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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. http://www.ucapps.de/cmios_fun.html#USER_ENC_NotifyChange http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c_send_enc_rel.html
  2. Mucho strangeo. Glad the posix zip is behaving now :)
  3. hahahahah :D Keep doing what youre doing mate.
  4. Basic theremins tend to be all pretty much the same inside... you'll get a ballpark figure from any theremin schem you can find online This is the one I built http://www1.jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=KC5295 Fun toy :)
  5. LMAO I cracked up at the first post but I wasn't sure if it was a joke or not...didn't want to laugh in case you like...lost to a thug and had a rook inserted forcibly into your ear ;D Don't worry about the moderator thing, that's only so I can help out .... As I like to put it: I'm just a janitor, not a boss. I still get the master key for the building though muahahahah :) As for the offtopic thread...no problem; your problem is solved, we're not hijacking, just having fun, noone is getting hurt, etc ... all good! I think a little bit of fun chat makes for a friendly forum :)
  6. You've done everything right.... But that copy of sh seems to be screwey. It's installed by a downloader that grabs the files from sourceforge and unzips them for you, I have a feeling the download was corrupted somehow. The sometimes working sometimes not is weird though... That said, it would be unusual for the posix_bin package to have similar corruption. You could try this: Open a dos prompt. Type: set PATH=D:\posix_bin;d:\msys\1.0\bin;D:\Perl\site\bin;D:\Perl\bin;C:\WINDOWS\;C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program\Delade filer\Teleca Shared;D:\Program\gputils\bin That should be all one line of text. Don't worry, it's effect is temporary. Then do: sh --version It should return this: C:\>sh --version GNU bash, version 2.04.0(1)-release (i686-pc-msys) Copyright 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. If not, something is very weird. You could also try overwrite those sh.exe files with a new one downloaded from here: http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=2435&use_mirror=transact&filename=bash-3.1-MSYS-1.0.11-1.tar.bz2&45042896 Weird problem though... Uhm... I'm running low on ideas after these... Tried a reboot? We could always try cygwin as a (very large download) last resort....
  7. Did you follow the first and most important instruction right at the top of the page: windows_toolchain_quickstart :D Hmm that's weird. Even if the postinstall fails, it should work, but it seems that whatever caused the postinstall to fail also caused the later error. don't know why it's talking about cygwin. I would think that you also had cygwin installed, but you said that you edited the path as per the long instructions, and that says to put the msys directory at the beginning of the path... And that error specifically states the correct location... You chose the "candidate" version when you installed? Are you running any antivirus software? Do you have other development tools installed? I'd start by uninstalling the midibox toolchain (make sure the files are all gone just to be safe) and doing the quickstart install again. If it doesn't work after that, can you paste the output of each of the following commands: path sdcc --version make --version sed --version sh --version Good luck!
  8. [me=stryd_one]removes foot from mouth[/me] Looks like TK uses the 'other' convention, where the label is the same at both ends. Once again I rush a post and screw up.
  9. Great to see this group effort to improve documentation.
  10. Yeh I think so! I'd keep the 512 BS handy until you complete the testing, in case stryd is wrong ;)
  11. I'm no expert on plastic painting I guess, but I am an ex model aircraft builder and still a graff writer, and I know that model points cost a freakin' fortune, and for about the same price of a tiny tub of tamiya paint, you can get a can of krylon (ugh) or belton (yay) plastic paint designed for this kind of thing....
  12. Why? :-[ everyone's welcome here! :D Firstly - the optocoupler has nothing to do with the DINs, or vice versa. Let's disconnect the DIN module, and just work on the core and it's MIDI in/outs. First thing is to follow the midi troubleshooting process on ucapps.de (follow my signature) and post your results.... I'll wait :)
  13. If the laptop has a resistive touchpad then you're in business (also check out the spectrasymbol gear) but capacitative pads will be a bit less convenient.
  14. You can click the link to modify the first post, and edit the subject there. Oh - everyone has their own "it's working" dance. You can dance however you want, so long as you dance :)
  15. [me=stryd_one]does the "it's working" dance[/me] Every now and then, a MIOS upload goes all OK with no errors, but something "just ain't right"... Sometimes a fresh upload sorts it out. Free scope? Are you serious?! SCORE!!
  16. Can we hear it minus the PC? Not all of us use a DAW for audio processing ;)
  17. Heh, YOU did that, I just moved the post ;) Hey I'm curious about the LCD... It looks quite nice, and that combined with the separated 'blocks' for the characters, made me think maybe optrex... but it doesn't have the same backlight.... Maybe an older optrex?
  18. hey phil, maybe for the SPI from the PIC core, you could use the IIC code from MIOS, or especially the SD card driver module, as a reference? The latter certainly shows that core8 is capable of doing it :)
  19. Thanks! Sometimes it may seem that I'm being difficult, but it always leads to a fix.... TK commented after you posted the logs I asked for. The reason I asked for them first, is simple logic - no point trying to fix your FM module, if the core controlling it, is malfunctioning. I needed to confirm that you had checked that properly, before I spent a great deal of my valuable time reading about your oscilloscope tests. You jumped the gun a bit there, and I don't have time to spend an hour reading about your tests if your core turns out not to be working ;) That's the same reason I asked about the source of the chip. Sucks! Hope you're back online soon! That one would explain your problem. If it was 0V before, you were holding the OPL3 chip in reset state. If WR was stuck low all the time, that was bad. It should change low only when you write to the OPL3 Exactly what I wanted to test :) BTW: that cropped text is really annoying when I'm quoting you!
  20. 1) Search the forum, this has been asked before 2) Don't. Use two cores or a custom app in C
  21. Exactly, the stuff is all "out there"...somwhere....it takes forever to find it all. You might have already seen This thread Feel free to start the massive copy and paste operation. You should learn all that from google before you start. The asm comments are no place for such a tutorial. TK, I think the comments in the ASM files are already fairly descriptive. Any further info should be obtained from a true documentation source like the wiki or ucapps.de in my own opinion. Otherwise there will be a small novel in every asm file...
  22. I'm kicking this into place now.... The templates were a bit of a mishmash, there was a few circular links and misnamed pages, I've sorted it all out now... I think... It was really confusing... Here's the template: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=new_wiki_layout In the template, the links to pages at the root level all have this "new_wiki_layout" namespace as a prefix. When you create the new page, just remove it. The rest of the pages in the template lack the namespace, so the links are already as they should be. Go nuts! Edit: Example is the wikify page Template: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=new_wiki_layout:wikify Edited only to note that it has been overhauled, and linking to the overhauled page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wikify
  23. Good stuff :) You mentioned using it with midi-ox though, perhaps you tried a loopback cable? I'd avoid that in general, but as TK has pointed out, your logs show that all is well in midi land, so your core and midi interface appear to be working ok :) PS: Thanks for the detailed logs, that rocks. Don't worry about that. The timestamp isn't actually in the midi signal (like clock) it's just a timestamp of when the PC detected that the message had arrived. Good luck with the tests!
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