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Posts posted by NorthernLightX

  1. Question about the molex connector. Will this just be the male connector, or will it include an empty female as well?

    The Male connectors are already on the PSU PCB. The extra connectors I'm talking about are a set of empty Female connectors (one 3 pins and one 6 pins) with crimp pins. If you click the Reichelt link I provided before, you see exactly what's in the package :flowers:

    The 3 pin connector has only 2 pins used, and it's very possible to find a suitable connector in an old PC PSU. The 6 pin connector however is harder to find.

  2. Reminder: bulk order will happen before the end of the month. Current list of interest:

    NorthernLightX: 2
    ilmenator:      1 or 2
    jojjelito:      1 or 2
    rosch:          1
    Shuriken:       1 or 2
    ytsestef:       1
    janvanvolt:     1
    Ajax:           1
    Total:          9 to 12

    We need at least 10 orders to get the better price, as outlined in post #10, so now is the time to decide how many units you really want.

    Also, please state if you would want to order the Molex connectors with the PSU.

    I also want to emphasize that I currently do not have a PayPal account. If you cannot pay by bank transfer (unavailable or ridiculously expensive from your country) please contact me so we might arrange something; maybe someone who participates in the bulk order could receive the funds on his PayPal account, and then bank transfer the total to me.

  3. Well, as far as I know the Merger doesn't run on MIOS. You have to treat the .hex file (the one without the bootloader) as the MIOS image, and start flashing it using SysEx during the 2 second windows during boot.

    Again from uCapps:

    In fact two bootstrap loaders are provided by MIOS: the primary and the secondary loader:

    •The primary loader gets active immediately after power-on for about two seconds. During this time the loader waits for a SysEx command which initiates a flash write. If this command is not received, the loader deactivates itself and MIOS will be started.

    •The secondary loader gets active after MIOS has been booted and the application is running. In difference to the primary loader, the secondary doesn't allow to overwrite the memory allocated by the operating system. This kind of protection saves you from destroying MIOS if your application overlaps the system area by mistake.

    So my guess would be that you are trying to upload the .hex file after MIOS has already started, and it prevents writing to that particular section of memory.

    In addition I found this:

    MIOS V1.9 â—¦ the bootloader location has been moved from 0x7c00-0x7fff to 0x0000-0x0400. This frees the upper 1k block for applications, and equates the memory allocation between PIC18F452, PIC18F4620 and future PIC devices.

    This makes me believe that not much has changed between bootloader 1.1 and 1.2, only the location in the memory is different. It might still be that I'm overlooking something as I'm not really proficient with this stuff yet, but I hope it gives you some pointers.

  4. From uCapps:

    PIC18F452 based: this is another variant for people who own a spare PIC18F452. There are two different .hex files: one which can be burned directly into the PIC, and another which can be downloaded via MIOS Bootstrap Loader the same way like you would do with MIOS

    So I guess you just have to download the correct .hex file, the one that doesn't include the bootloader.

  5. I'm still in doubt how I will wire everything up. I like to have it as flexible as possible, so I'm inclined to integrate patchpoints. This is the current list of in- and outputs that I have made up so far:

    - MIDI IN and OUT (obviously). I will use an IIC MIDI module to attach the internal keyboard to the MB6582 baseboard.

    - 8x audio OUT. I want to use mono plugs

    - 16x CV OUT - 4x CV per Core module, with the AOUT boards wired like described in post #9


    - 8x Gate OUT - 2x Gate per Core module. I'm not sure if I need these, are they useful?

    - 8x CV IN - 2x CV per Core module. Not sure about these as well, why would I want to control the SIDs with CV if I have the powerful MBSID engine at hand?

    I will then later add the SSM filters as expansion modules with their own frontpanel, with audio IN, CV IN, and audio OUT per channel. I did not solder the relays so don't need any gate signals for these then, or do I?

  6. I'm more worried about the body of the pots interfering with the LEDs below the panel. The LED holes are further away from the pot holes than the labeling, and those are about as close as on the standard MB6582 frontpanel, so I doubt it'll be too tight there. Anyway, I just printed part of the panel and am going to take measurements tonight.

    Concerning the section labeling: no, I like it the way it is now. A little haphazard, that goes well with the "badly spraypainted" font. I am considering drawing some sort of borders around them as well, and maybe paste some additional art (paint splatters and such) in the vacant areas.

  7. Beautiful! What are the feedback 1..4 knobs? SID feedback or some kind of filter feedback?

    Yes, the SID filter feedback. The buttons will activate EXT IN for each SID pair, the LEDs indicate if EXT IN is on or not, and the bigger holes are for the stereo potmeters. I wanted to have these on the frontpanel instead of the back of the synth. I only need to check if the LED holes won't interfere with the potentiometers, but I need to check interference for most other holes as well anyway.

  8. I do currently have lots on my building plate, and am anxious to learn. I have a couple of PIC chips that I wanted to breadboard some MIDIbox stuff with that do not have anything programmed/burned to them. This seemed like an opportunity is all. If I have misread your post then I apologize if I come across as overaffected. If not...well, I'm not sure perhaps keeping my distance from this forum would be best.

    No need to keep your distance from this forum. We only try to help. Even my denying you the module is to help you in the end, because it would most probably not give you the desired result. There is a reason this module is "retired" from the Midibox "library"; it is not easy getting it to work... I'd hate it if that would curb your enthousiasm. :thumbsup:

  9. Any link for these LEDS?

    Thanks and regards


    Just look for "Bright Green" LEDs on Ebay, and look at the wavelength they should output, I believe it's 520Nm. I have received an additional batch of LEDs last week but have not opened the bag, I will check if they have the same color soon.

  10. Yesterday we got around to use the tablesaw for the piece that goes above the keys. It needed a miter and that's simply impossible to do nicely by hand. After some sanding the unpainted wood got a hardwax oil finish, I had some of that left over from our hardwood floor from years ago. That stuff just does not get old :thumbsup:

    Anyway, a picture says more than words and who doesn't love pictures?


    Next step will be finishing the piece where the electronics go, this only has one coat of primer on it yet. Hopefully it will only need one coat of primer, but I'll know in a few days.

  11. Excuse me if I come across a bit hard with this post shimoda, but you have 7 posts and all those are for aquiring PCBs and such, so you come across as (relatively) new. The JDM is not a newbie-friendly module, so my suggestion for you would be to either buy preburned PICs or build yourself a decent PIC burner. Moreover I got a PM a few days ago about the JDM, and it will go to that guy.

    Cheers, Alex.

  12. Prices are in:

    10 PSUs will be € 19,50 per piece, 20 will be € 16,60 per piece. This is excluding sales tax (21%) and initial shipping (€25)

    Including sales tax and initial shipping the price per piece for 10 units would be €26,10 and for 20 would be €21,35. You will still have to add the shipping to your own address, see post #4 for pricing.


    addition: for optimal connection you also need 2 Molex connectors; one 3 pin and one 6 pin. Reichelt sells these sets @ €3,15 per piece excluding shipping. I will offer these as well when the bulk order takes place, I am going on a short holiday in a week, when I'm back the BO will kick off.

  13. OK, I should have been more elaborate; I already have everything working except the CS. I have:

    - Core8

    - OPL3

    - LTC

    - 8x Bankstick

    - LCD

    - DINx4

    - PSU that delivers +5 +12 and -12 (Mean Well)

    I also already have a spare Core8 board so there's really no need for Sammich (I'll go for the cake instead :flowers: )

  14. Problem is I already have a working Core and OPL board, so going for the Sammich baseboard would be a waste. I have measured everything to death, and there -should- be 6mm of space beneath the LCD; just enough to mount some buttons. I've just ordered the case, and will report back with pics if buttond under the LCD will work for a 1U case. If it fits I will go for the minimal CS, without the matrix. Instead I will use the frontpanel space for some external FX, I will report back with more details later :rolleyes:

  15. do you know if the expansion port of the MB-6582 permits to simply ad a box with Jacks for CV input?

    Not as far as I know; the accessory port only has the digital outs that connect to a remote AOUT module, which converts the data into CV. Unused Analog inputs must be tied to ground if unused, to avoid generating random data; you could use switched jack plugs to achieve this, a DB style port will not work.

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