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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Hi Quenzer, the data bus is a little bit different and the display requires an additional negative voltage, so that a small DC converter circuit has to be built which shifts the voltage level to -25V. However, it isn't impossible to adapt this really cheap LCD to the MBLC, but the driver will be different. If there is nobody with programming skills who would like to buy this LCD and would write the driver, just send it to me and I will do it --- normaly this can be done within a hour... Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: a Space Invaders PlugIn for MIDIbox NG would be a cool idea ;-)
  2. Here some uncommented photos which should give some hints for your own construction and should give an impression about the effort. I suppose that an experienced DIYer can build a similar box in between 2 weeks, unexperienced DIYers maybe need longer, but since the box can be enhanced step by step the first success (Cubase or Logic regognizes the MC/LC device) should come within one day, and the rest is just a matter of time... http://www.midibox.org/midibox_lc_photos/ Note that my version is very compact, most has been build on vectorboards, because on this way I was able to vary the size of the modules. For the guys who are able to etch boards by themself: make it easier than me and layout also the boards for the buttons, encoders, etc. & feel free to publish your layouts! :) Another important suggestion: don't order a panel before you've prepared the boards for the encoders/buttons/LEDs, and before you are able to measure the dimensions in order to ensure that everything fits fine. Because nothing is worse than an expensive panel with too big or small slots and holes! (I had luck ;-)) Thats all for today... :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hi Dave, ok, since the IBK10 can send SysEx controllers, I will integrate this feature into the SysEx handler, since this allows to cascade sequencers and to address the appr. pot with the device number. The data structure of MB64SEQ is different from MB64, it cannot be edited by Serge's Editor. But fortunately Serge gave me the tools which allow me to modify the editor by myself so that I think that a MB64SEQ editor could be provided soon. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. TK.

    w/o words

    Hi, :) Christoffer: the push buttons are from Reichelt, order number "DT_6" (the big ones) and "TASTER 3305B" (the small ones) Steve: yes, I'm nearly out of space, therefore I'm searching for a new flat since some weeks, because currently the whole stuff is in my livingroom and I have to put it away when I get visitors so that they don't stumble over the gear ;-) Mostly they are confused, they've no idea for what these boxes could be useful to and change the topic quickly before I start to talk about the newest features ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Unfortunately not --- because the LC emulation is limited by the host software, and if it doesn't support more encoders or joysticks, there is no chance to add them to the HUI. The only mod you can make is to replace the motorfaders by encoders (thats the cheaper variant) However, on the other hand I'm very satisfied with the new possibilites and don't think that more encoders are really required. Here an example: This is the common view. Panorama is controlled by the encoders, volume by the motorfaders. Now I push the "Assignment: Track button" and get a assign menu I push the V-Pot #8 button to enter the setup values which are now under control of the encoders. Another example: I push the "Assignment: Instruments" button and get an oversight over my VSTi's I push V-Pot button #6 and can control the VSTi parameters with the encoders... The handling is very fast - just two clicks to select a bank of parameters :) And with the "Bank +/-" button I'm able to scroll through the track-groups (8 entries per group) Note: the screen output is send by the host application and therefore is not under my control. I only interpret the incoming data streams and print them out... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. TK.

    w/o words

    These are 32 additional buttons for LC functions, MIDI remote commands and/or SFB events (Display mode switching, etc.) Here an update of the current status --- every part fits fine, but the modules have not been connected yet... next update on sunday :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Unfortunately this is not supported by the MC/LC protocol. Every device requires a seperate MIDI In/Out :-( Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Nein, Du benoetigst einen 10 MHz Quarz. Um sicherzusterzustellen, dass Du diesen seltsamen Wert nicht fuer einen Schreibfehler haelst, schreibe ich ihn gerne nochmal aus: zehn Megahertz... ;-) Der Grund: der interne Oszillator kann nur bis 25 MHz schwingen, im PIC18F ist jedoch auch eine PLL integriert, die die Frequenz vervierfacht. Leider ist dieser Faktor fest eingestellt, deshalb muss der Quarz ausgetauscht werden. Ansonsten sind alle Bauteile identisch mit der PIC16F Version. Gruss, Thorsten.
  9. Hi Steve, did you select the correct processor type (PIC16F874 or PIC16F877)? Because this setting cannot be determined from the .hex file. If this wasn't the reason, could you please send me a snapshot from your IC-prog window? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Nenad, the unused DIN pins have to be connected to +5V via 10k resistors --- if you built the DIN module completely, these "pull-ups" are already available so that you don't need to take special care for the button inputs. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Serum, sure, this graphic LCD can be connected to the core module. But it requires another driver. There are three possibilities: either you try to modify the existing driver so that it communicates with the HD61830 (I think that I can help via remote), or somebody with programming skills buys a HD61830 and helps us, or you lend me the LCD so that I'm able to setup the routines @home. Btw.: the MIDIbox NG will come with a three-layer driver model, the 1st level accesses the dotmatrix or graphic display directly, the 2nd level provides some API functions between the display and user code, and the 3rd level will allow the user to write something to the LCD by accessing a SRAM buffer. This will be the most flexible solution, because for different LCDs just only the 1st level routines (about 100 bytes) have to be adapted; everything else will be compatible and can be reused. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Dave, Congratulations - the IBK10 is one of the best controllers designs! :) well, concerning the MB64seq: it wouldn't be a big job to integrate a feature which allows you to control the "pot values" from external via CC. But a LCD and at least 8 buttons have to be added beside of the core module, because without these control elements playing with the MB64 will make no fun. Currently the SysEx dump cannot be edited by Serge's software, since it requires a totally different editing concept... however, the concept of MB64seq isn't to replace a groovebox or sequencer software, the idea behind this box is to allow direct control of notes/CC patterns, which mostly results into more creative and dynamic sequences Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. The old versions can be found here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox_plus_pcb_dave_v2.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox_plus_pcb_shum.zip http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox_plus_pcb_martin3.zip they have been temporary removed from the website since they require some additional docs concerning the (slightly) modified hardware. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Unisono is a feature especially for the users who want to use 2 SIDs in stereo configuration. It already can be realized by detuning the pitch, but the Unisono button will make it easier. Yes, also single oscillators will be controlable over different channels or in split mode, this has already been prepared - I only need a control surface to select all these already implemented options. ;-) I won't publish a list of required modules, etc. before February, because the specs have not been frozen yet and could be changed when I begin to play with the alpha version and notice that something is missing for a perfect interaction... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hallo Jack, Ich benoetige keinen Master-Fader, ausserdem muesste ich dafuer eine zweite MIDIbox MF bauen (jede MBMF kann nur 8 Fader bedienen), was ich natuerlich vermeiden moechte. ;-) Zum Anwaehlen der restlichen Parameter, sowie zum Senden von sogenannten Double-Note-Events, mit denen man die zusaetzlichen MIDI Remote Funktionen von Logic bedienen kann. Man kann natuerlich auch beliebige andere Events (oder SFB-Funktionen) darauf legen, wie bspw. die SFBs fuer das Bankswitching (so kann man mal schnell ein anderes MIDI-Geraet/Programm ansteuern...) es befindet sich auf der rechten Seite unter den 32 Mini-Buttons Ich werde wohl Schablonen ueber die Tasten legen, weil ich mit dem Controller ja nicht nur eine LC emulieren moechte ;-) Gruss, Thorsten.
  16. Nein, das kann der SID leider nicht. Stattdessen veraendert man einfach den Sustain-Level der Huellkurve, das wirkt fast genauso ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. What did you finish up to now? Btw: this posting contains some answers to common problems: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=troubleshooting;action=display;num=1041817688 Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. No, this isn't possible... two cores are required. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Yes, it's already possible to connect up to 16 LEDs for each ring/bar. The patterns are free definable (see http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/mk_syx.zip , the midibox16e.ini sample file). The LC emulation will offer the same features (and a little bit more ;-)) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. I will continue with the MIDIbox NG/LC when I get the panel from Schaeffer, thereafter it could get about one or two weekends until the new box is ready for the public. As far as I know there is no functional difference between LC and MC, just only the device IDs are not the same to prevent a connection between Logic and MC ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Yes, thats possible with the example Meta event which is already included in v1.909: ;; this example sends a registered value, it allows you to increment/decrement a program change: ;; first value: Fn - n stands for the selected MIDI channel ;; second value: if 00: decrement, 01: increment, 02: send without increment/decrement ;; third value: decrement/increment: don't care; else the value which should be sent and stored into the internal register ;; necessary definitions in midibox16.ini: ;; 1.1 = F0 00 7F @OnOff ;; 1.2 = F0 01 7F @OnOff ;; 1.3 = F0 02 7F @OnOff
  22. Here a short summary which should answer all your questions :) The interaction between the control surface and the external SID cores will happen over common MIDI connections. Every core gets it's one device number, so that up to 16 cores can be accessed. It will be a one-way connection between MIDI OUT of the control surface and the MIDI INs of the other cores. The MIDI OUTs of the external cores will not be used, since every slave is under direct control of the master core. The SysEx commands which are necessary for this configuration have been introduced in firmware release v1.4 and they are already used by the Java editor - it's possible to send a whole sound patch to the EEPROM in between 100 mS (F0 00 00 7E 46 <device-number> 02 <patch-number> <256 bytes of dump data> F7), and to directly change parameters of the dump without writing it into the EEPROM in between 2 mS (F0 00 00 7E 46 <device-number> 06 AH AL <value> F7). The SID module which is connected directly to the control surface will be handled as virtual MIDI device (or in other words: as a VSTi ;-)) so that you don't see a difference between externaly and internaly controlled SID When you select between different SIDs with the appr. button, you just select the device number... The BankStick which is attached to the control surface stores sound patches for all SIDs. It will be possible to select different patches for several SIDs. When you select a sound patch for an external SID, it will be transfered in between 100 mS to the selected SID. Maybe it will also be possible to access up to 8 BankSticks from the surface, since I noticed that the Microchip EEPROMs offer 3 chip select lines (= 8 addresses) It will also be possible to use the surface as common MIDI controller for VST instruments or whatever since there is no difference between controlling a SID slave core or any other MIDI device. Just assign your favourite MIDI events to the "assign" banks in the OSC and ENV section... I think that more than one assignable bank can be realized on the following way: hold the assign button and select one of 5 banks with the buttons below the LCD, or select it with the jog-wheel beside of the LCD. Some words to the playing modes: Single every SID will get it's own sound patch and can be assigned to the same or to different MIDI channels. Unisono also known as phat mode ;-) --- all SIDs are assigned to the same MIDI channel and will play an identical sound. Only the finetune value will be different, which results into fat leads Split SIDs will be controlled over the same MIDI channel, but will get different sections on the keyboard, so that you can i.e. play different percussion sounds on one channel or play a bass and a lead sound with two hands About variations (i.E. low-cost versions, different displays or whatever): the final surface will already be very flexible, so that it can be used with different button, LED, LCD and encoder configurations. It's planned to publish the source code for the "surface control handler" in form of a MIDIbox NG PlugIn, which can be modified for own requirements and can be uploaded over MIDI. On this way you can customize the whole surface also for other applications. I.e, it can be quickly turned to a completely different controller for a different instrument in between 1 minute :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Unter diesen Umstaenden wuerde ich auf LED-Digits nicht verzichten. Dazu benoetigst Du keine einzelnen LEDs, es gibt die Digits auch fix und fertig bei Reichelt zu kaufen: SA_08-11_rt Das MTC-Beispiel unter Concept->Test Programs mag zwar kompliziert aussehen, im Grunde laesst es sich aber Plug-and-Play maessig integrieren. Mit dem PIC18F wird wie gesagt alles einfacher und kompakter; fuer diese Plattform werde ich Beispiele bereitstellen, die auf dem "MIOS" basieren (ein selbstgebasteltes Betriebssystem, das die grundsaetzlichen Verwaltungsaufgaben fuer MIDI-Anwendungen uebernimmt). Uebrig bleibt dann im Grunde nur noch die Codierungstabelle fuer die LEDs unter contab_l.inc. Die Digits koennen dann jederzeit mit einfachen Registerzugriffen beschrieben werden: movlw 0x01 movwf LED_DIGIT0 movlw 0x02 movwf LED_DIGIT1 movlw 0x03 movwf LED_DIGIT2 movlw 0x04 movwf LED_DIGIT3 den Rest uebernimmt das Betriebsystem. Einfacher geht es dann glaube ich nicht mehr. ;-) Gruss, Thorsten.
  24. Hi, yes, Windows XP requires the win2000 driver as far as I know, otherwise the access to the serial interface is too slow, so that the C-charging unit of JDM (than faster the pulse, than higher the voltage) cannot be "pumped" to the required voltage levels. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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