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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Well no, not really a makefile issue at all... it was an issue where SDCC was broken... twice actually. The first break was that the --asm parametr was completely ignored. That was an accident. That was done attemting to "fix" sdcc, so that it would accept bad paths (which were illegal in windows, maybe *nix too), which, even if you ignore the first, accidental 'break', additionally broke sdcc for perfectly good makefiles, like ours. No need to alter our makefile here, as Raphael has wisely returned sdcc to it's old behaviour. Been here, done this before ;) It's important to realise that SDCC is heavily developed, so bugs can appear and be fixed very regularly. If you're using a nightly build, you have to watch out for new bugs, and if you're using a release build, then you should use the latest one available. That's why I told you a few times before this thread to update to 2.8 ;) Edit: gotta wait till tomorrow for the new windoze snapshot. How's it work on *nix?
  2. Compare this: Your posts have the ends of the lines cut off so that the paragraph does not reach the end of the text box and scroll to the next line like it should it makes it difficult to quote you because i have to delete the unnecessary line returns to this: Your posts have the ends of the lines cut off so that the paragraph does not reach the end of the text box and scroll to the next line like it should it makes it difficult to quote you because i have to delete the unnecessary line returns It's linked at the top of the page when you edit ;) Actually, it is - the tables are supposed to behave that way. Have a play in the playground, You'll see it You don't have to add all those spaces in there. The column will fit the longest entry, which in this case, is the header of the column. I've fixed that for you, you may want to tidy up a little more. While I'm at it, you've commited the cardinal sin of wiki doco today - updated a page without checking for dupes. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dout_module&do=backlink Fix those backlinks Or... better still, get rid of this strangely named page, http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dout_module_digital_output put it's content on the dout_module page, and don't forget to fix the backlinks to the removed page Orr... even better than all those..... don't work on old wiki doco - get involved in the overhaul, make your edits in the new pages. Still can be confusing though :)
  3. Bad idea. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. You're the only person I've ever seen who's had these problems, so I don't think it's 'broken' by design, rather I think it's broken by your implementation...
  4. Don't forget the playground area when you're playing with unfamiliar syntax. Why are you still doing that annoying trimming with your text?
  5. Yeh that's right... I guess it's frequent writers that have the access... Wait for me to wake up, and send me a message if there's a big rush for some reason :)
  6. Nice! Maybe MOTU/Roland/etc should hire this guy......
  7. Excellent work, this :) Just, next time... use the preview button before saving, so there aren't 9 saves in the revision history ;)
  8. Why the fixation on flexible circuits/custom made cases (which will still be expensive even if you do know someone)?
  9. You're in the programmer group, I think you have write access already - did you try it? Anyway what's wrong with the magic email?
  10. hot tip: Before the hot air (actually, have it handy before you wash), fold some toilet paper, slide the fold between the keys until it's in the corners, and slide it along. It'll use capillary action to suck up the big drops. You will need a few sheets, because it works best when the paper is dry (you'll be surprised how much water it soaks up). Then hit it with the dryer to evaporate the stragglers :) The TP seems to help mop up any leftover gunk too. I've seen guys who swear by the billy-tea approach, of swinging it around in a circle to pull the water off... I know it's all solid state, but it just seems a bit rough to me :D
  11. A few multi fx in a rack with a mixer should do the trick, it'll be small enough to sit in a spare seat :) Maybe hang out for seq v4 for midi file import, but of course you can always record them into the seq as needed ... I don't know how people do live PAs with computers, bloody things are as stable as me with a keg of beer inside. Maybe I just push them too hard...
  12. Well, I assume the audio cables that you're plugging into the mixer, are also connected to the MBFM? If so, it's an electrical issue; otherwise you have poltergeists. I guess you made a soldering error on the MBFM, if this issue doesn't effect other synths. Time to grab your multimeter and a copy of the schematic....
  13. Had a listen, still way too much going on there to analyse the filter's behaviour :( Sounds fun tho...
  14. Sweet, PS/2 to midi. Nice find Paul. Unfortunately werlin said he didn't want to use PS/2 because he thinks it locks up on too many held keys.... which it shouldn't do really, but it does sometimes... but maybe the AVR will handle multiple held keys better than a PC driver (where such a thing would be unnecessary)
  15. Sounds like it's time you upgraded to a hardware seq to match the rest of your gear. I know this really amazing one called midibox seq, you should check it out :D
  16. Sweet as, thanks to you and ploytec :)
  17. If I understand correctly... Those flexible printed circuit boards you refer to, are probably going to cost a lot. You would also need a custom made frame for the keys. It would be significantly cheaper to buy a normal keyboard and mod it, than have it custom made. You can also get the same effect by using a normal pcb (like your first pic) and using keyboard switches. There is no difference in the size of the keys, and you can put them on protoboard which you can buy in large sizes. Alternately, do you already have a keyboard to use? If it has the same connector 'tab' on the edge as the one in your picture, then you can buy a socket for that, and connect it to the MBHP modules.
  18. Good call LW. This issue would be relevant wherever a PIC18F4685 is used, so whether it's MBSID from smashtv modules or wilba's pcb, this is still worth checking. My first impression was a wiring error or a faulty LCD, but futureman said he'd checked the wiring already - fm, was it wired for 4-bit mode?
  19. Now you have ;) I doubt there's much difference, but do the test if you have one handy :) OT: dioioib, thankyou for updating the blacklist when you found the dud interfaces the other day, it completely slipped my mind. bigup.
  20. I'd start with veroboard/protoboard/whatever you call it.
  21. I'm with roger on that one... Warm water will do nicely there. I'd rinse rather than bathe though. Demineralised and distilled water is best.
  22. Thanks mate. Just FYI, you can't change the default charset, it's in ROM - but you can define custom characters. You would need a special driver which then uses the special chars instead of the standard ones. Nothing too tricky, but probably not worth it if it doesnt bother you.
  23. http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midi_interface_blacklist Damn. That's a problem.... You're going to need another interface. The idea there is just to make sure you soldered the plugs to the PCB correctly. If you have a smashtv core and have soldered the socket directly to the board, it's correct. Again this is just to confirm you have it inserted in the correct direction. nope don't worry about that You're going in the right direction. When you complete test pc2 by sending sysex, you will find that the interface does not recieve the same as what you send. This is why the interface you have is in the blacklist. Hopefully it is still within warranty, and you can ask for a refund/replacement. Once you get past that little hurdle, continue with the remaining tests if you still have trouble.
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