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Posts posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Hi Louis,

    if I understand correctly you are asking for preset sounds for MBSID. It seems you are able to load the Vintage bank. Do you have all 128 patches ("sounds") from the Vintage bank available?

    I'm afraid the Vintage bank is the only complete bank available for download. You can find some single patches available for download on the forum, and you could upload those patches to available free bankstick memory (or replace patches from the Vintage bank) by using the patch librarian from MIOS studio, like Thorsten pointed out earlier.

    If I misunderstood your question please explain what you are unsuccessful at again.

  2. I added the 1:1 DIL header for the 32 bit cores. I made only one such header since the option to split the standard 8 CV AOUT into 2x4 CV is not useful for 32 bit Cores IMHO; the only application I can think of that would benefit from this option uses 8 bit Cores (MBSID and MB6582). If you would want to use the split option with a 32 bit Core that's still possible; you just need to connect to the appropriate pins on JP2.

    @TK, can you perhaps shed some light on the R_x and R_y values (with 500R trimpots and the bipolar option)?

  3. Sorry to arrive on this thread so late with advice for improvement.

    It's about the cathode row drivers and the brightness of the display:

    At present each row is driven by a single pin of a HC595. Each pin may draw only 35mA and is driving up 16 LEDs at 1/16 duty cycle.

    I predict that the current design is dull (not bright) and has excessive flicker.

    I'm proposing two changes that will improve the display substantially:

    1. Place a ULN2803 driver in line each of with SR1 and SR2. This will increase the max current in each row to around 1A. Will result in much brighter. See SmashTV info pages on the DOUT module wiring options for the picture with ULN28xx soldered into the position of the current limiting resistors. Note that the GND pin on the driver needs to be connected to power GND on the PCB.

    Brightness is overrated :). No seriously, even on SmashTV's page the ULN drivers are specified for driving relays.

    1. Include an extra pair of shift registers (duplicate SR3, SR4 and RN1,RN2) so that the display is driven in two halves. This will double the refresh rate (1/8 duty) resulting in double brightness and much less flicker. If I am correct, all of TK's designs have a maximum of 1/8 duty cycle.

    In this example TK uses 11 LEDs in the exact same fashion that Fairlightiii used in his design.

    I can't judge if the duty cycle is important, but the brightness should be fine I guess. :flowers:

  4. I need 23 button caps for my MBFM project; I'd like to use rectangular buttons like on the sammichSID and -FM. I know both Mouser and Digikey carry them but I'd rather not order in the US because of minimum order value, relatively expensive shipping, and unpredictable import taxes. x0xsh0p.de carries them as well but I mailed the guy a week ago and am still waiting for a response, so that does not give me a good feeling either.

    So, if you have 23 of these babies you want to part with, or are ordering at Mouser or Digikey soon and don't mind including a few buttons for me, please PM me! :thumbsup:

  5. Don't you think that the no-corresponding LEDring/Encoder would be enough crucial problem for users?

    It requires changes in the config, which should be managable for most users. On the other hand the encoders and ledrings have a fixed place, so it's not very flexible. Not problem for me, but maybe not suited for Tim's shop that way. Maybe if a (popular) finished project would be built around it (with a prebuilt firmware which includes a resolution to all "quirks") it would be a different story.

    PS: For every reader, sorry for my poor english!

    I can understand your English with no problem, and I might say it's a lot better quality (both grammar and sentence wise) than what most French people tend to write :D :whistle:

    You don't want to see me write French, believe me. Ca n'est pas plus belle :wacko:

  6. Thanks for the answer TK, I will definitely continue the bipolar path then. :thumbsup:

    I looked at the LPC core documentation, but could not find if it's possible to connect an AOUT module and if so to which port (I wanted to see if I can add a port with matching pinout). Am I not looking well enough, or is the information not public yet?

  7. That is exactly the same ZIF socket as I have, only mine is blue (which is much better for the bits ofcourse, everyone knows that :tongue: ) and not attached to a PCB yet.

    @ Rosch: shall I put it in the box together with your PSU? Did you manage to test the 16F88 PICs you have left over?

    Cheers, Alex.

  8. I also got a PM from Rosch that he maybe has a spare PIC16F88 which should already have the correct firmware. I like cleaning out leftovers, and another look at the schematic revealed it's so simple I'll probably just build it on veroboard.

    I'll keep in mind that you have a burner though. Always handy :)


    I have a 40 pin ZIF socket, real nice piece, bought it years ago when I still had plans to build a PIC programmer. Maybe you can use it on your programmer?

  9. If anyone has an (unfinished is fine) IIC module in decent shape (no burned components or lifted tracks please :)) that they want to get rid of; I'm looking for one to add a Midi-in port to my MB6582 for the internal keyboard.

    If nothing turns up I'll just order a PCB and PIC at Smash.

  10. Just a quick update: PSUs are in. I'll be doing some packing this weekend, but still need to order the molex stuff (wanted to place a big order for parts for multiple projects and wasn't sure what the total BOM was going to be, hence I held off a few days, hope nobody minds). So those who have not ordered molex connectors will have their stuff sent out next week, the others will follow as soon as I have the molex stuff.

  11. As far as I know it works a little different in the MBFM (and MBSID) compared to "real" wavetable synths. A real wavtable synth uses more or less a recorded "sample" of a wave, and uses that to make sound, which can then be altered in the classic ways of synthesis (subtractive, additive, etc.).

    The wavetables in MBFM (and MBSID) are - as far as I know - patterns which tell the oscillator (or operator, give the thing a name) to change to a specific waveform after a specific (very short) time interval. For example you can use a wavetable to altenate between saw and pulse every step; it will sound different from a regular saw or regular pulse. It will not use samples.

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