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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Exactly - 2.8.0 is good. 2.8.4 is a snapshot build with bugs like the one you posted above. 2.7.0 is OK, but has other bugs, what with being an older version and all.
  2. FWIW, it's core32 v1. MIOS on PICs and the related hardware will not be replaced by the new core, they will coexist. Core 4 would be the next revision of the PIC core we have now :)
  3. Version and search path are unrelated, but you do need a new version anyway, so that's good. SDCC should be 2.7.0 or 2.8.0.
  4. Those were just examples. Do the searching!
  5. Sorry maybe I should just add, I didn't read the big first post, just wanted to get the basics out of the way. You should use MIOS Studio, smart mode. Search for my posts about it, there are about eight trillion :D
  6. Maybe it doesn't seem that way, but I just did. For example, if you search the forum for newbies links, and visit the wiki, you'll quickly find sites like the one lyle linked, and www.play-hookey.com, and http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/
  7. Yeh that's the one... Most of what you want to know, you'll find by searching google, these forums, the wiki, and ucapps.de. Have a solid read of all that, and let us know if you see any 'gaps' that we can help with :)
  8. Well, at first, you can skip the oscilloscope and just be sure that you can upload apps and send and recieve midi and display text on the lcd and light LEDs.
  9. This error is from make, saying that it cannot find the assembler (gpasm) The directory in which gputils is installed, should be in your PATH. If it is, you should be able to find it by typing 'gpasm -v' as AC suggested. You can also try 'whereis gpasm', to locate the directory in which the command is first found. I don't know about osx, but this 1st hit on google seems right: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2621/os_x_change_path_environment_variable/
  10. I rather like the idea of a slogan there...... I don't have any ideas yet though :(
  11. Lookin good! Hey, no reason you can't start your musical obsession now :) ...annnnd off to MBOTW with this...
  12. The damned arrow would have me leaning to the left quasimodo style ;) (Do Not Resuscitate, BTW...)
  13. You should see an optometrist - red on black is fairly high contrast, so you should be able to see it fairly well. Even red/green 'colourblindness' shouldn't do that...
  14. Indeep: perhaps before you complain about the lack of instruction provided to you, you should earn the right to complain about it, by writing some documentation of your own. Until then, I suggest that you take a more friendly, and more DIY approach to the community.
  15. Welcome aboard mate :) You got the right section of the forum don't worry! Lego technic is probably as good a starting point as any. There's already a C64 keyboard driver around here some place... If you want to use another keyboard, then your solution will depend on the hardware you use, and how you want to use it...
  16. LOL! Damned bugs! Help us, bugfight wan kenobi, you're our only hope! PS: Love the new avatar dude!
  17. With 2.8.0 ? I didn't see that myself... Anyway, as I said in the bug report, I had seen this behaviour in other code but had not been able to narrow it down... So I'm not singling this out to be a bitshift-related error, that's just one example of how to reproduce the error. If you can provide further examples to them, that can only help :)
  18. Was this chip also one that you salvaged from a junkpile in the rain? Have you triple checked that all measurements match the schematic? does the core work without the FM attached?
  19. LOL yeh that Jim :) Your post does make a lot more sense now. Just invent a link and the page will appear like magic. Clcik them and you'll see what I mean: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=your_new_page http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=some_junk_i_made_up Try the syntax in http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:playground
  20. Very professional, I wish I could understand spanish :)
  21. Who's Jim? Do you mean TK? The cheapo iron won't help, but you did get it right. That process is known as 'tinning' the iron. l That's because there's no wiki page for it. Feel free to rectify that situation ;) Jim again? JimHenry maybe? All the J5 pins are there. There's strips of DIL headers, and the two SIL headers are also included for backwards-compatibility. You can use either. So long as what you build matches the schematic, it's all good :) You can decide. I'd just use individual resistors. FWIW, the point of that picture is the dot on the R-net. It shows which way you should align the package. Obviously you have a different core PCB to that, so the pic does not apply completely. Jim? Bugfight? As for J5 you choose. Heck you could use half of each. Just stick to the schem ;) You choose, they're all the same. Hint: If you use the search bar in the top right, you only search this subforum, not the whole forum. Most of the stuff you want to know is about schematic interpretation or the smashtv board you're using, not the midimon project ;) (maybe google would be more appropriate than a forum search?) Good plan dude. This one has some unusual hardware configuration but it will probably help you to gather up some basics and other useful info. Just so long as you wire it up like it says in the schem, all will be well.
  22. Try the one under twinnie's avatar.
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