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Everything posted by stryd_one

  1. Heh, or you can build it and double your money again. K: You may not realise, but this seller has not actually doubled the price he paid - in fact, you can thank your government for most of the price jump here. Our dollar was worth USD$0.98c two months ago - now, it's worth 60c. Nearly half.....
  2. When will SmashTV stock kits? (N00bs, that was a joke. Do not email smash about these kits.)
  3. Would help me to offer you a solution, if you make up your mind what you want ;) Anyway the answer to that is, you don't use the seq. Just leave it on, doing nothing but forwarding midi down the chain. My point exactly. Cheap controllers with no midi in, are not designed for more advanced setups like yours, so if you expand like you have, then you have to spend extra to enhance the controller, which negates the initially low cost of the device. You can do all that with what I just suggested, but it has less hardware/cost/complexity/etc and allows for greater flexibility, like bidirectional comms with the synth and seq. Again... make up your mind what you want, I'll fire you the best solution I can think of. But the above solution will allow you to do everything you've mentioned so far, including just recording the audio.
  4. Well, traktorizer is coded to use traktor's controls... If VDJ is able to use the same controls, then yes, it will work ;) Provided that VDJ has a solid midi implementation, it should be possible even with a few small mods.
  5. stryd_one


    Fear not, twinnie is aware of this and it's disappearance is all part of the Great Plan. You forgot about the crying face, and the :/ face Aroooooooogahhhhh <flashing lights> <men in black running through the hallways> Warning, Warning!
  6. No, they work differently, so it is just as likely to be a hardware problem. I don't supposed you'd like to answer the questions from my last post? Photos would tell us a lot.... I've got copies of ye olde mios around here too, but looks like jim is on top of it already :)
  7. My pleasure; I actually learned some stuff about USB findng this ;)
  8. Why would you need to repatch? Then you have a use for a merger: (cheap keys aren't as cheap now that you've grown your setup :( ) synth OUT ---> merger---> sequencer ---->synth IN (local off) ^ (thru on) | keys
  9. No need for merge/split there, just follow the original layout - keys ---> seq ---> synth (thru on) keep in mind, i included the seq in that, and you didn't in your drawing. It's not clear haw you want to run that. Still no need for merge/split, even with the extra feature of recording knob movements synth OUT ---> keyboard ---> sequencer ---->synth IN (local off) (thru on) (thru on) :)
  10. Well, Sorry to say it but, no... in MIDI land, outs go to ins, ins go to outs.... not the other way around... If you did that before, I didn't work. If it worked, that's not what you did ;) Just draw it in ascii if words fail you :) Anyway, the question remains: Why the split+merge? What's wrong with something like I drew above? Edit: and the other questions too...
  11. Wow, that was fast! Glad it's working! I think you mean serial midi (COM, not LPT) ;)
  12. Nice lookin midibox! MBOTW? Got better pix?
  13. Yerr, something has gotta be up with my toolchain. I must've killed it with new toolchain. My apologies. I'll fix it up this weekend and be more helpful.
  14. I would say that, seeing as the lighting has nothing to do with the midibox (electronically speaking) I wouldn't involve the midibox in it at all... I'd just search the net for schematics, ask on LED forums, etc etc..
  15. http://kicad.sourceforge.net/ Try the very top of the page in the bright yellow box ;) heheheheh Edit oh, you got that... yeh theyre not nightly nightlies... "test build" blah... nightly/snapshot/test/beta/pick your terminology :D
  16. Out to out? In to in? Err, no. Split then merge? why? I was thinkig more that it looks very bright at the edges more likely that's a good photo and it's worse in real life :( I'm so glad people are getting over the "blue led's on everything" thing.
  17. Well, he was wrong at first, but that was the hint I needed to prove him right. Self-fulfilling prophecy, very clever! :D First off, you'll need an eeprom for your GM5, and a core module. I'd use a socket for the eeprom. You can program the eeprom by connecting it to your core. You wire it up like a bankstick with CS 0 (pin 1/2/3 grounded). A normal midibox app is then uploaded, which will burn the eeprom for you. In this app, you edit the content which will be burned to the eeprom, in the file eeprom_content.c. The specific line you're after is line 159: 0x10, // Power requirement (div 2 ma) I take this to mean that it's a measure in divisions of 2mA...so you halve the required current, and enter that in hex. for 500mA it's 0xf8. I don't think it would be wise to go above that, or to 0x00 !! 0xf8, // ultra power uber code bam Once that's done, you save the file and run 'make', as per the normal C app compiling procedure. Upload the hex file to the core in MIOS Studio. It will tell you when it's done. The LCD will show you: The status will also be sent over midi. Anything but 0 means something went wrong (post here) Power it all down, drop the eeprom back into the GM5, and enjoy. MMmmm, currants. In case you didn't already notice from the above links, you can find the app in the SVN repo, in /trunk/mbhp/mbhp_usb_gm5_eeprom/. As with all apps from SVN (as opposed to distribution packages) you'll need the SVN repo or the mios_base package, etc etc...now I'm getting OT ;)
  18. Day 5. Fastest midibox in the west. :D !yay
  19. Then you don't know why crossposting is bad... It's better to just link to a single information source, Eg, write it in here where it's most appropriate, and then put a link to the post in here, in your other thread.
  20. I'm using the latest (at the time I did it) kicad nightly - get rid of that version you've got, it's old and crap. Run the nightlies, they're a VAST improvement. Also, yeh, I have the full set of eagle libs imported to kicad, so maybe that's why it worked too...
  21. Backlighting on the white one looks suss :/ As for the merger thing... you're better off using a chain. If your keyboard is plugged into your synth, how do you plan on entering notes into your seq? You can do keys---seq--synth Which often gives the most flexibility... But then you may want to record midi out of the synth, which can be kinda tricky... Plus, I'm guessing there's a PC in that setup too? Might be worth reconsidering your setup...
  22. ... for you, on your machine, etc etc.... Ain't working for dendy... Not what I'd call "confirmed" yet ;) Edit: crosspost: Quote from: 286 on Today at 06:14:10
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