to find the root cause! Ian: is your PIC still functional? Does it work with other firmwares? Ian/Dan: is your SID clocked with an additional 1 MHz oscillator or with the PIC? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Hi Dan, the failures are very strange, it seems that there is a very dangerous "bug" in your circuit. I hope that you"ve isolated the crystal at the bottom side with a sticky tape? Is there any physical connection between the voltage domain before and after the 7805? Are the jumpers connected properly? Maybe you should also test some other firmwares in order to ensure that the PIC is still working. Are you still using the "mirrored" PCB? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Jasper, thats a good question, because with for the PIC18F design this will be changed. So my answer: for all PIC16F877 versions you don't need a bootloader - just load the .hex file into IC-Prog and burn the firmware into your PIC via JDM. For the upcoming MIOS (running at PIC18F only) a so called Bootstrap loader will be provided which allows you to upload the firmware via MIDI (which is in fact much faster than using the JDM). The required procedure: the small bootstrap loader has to be burned into the PIC18F only once. Thereafter every firmware update can be made via MIDI without a JDM. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. TK.


    Hi Jerash, just a quick question: could you please check the crystal which has been delivered? Is it a 20 MHz crystal, or a 22.1184 MHz type? The MIDIbox will only work correctly with 20 MHz. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Thanks for the input - I will change the domain again. It was just a try ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Swede: Mike removed the MF board from his shop by fault, it should be available again in the next hours. :) Djaychela: poooh, it seems that some additional effort is necessary in order to implement a workaround for the workaround :P Maybe the easiest solution: I could add some kind of generic calibration table which allows the user to map incoming values to absolute fader positions... Thanks for the hint! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi, you can use Serge's midibox64 editor in order to enable this option: Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Just for documentation: here another easy solution to realize the JDM circuit on vector board: just draw the required connections on the board and wire it like shown in the schematic. Thanks to Leo!
  12. Hallo Jack, ja, das funktioniert! Wenn Du eine besonders guenstige Box bauen moechtest, kannst Du die zusaetzlichen Encoder auch einfach weglassen und stattdessen mit dem "Flip"-Button die Funktionen vertauschen. Alternativ waere es auch moeglich, einfache Fader (oder Potis) ohne Motor an den gleichen PIC18F core anzuschliessen, der auch die Encoder, LEDs und Buttons versorgt. Mit Hilfe des Snap-Modus ("Soft-Overtake", siehe MIDIbox64 Dokumentation) werden Werte-Spruenge beim Umschalten der Faderbank vermieden. Gruss, Thorsten.
  13. If it lits now, just let it open. Normaly this connection isn't necessary, pin 15 is A and pin 16 is K... :-/ Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Hi Cyril, not every particular LED can be assigned, but the DOUT registers (group of 8 LEDs). In the old firmware the DOUT registers were statically assigned to the DINs: DOUT1 <= DIN2 and MIDI status DOUT2 <= DIN3 and MIDI status DOUT3 <= DIN1 and MIDI status DOUT4 <= DIN4 and MIDI status DOUT5 <= DIN5 and MIDI status DOUT6 <= DIN6 and MIDI status DOUT7 <= DIN7 and MIDI status DOUT8 <= DIN8 and MIDI status ("DINx and MIDI status" means: each digitial output is controlled by a button and by the appr. incoming MIDI event which is assigned to that button) The strange DIN/DOUT mix was necessary, because most people used only three DINs and two DOUTs - DIN1 has some dedicated functions (navigations buttons) which don't require a LED. But with the special function buttons and especially the Houston/LC emulation, a more flexible solution was necessary-> the LED maps. With LED maps you can mix the DIN->DOUT assignments like you want. And it is also possible to assign the DOUTs to other functions: DOUTx <= MIDI status of DINx only (necessary for the emulation modes, where solely the host application has to control the LEDs) DOUTx <= internal/external Bank number (in theory, also a LED digit could be driven by one DOUT register) and planned for MIDIbox64SEQ: DOUTx <= Sequencer Pos of current track (left/right part) DOUTx <= Sequencer Pos of track 1/2/3/4 (left/right part) However, it will be more clear when you are able to play with the different settings. :) Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: from midibox16e.ini ################################################################################ # LED Map: assignes the LED shift registers to the Button Shift # registers or special values # Currently following values are supported: # 0 Default Setting (see Map below) # 1 Button Shift Register 1 (Button ID #1-#8) # 2 Button Shift Register 2 (Button ID #9-#16) # 3 Button Shift Register 3 (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24) # 4 Button Shift Register 4 (Button ID #25-#32) # 5 Button Shift Register 5 (Button ID #33-#40) # 6 Button Shift Register 6 (Button ID #41-#48) # 7 Button Shift Register 7 (Button ID #49-#56) # 8 Button Shift Register 8 (Button ID #57-#64) # 9 Internal Bank (1 of 8) # 10 External Bank (1 of 8) # 11-15 reserved # 16 MIDI Status received for Button ID #1-#8 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 17 MIDI Status received for Button ID #9-#16 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 18 MIDI Status received for Button ID #17-#24 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 19 MIDI Status received for Button ID #25-#32 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 20 MIDI Status received for Button ID #33-#40 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 21 MIDI Status received for Button ID #41-#48 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 22 MIDI Status received for Button ID #49-#56 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 23 MIDI Status received for Button ID #57-#64 ([MIDI_LEDS] must be enabled!) # 24-31 reserved ################################################################################ [LED_MAP] LED_SR1 = 1 # (Button ID #1-#8) LED_SR2 = 2 # (Button ID #9-#16) LED_SR3 = 3 # (F1-F4 and Navigation Buttons: ID #17-#24) LED_SR4 = 4 # (Button ID #57-#64) LED_SR5 = 5 # (Button ID #25-#32) LED_SR6 = 6 # (Button ID #33-#40) LED_SR7 = 7 # (Button ID #41-#48) LED_SR8 = 8 # (Button ID #49-#56)
  15. Hi Swede, strange strange - I just have sent him a mail Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hi Greg, today I tested Samplitude with the new version of MIDIbox64, which features the Houston and Mackie Control protocol. The emulation itself works fine, but Samplitude doesn't get use of the display. So in fact it doesn't make a big difference if you are using an emulation mode or the MIDIbox as generic MIDI controller. I've also integrated MIDIbox Link. Your two MIDIboxes have to be configured that way: PC Out -> MIDIbox64-1 -> MIDIbox64-2 -> PC In The MIDI merger of box1 has to be configured as "MBLink Forwarding Point" The MIDI merger of box2 as "MBLink Endpoint" On this way feedback loops will be prevented. :) The new firmware can be downloaded here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox64_v101.zip some configuration examples: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip and the updated editor from http://serge.ucapps.de (in few hours). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Now also the MIDIbox64 can be used to emulate a Houston or Mackie/Logic Control. :) However, only the Houston mode is really useful, since the protocol works with absolute values (for faders and V-pots!) and since you can connect a 2x40 LCD to the MIDIbox64. The Mackie emulation is unusable without rotary encoders and a larger display... The new firmware features also LED mapping and MIDIbox Link http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox64_v101.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. ack. - these are the required modules. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. You're welcome! :D Good that I've also created a test firmware... because without MIDI input the SID will play no sound ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. ...without documentation about the different possibilities yet, and therefore no official release. Downloads: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e/midibox16e_v1004.hex.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_mf/midibox_mf_v1000.hex.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip http://serge.ucapps.de The mk_syx archive contains some example configurations for LC and Houston emulation. As you can see, I haven't re-engineered all buttons of the Houston controller yet (it's only a question of effort...) but if somebody would like to complete the list: step forward! :) I've planned to write HOWTOs for both emulation types, but it could take a while... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. You've programming skills? Fine - herewith you are nominated as official owner of the Mackie Control/Houston PlugIns ;D Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. This time from Arto/Finland. He will provide some sound patches in the future. :)
  23. Hi Swede, the demo version of Cubase SX V1.02 doesn't include the Mackie PlugIn, therefore I cannot confirm if this configuration works ok. But note: a Mackie emulation with 2x40 LCD isn't really useable. Maybe I could provide a mod which skips some characters (overall 2x16 characters have to be removed between the 8 channel strips...) but the result will be far from perfection. :-/ If you are interested in Mackie mode, you should better wait for the 5" LCD solution: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1043023674 -> for the emulation stuff graphical LCDs are most flexible. -> Houston emulation is only usefull as low-cost solution Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Well, as a Chip Design Engineer I've to work 40-50 hours a week... on the other hand I've very flexible working hours - I can come when I want and can go when I want, I just only have to do my job. Normally my daily work is interesting and makes a lot of fun (since it has nothing to do with PIC controllers or horrible MIDI protocols... ;-)), I don't feel stressed at the weekends so that I've still the time to realize my dreams ::) Concerning the Houston protocol: unfortunately the Steinberg guys didn't implement the multiclient setup capability, so it isn't possible to combine several Houston boxes with the same flexibility like known from the Mackie Control. But it is possible to add other MIDI controllers to the same MIDI line as "Generic Remotes" - this allows you to assign additional pots, faders or encoders to any parameter (disadvantage: without the same flexibility and especially without display support from the host application...). In my eyes the best solution: the Houston emulation only with 8 V-pots and some buttons to control the EQs, fx-VSTs, VSTis and the transport bar. & one, two or more MIDIbox MF without display to control the volumes (or other functions --- bank-switching is supported by Cubase!) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Hallo, durch die LED-Kraenze fliesst insgesamt nur sehr wenig Strom, da sie per Zeit-Multiplex angesteuert werden - soll heissen: alle 800 uS wird ein anderer Kranz erleuchtet. Das spart Strom und Verdrahtungsaufwand. :) Die Leiterbahnbreite kannst Du auf 16 MIL (0.4 mm) reduzieren. Ja, diese Belts kosten wahrscheinlich viel zuviel ;-) Gruss, Thorsten.
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