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  1. TK.

    caqs values q

    Hi Dan, the replacements are ok. AA and FC versions will work - AA means a lower minimum voltage, FC is the high-frequency version. But in fact all EEPROMs will work No, Reichelt has no caps for pushbuttons. My recommendations: DT_6 (simply the best) TASTER_3301B (the cheapest, can also be used without knobs) DTL_2 (with integrated LEDs, but expensive) T_250A (vintage style) Some buttons are indicated with an additional code for the colour: bl (blue), ge (yellow), gr (grey), gn (green), rt (red), sw (black), ws (white) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Hi Jeff, yes, thats ok. The pin numbers can be seen in the new PCB preview: http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mplus_new_pcb.gif (note that this board is a little bit different from the current schematic, but the power supply circuit is the same). Maybe you should use a small drill or a screw driver to enlarge the holes for the 7805. The crystal hasn't a certain direction, yes you can solder them directly to the pins Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hallo Al, wie ich gerade auch im News-Board geschrieben habe, wird es bald fuer ca. 7-8 Euro ein spezielles Board fuer die MIDIbox Plus geben. Damit laesst sich natuerlich auch eine "MIDIbox Plus 8" aufbauen, die nicht benoetigten Teile einfach weglassen... noch guenstiger (und kleiner) geht es nur noch, wenn man die Schaltung auf Lochraster aufbaut. Gruss, Thorsten.
  4. TK.


    Hi, normaly the checkboxes are updated automatically, since the flags are defined in the .hex file. However, just for double-checking: Oscillator HS Code Protection off WDT on PWRT on BODEN on LVP off CPD off WRT on DEBUGGER off Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. Nearly perfect - just two hints: the CNY17 should be replaced by a 6N138 circuit (see MBHP core module for the schematic) and the unused AN0-AN7 pins should be connected to ground Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Dave :) you are right, with your PCB (midibox_plus_pcb_dave_v2.zip) the hardware changes can be accomplished with less effort. Only an additional wire between pin RC4 and the R/W input of the LCD will be required in order to get the upcoming (probably "final") firmware release running. I will put all current PCBs into a special archive - in respect to the work of the creators and as additional "source of inspiration" for people who want to etch their own board. Btw.: I just have finished the new layout and will get the PCB in about 4 days in order to test it. It looks expensive, but it isn't: the estimated price is about 7-8 Euro for a premade 10cm x 8cm board and it's also nice for DIY etching since only a single layer is used (and 9 bridges...) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. Thanks - I've already found somebody who helps :) Btw.: how about a worldwide net of MIDIbox PIC Programming service points in each country? ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. Yes, but you need to add the three other 10k pull-ups and the ground connections to the analog inputs in order to prevent random values. The "initial value indicator" is just a feature and no must. And the CNY17-II should be exchanged by a 6N138 optocoupler (circuit: see MBHP core module. The MIDIbox Plus schematics will be updated soon) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Due to sporadic problems with the MIDI-In port of MIDIbox Plus I've decided to change the hardware although it (mostly) works perfectly. A user sent me his board so that I was able to search for the root cause - I noticed that the CNY17-II optocoupler from his MIDIbox sends much weaker signals to the PIC than those from my circuit. It's exactly what I had expected based on descriptions from other users (they had to tweak the 220 or 1.8k resistor). It seems that the manufacturs of this optocoupler cannot guarantee the specified characteristics, especially because users who bought the IC from the same distributor like me (Reichelt) never reported a problem. -> the CNY17-II will be replaced by a 6N138 Since it's more difficult for me to change all the existing PCBs, I will create a new PCB with Eagle. This will allow you to modify the layout for your needs. I will also ask Mike for distributing premade PCBs of MIDIbox Plus in his shop, as I think that the design has still advantages compared to the MBHP; it's the low-cost solution. By this way I will also change the 74HC00 circuit (add a MIDI-In LED) and the interface to the LCD (additional read line improves the speed). More about the new PCB maybe in 2 weeks Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Meiner Meinung nach ist Tor Arnes Design schoen ziemlich gut durchdacht. Zum Mischen eignen sich die Fader/Poti/Taster-Kombinationen besonders, weil sie raeumlich so zueinander zugeordnet sind, dass man die Kanalzuege ohne Beschriftung wiederfindet. Und zur Ansteuerung von Synth/Fx PlugIns/Software ist man mit der Pot-Matrix besser bedient, auf die man schnell und einfach alle Parameter legt, die in Echtzeit angesteuert werden sollen. Hierbei macht man allerdings Abstriche in Punkto Uebersichtlichkeit, deshalb sind Controller-Fetischisten bereits dazu uebergegangen, jeweils einen eigenen Controller fuer ihre Lieblings-Anwendungen zu basteln (siehe MIDIbox-Gallery) ;-) Man sollte uebrigens nicht an Tastern sparen, sie vereinfachen die Interaktion mit der MIDI-Software mehr als man zunaechst annehmen mag. Bei Logic Audio habe ich mir die wichtigsten Funktionen auf die MIDI-Tasten gelegt, weil ich sie so wesentlich schneller erreiche als ueber die Computer-Tastatur (vor allem, wenn sich mal ein anderes Fenster im Vordergrund befindet, und man mal schnell die Transport/Aufnahme-Funktionen ansteuern moechte...). Auch ein Traktor-Controller besteht hauptsaechlich aus Tasten (siehe Design von Andreas). Ich persoenlich werde wohl in Zukunft hauptsaechlich mit der MIDIbox LC herumspielen (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_lc/mblc_surface1.gif - das Panel sollte uebernaechste Woche bei mir eintreffen), die MIDIbox64 nur noch als Sequenzer, und die restlichen MIDIboxen nach Bedarf fuer Plugins und Reaktor verwenden. Gruss, Thorsten.
  11. Hallo Cyan, realisieren laesst sich dieses Geraet mit dem MBHP Core Modul, einem LC-Display und Tastern/Schaltern, die man direkt an das Core-Modul anschliesst. Die Bauteile kann man am guenstigsten bei Reichelt beziehen, die Kosten liegen schaetzungsweise bei ca. 35 EUR. Fehlt dann nur noch die Firmware, und hier wird es dann auch schon etwas aufwaendiger - dein Wunschcontroller erfordert naemlich ein User-Interface, das bisher von den MIDIboxen noch nicht unterstuetzt wird. Du musst also eine Menge selbst programmieren, und das erfordert Mikrocontroller-Kenntnisse... hierzu koennte ich Dir ein paar Tips geben, aber die meiste Arbeit wird bei Dir bleiben. Am besten schaust Du Dir mal die Beispielsourcen unter Concepts->MBHP->Test Programs an, um abzuschaetzen, was da auf Dich zukommt. Auf den ersten Blick mag der Assemblercode vielleicht kompliziert aussehen, aber das gibt sich, sobald man damit "herumspielt" und die Moeglichkeiten erfasst hat. Die juengste Success-story schrieb mir jemand aus Suedafrika, der - ohne Vorkenntnisse - auf Basis der Beispiele eine luxerioese Mikrocontrollersteuerung fuer eine Kirchenorgel realisiert hat :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  12. Being a newcomer to electronics and electrical design I think I just learned the first, most important, and probably the most basic rule of circuit design: "Always check your connections first before crying for help." This must be highlighted. Well Done! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Yes, exactly :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. TK.


    My tip: just go into a DIY store, to a fleamarket or EBay and search for enclosures which are suitable. I built my first MIDIbox Plus into an defective satellite receiver (cost: 0 EUR), the second into a mini-keyboard from the flea market (cost: 5 EUR), the MIDIbox64 into a metallic packing case for screws (cost: 5 EUR), and the upcoming MIDIbox LC into a nice looking wooden box from the DIY market (cost: 8 EUR). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. I like your technical notes! :) The link can now be found at the MBHP Bankstick page, because bankstick-switching is one of the most requested features Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. yes, the +5V should be enough. Be carefull with the voltages, a too high level can kill the components! The easiest and most secure way to setup the connections is the following: at first let the LED sender and receiver attached, connect the RS232 cable with your PC. Connect the ground of the mouse (RS232 pin #5) with Vss of the DIN module, and the green and light-blue pin of the receiver via two resistors (*) to the DIN inputs. Now the MB16E firmware should regognize movements of the mouse and send out MIDI events. Thereafter measure the voltage levels of the sender and receiver during operation - they could be different now. If they are still about 5V or higher, the components can be supplied with Vdd of the DIN module without additional measures. If they are lower, you probably need series resistors - measure the current which is going through the components and calculate the required resistances with following formula: R = (5V-V_measured) / I_measured; Example: R = (5V - 2V) / 15mA = 200 Take the next higher available resistor from the E12 table (100, 220, 330, 470, ...): 220 Ohm More details can be found in any book about electronics (-> ohms law) Best Regards, Thorsten. (*) the resistors protect the 74HC595 from too high currents between the two voltage domains (RS232/MIDIbox). Values between 100 - 1k are ok
  17. with Logic (or any other MIDI-sequencing tool) everything but the song name and wavetable can be saved; so I would prefer the editor for this job, which transfers the data over the SysEx protocol (just create patch libraries for every song and put them into the same folder). Yes, as you've already noticed the patch is now stored in the EEPROM. I've prepared everything for a BankStick but *pscchhht* that's secret up to the next release ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. A Wavetable sequencer has been integrated into the firmware which allows you to create sequences of Waveforms and other CC controllers. This feature is a *must* for C64-style percussion sounds :) Here a new demo sound: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/mbsid_demo8.mp3 Note that all sounds have been created with the MIDIbox SID! The sounds have been enriched with external effects from Logic Audio, this makes the noise so exciting! :-) Link to the new firmware: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/midibox_sid_v1.3.zip Link to the new editor: http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid/jsynth_017_with_mbsid_rel3.zip Some new patches can be found here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/example_patches_v3.zip HowTo handle with wavetables: You can define up to 32 table entries for 3 different CC parameters which are played with every note. Most common parameters are "Waveform" and "Transpose", since they allow to define sequences of waves and pitches for percussive sounds. Four different directives can be selected for each entry: "-" (do nothing), "Play" (change the three parameters), "Goto" (jump to the sequencer-step which is defined as first parameter) and "End" (stop here). The three parameter columns are used to enter absolute or relative values for the three CC parameters. Normaly a wavetable begins with absolute values for a defined start when a new note is played (examples: 40 - don't transpose, 3F: minus one note, 41: plus one note. Values can also be entered in decimal form, but a real C64 hacker proscribes such a unusual number system, so both variants are available ;-). For the other values below the first row it's your choice. Pitches (Transpose values) are normaly entered as relative values (begin with a + or -), Waveforms as absolute values (examples: 01 - Triangle, 02 - Saw, 04 - Pulse, 08 - Noise, 12 - oscillator saw & off, 21 - synced triangle). Refer to the SID CC implementation chart: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/sid_cc_implementation_chart.txt Here an example for a snare drum: CC Parameter #1 assigned to Voice1 Waveform CC Parameter #2 assigned to Voice1 Transpose CC Parameter #3 not used here Rate (Speed) set to 119 00 Play 08 50 +0 # Plays Noise , transposed by 10 (40 is the middle, +10) 01 Play 04 45 +0 # Plays a pulse, transposed by 5 02 Play 04 4C +0 # Plays a pulse, transposed by C (=one octave) 03 Play 08 54 +0 # Plays noise, transposed by 54 04 Play 08 +0 +0 # still plays noise, don't transpose 05 Play 18 +0 +0 # stop playing noise 06 End # stop waveform The result can be heared at the beginning of mbsid_demo8.mp3. Another example, a synth sound with loop point: CC Parameter #1 assigned to Voice1/2/3 Transpose CC Parameter #2 not used here CC Parameter #3 not used here Rate (Speed) set to 88 00 Play 40 +0 +0 # Setup transpose value (40 is the middle) 01 Play -1 +0 +0 # decrement transpose value 02 Play +1 +0 +0 # increment transpose value 03 Play -1 +0 +0 # decrement transpose value 04 Play -1 +0 +0 # decrement transpose value once more 05 Goto 01 # define a loop (continue at step 01) This result into a nice dropping sound, known from C64 games :) However, this was just a short introduction, the possibilities with the Wavetable feature are endless! Some hints: sequence the Filter Cutoff frequency (CC #46), or the Depth of a LFO (CC #72-77) or the Wavetable speed/CC assign value itself (CC#120-124)! Have fun! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hi, somebody from Sydney asked me to program the MIDIbox Plus firmware into his PIC. Normaly thats no problem for me, but since it takes about one week until the parcel reaches Europe, I'm wondering if anybody else from Australia could help him? This would be the fastest and cheapest solution. :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  20. The green and the light-blue pin is connected with the IC, so I think that these are the signals which have to be connected to the DIN module. The red and blue are for the power supply. Here I'm not sure if a special voltage level is required. However, just plug the mouse into the RS232 or PS/2 socket of your PC and measure the voltage between these two pins. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. Alright, the data transaction is similar to the protocol used by the KS0108, so I don't expect problems. Concerning Reichelt: I don't have the time to handle the orders for other people (it's not against you Dan), but if nobody else can help you, I could ask Chris who already sells the parts for the MBHP modules Best Regards, Thorsten.
  22. Hallo Tofu, wie Du ja schon mitbekommen hast, werden diese Sonderfunktionen von der Serge's virtuellen MIDIbox nicht emuliert. Der Autosnapshot sichert beim Umschalten der Bank die aktuellen Pot-Positionen, holt die neuen aus dem Bank-Memory und sendet sie sofort (MIDIbox64 mit deaktiviertem Snap-Modus) oder updated die interne Position (MIDIbox64 mit aktiviertem Snap-Modus), repositioniert die Motorfader (MIDIbox MF), updated die LED-Kraenze (MIDIbox 16E)... eigentlich erreicht man erst mit dem Autosnapshot das, was man von einer Bankumschaltung erwartet. Sie sollte jedoch deaktiviert werden, wenn das Host-Programm ueber ein internes Bankmanagement verfuegt, wie es z.B bei Cubase der Fall ist. Gruss, Thorsten.
  23. Servus, theoretisch waere das schon moeglich, aber das geplante CV/gate modul wird mit einem relativ teuren DA-Umsetzer von Maxim bestueckt sein, der mit seiner 12-bit Aufloesung fuer die Ansteuerung von LEDs etwas ueberdimensioniert ist. Wenn es auf die Genauigkeit nicht ankommt, kann man sich einen DAC aber auch aus einem Widerstandsnetzwerk selberbasteln. Oder man steuert die Helligkeit der LEDs per Pulsweitenmodulation (PWM) - so wird es am guenstigsten. Gruss, Thorsten.
  24. thanks :) The new navigation was the result of a 3 hour rail journey - traveling with the train can really be efficient ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Hi Justin, thanks for the input! I've decided to exchange the CNY17 by a 6N138 in all schematics and PCBs of MIDIbox Plus so that nobody runs into this problem anymore. Juno SysEx: since the structure of SysEx strings can be very different, it's not possible to learn them. But they can be realized with Meta Events. Can you send me a MIDI specification sheet of this synth? Best Regards, Thorsten.
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