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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Well I gathered as much :) What I'm asking is, what caused the core to crash when you made an error in the slave module? IE, what were you doing with these splattered bits? I guess if you're not sure where they got splattered to, you won't know... I'm still pretty confident it was a hardware issue, and I'm guessing that you might have overwritten the registers you were writing to the pins for IIC ... Which also explains your mystery 0xFF... Text adventure!
  2. LOL. It says "cock hacks". What are you stupid nILS? For both the dead synth and the incomprehensible gibberish..... I blame SmashTV.
  3. Wow, bugfight even crawled out of his lab to reply, you must have impressed! :D Great to hear there's a linux port on the way. I think it's safe to say that the majority of development these days is happening on OSX and Linux. Several devs are bailing out on windows at the moment ;) Thanks for sharing, it sounds like you had suitable objectives in mind when you selected the GUI libs. And yes, we be midiboxers :)
  4. I know that you save the sick person through compassion, and don't get me wrong, although I don't entirely agree with it, I find it admirable, especially that you've supported the cause here.... but the point is that it may well be showing compassion to others, by not helping the individual. It runs deeper than the individual you save, and that's something you won't see on tv ads ;) It makes sense that people assume or agree that saving someone is the 'nice' thing to do. Most people have an innate fear of death and fear of loss of loved ones - Of course the knee jerk reaction is going to be to save as many people as you can. Everyone does the mental "what if it was me/my mum/my wife/my kid/etc". We all cried when we realised as children that our parents would die one day... It also means that, when people say what I did, it's hard to meet with an objective response. People tend to instantly assume you're being a cold bastard and lacking compassion, and it's not like that. That one falls into the overpopulation category. This one leads me to a question I'm yet to find a realistic answer to: Where do we draw the line? it's entirely possible that within the next century, we'll have the technology to regrow a great deal of the human body. What if our medicine became so advanced that we could live for 200, 300, 500 years? Heck, what if we find new ways to repair the central nervous system (that being, the big thing we can't swap out?) Or duplicate a human brain? In the year 3000, will we make humans that can live forever? Hypothesising that it's possible, should we? If saving a young man in his prime gives him 50 years, great, what if we can give him 100? 500? Do we have to almost literally draw the line and say "noone over 200 gets saved?" The mind boggles. But for now at least, everyone's gotta go sometime... Even innocent bystanders in traffic accidents, even sick people, even the people we love, even ourselves... Some of us will think that "sometime" should be "whenever it happens", and some will think that it should be "as late as possible", or maybe some sweet spot in the middle. Surely we'll all agree that it can be devastating when it happens, but I doubt we'll all come to agreement about when.... But like the topic says, it's something to consider - if you can do it objectively, it's interesting stuff. Otherwise, it won't be in consideration for long, your heart will make up your mind for you rather quickly. Can't we discuss something less controversial, like abortion or terrorism or politics or something?
  5. # list of objects that should be created and linked OBJS = mios_wrapper.o app_lcd.o main.o mclock.o mtc.o If it's already there, just leave it. Put it at the top: MIOS_PATH = . MIOS_BIN_PATH = ./bin export MIOS_PATH export MIOS_BIN_PATH include $(MIOS_PATH)/modules/app_lcd/dog/app_lcd.mk include Makefile.orig Are those the correct pins? If so, then yes. You only have to reburn the PIC for the bootloader, and in this case you are uploading an applicaton, so it should be done in MS over MIDI :)
  6. Ahh good news :) So what was causing the reboot then? As I said, MIOS should handle it if the IIC slave screws up... Were you driving the wrong pins/driving the pins to bad levels?
  7. Yaknow, I hate to be "that guy", and I've been keeping this to myself, but fuckit... Survival of the fittest? Overpopulation? I'll let you guys do the rest...
  8. Great work!!! Awesome! Love the animated demo too. Makes me wonder if IUP/SDL is a good framework for a cross-platform sim for mios32 ... Kickass. One thing though - I notice it's setup for the old toolchain...
  9. FF ... all ones ... short? In case you can't tell, I'm not convinced it's software... But I haven't seen it so WTF would I know? heh Edit: Oh - Watchdog?
  10. Did you recently change something that might have it drawing more power? Change pins? MIOS should handle it if the IIC slave acts up... Hint: save multiple copies of your code at various stages so you can roll back if you break it. Drag them into a zip file to tidy up when youre done, then drag that onto a usb stick. Email milestones to a gmail account. Presto, triplicate incremental offsite backup for the low low price of 5 mouse clicks :)
  11. PIC18F ADC is 10bit, but otherwise any normal AIN+pot setup will work.
  12. That quote always reminds me of this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpJzT6eKn4s One of the ruffest tunes ever written. (Wait till the end to hear your quote, but they're all through it...) Tower of Babel anyone?
  13. IFSET is gone. Follow Bugfight's link...
  14. [me=stryd_one]tears the top off a Rizla packet and rolls it into a cylinder[/me] Put this in the end....
  15. It's built in.... Note: only 4 bits for the chord number. Course, you can always replace them with your own selection....
  16. No I think that's an excellent question. I'd like to know the answer too :)
  17. Try the ACCESS bank if you need it visible from all banks... Pretty sure the addresses you mentioned are in the access bank?
  18. OK good, I thought we were at that stage. We are "Go" for the wiki rejig. I'm a bit distracted at the moment but I'll do some bits and pieces soon. Jim Your doco is always first rate. I'll either convert those to wiki format or upload the PDFs. (Twin-X we still gotta fix that :( )
  19. No problem edis :) Accidents happen! You still have your first order in the first batch :)
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak All this from a site that spells it 'pedia. Pff, it's 'paedia, stoopit! ;D
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