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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. Stryd, that's what I've been thinking about. It seems to make sense to do that so that other functions could have access to the states of the LED's Cheers
  2. You're right about the glob of glue on the IC's. I'll look at that site on my lunch brake. Thanks
  3. Hi, Just a quick question as to how many enable lines should a 55 x 2 character LCD have? I thought it would have 2, but I got my hot little hands on one of these displays (sorry guys, it was a one off) and it seems to only have 1. i.e. 16 connections - 2 for backlight and 14 for all the other usual stuff. I have to work out the pinout now as no datasheet is available because it's an OEM. Do you think it pretty safe to assume the pinout is standard? Regards Rowan
  4. I'm pleased i'm heading in the right direction. I see what you are saying about spliting up the code; Case 0 and Case 2 are controlled by the DIN_NotifyToggle function? Case 1 and Case 3 are controlled by the MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt function? Can I split the switch statement over MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt and DIN_NotifyToggle? Or have the switch statement spearate from the above two functions? I starting to get a clear picture of how this should, but as I'm sure you can guess programming is not one of my strong points. Your help is appreciated A.C. ;D Rowan
  5. Thanks AC, I'm at this stage now switch ( expression ) { case 0: // Clip Start button pressed (core sends note on) if(MIOS_DIN_PinGET(0) == 0) { //LED 1 Flashing //LED 2 On } break; case 1: // Note on received if(evnt0 == 0x90) { MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(0,1); //LED 1 On MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(1,0); //LED 2 Off } break; case 2: // Clip stop button pressed (core sends note on) if(MIOS_DIN_PinGET(1) == 0) { // LED 1 On // LED 2 Flashing } break; case 3: //Note off is received if(evnt2 == 0x00 || evnt2 == 0x80) { MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(0,0); //LED 1 Off MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(1,1); //LED 2 On } break; default: MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(0,0); MIOS_DOUT_PinSet(1,1); break; } Is it starting to look any better?
  6. Hi TK and AC, I spent some time on reading up on the switch() statement, and how I should use it. I tried to put together a rough example that fits with my understanding of how I should use it. Please note that I know that the syntax is nowhere near correct, but I want to check that I have the concept right. switch (TransLEDhandler) { case S0 > S1 When Switch 1 is triggered (core sends note on): S1: LED1 flashing, LED2 on; break; case S1 > S2: When Note On is recived: S2: LED1 on, LED2 off; break; case S2 > S3: When Switch 2 is triggered (core sends note on): S2: LED1 on, LED2 off; break; case S3 > S0: When Note off is revived: S0: LED1 off, LED2 on; break; default: S0: LED1 off, LED2 on; break; } I have inclued S0 as the default case as this is the state the app should be on start-up. Am I on the right track? Thanks Rowan
  7. I hope you get well soon mate Rowan
  8. Hi Guys, Thanks for you input. S0: LED1 off, LED2 on S1: LED1 flashing, LED2 on S2: LED1 on, LED2 off S3: LED1 on, LED2 flashing S0 > S1: When Switch 1 is triggered (core sends note on) S1 > S2: When Note On is recived S2 > S3: When Switch 2 is triggered (core sends note on) S3 > S0: When Note off is revived I would also like to have the LED's flash at a rate derived from a MIDIclock signal, say 1/4 Note. When I get home from work I'll try to explain in detail why I want to do this. Regards Rowan
  9. Your right......my discription is rather unclear. this is going to be a hard to explain, that's why I went for a timing diagram. He I go..... _|-|_|-|_ translate this to off, on, off, on, off i.e. - = on _ = off | = transition _|-|_ = off, on, off The hardware set up is two switchs and two LED's Switch 1 is connected to DIN 1 Switch 2 is connected to DIN 2 LED 1 is connected to DOUT 1 LED 2 is connected to DOUT 2 Events will happen in this order. When the app is in it's initial state LED 1 is off (DOUT 1 Low) and LED 2 is on (DOUT 2 High). Press Switch 1 (Close DIN 1), Sends Note on 0 Velocity 127, LED 1 starts to Flash (DOUT 1 Toggles High/Low), LED 2 is on (DIN 2 High). Core receives Note On 0 Velocity 127, LED 1 goes On (DOUT 1 High), LED 2 goes off (DOUT 2 Low). Press Switch 2 (Closes DIN 2), Sends Note on 0 Velocity 127, LED 1 Stays on (DOUT 1 High), LED 2 Starts to flash (DOUT 2 toggles high/low). Core receives Note on 0 Velocity 0, LED 1 goes off (DOUT 1 Low) and LED 2 goes on ( DOUT 2 High). Switch 1 and 2 both trigger the same note. Is that any clearer? Thanks Rowan
  10. Hi, I've been playing around with the example C code on uCapps to get a feeling for what does what so that I can write my own app for my Ableton Live controller, and now I have a few questions as to how I should go about achieving something.................. Hum, I think a timing diagram might be less ambiguous ;) Here is a timing diagram: DIN 1 __|-|____________________________________________ DIN 2 __________________________|-|_______________________ DOUT 1 __|-|_|-|_|-|_|--------------------------------|______________ DOUT 2 ----------------|______________|-|_|-|_|-|_|------------------- Send Note 0 Velocity 127 __|-|_______________________|-|______________________ Receive Note 0 Velocity 127 ____________|-|____________________________________ Recive Note 0 Velocity 0 _____________________________________|-|____________ Sorry if this is a strange way to explain this, but there is a lot happening here and I even started to confuse myself trying to write it. Any suggestions where I should start ??? Thanks Rowan
  11. Hi All Well, after spending the afternoon testing my boards from Smash (excellent bords by the way mate ;)) and MIOS studio I am so impressed how far the whole MB thing has come since I first got on board. Thorsten, The C wrapper is amazing. I can't belive how eazy it is now to deal with MIOS, I'm just following the examples that are out there and it all fits together perfectly ;D I struggled with the asembley code a bit on my MBLC, but the C interface is great. Now here is my Idea, because I've started developing a new app today I've been doing lots of soldering of temp connection just to check that stuff is working and that I'm following the examples correctly I'm going to build a "MBHP sandbox" tomorrow with a few buttons, LED's, Encoders and Pots. Here is the idea: How about a MBHP sandbox with a core, 1 x Din, 1 x Dout, 1 x Ain, 1 x Aout, 1 x Bankstick.......space for same tact switchs, trim pots, space for RCA sockets. I think you it. A single board for devloping app's. Rowan
  12. Hi Adam, I tried out the new beta last night and it works fine on OS 10.4.7. The window bug is still there, but that's no big deal. It was the first time I used it for Hex uploads......works like a charm. God we have it easy these days ;) Till next time, Rowan
  13. Hi Jason, What kind of time frame are you looking for placing your order? I am interested in 25 as well, but will have to be in a month or two, once I've brought that panel for my MB i'm doing at the moment. Rowan
  14. Thanks for the respones Thorsten. That clears thing up nicely Thanks for the discription Smash (by the way your boards were a plesure to stuff). I've got an idea for a small modification to the layout of the DIN and DOUT boards which could cut down wiring in some situations. What I sugget is to change the spacing BETWEEN J3 -J6 of the DIN and DOUT (I guess this would be useful on the AIN too) to a multiple of 0.1". The reason I suggest this is it would allow the DIN/DOUT/AIN to be used as "Plug-in" Modules/daughter boards for strip/matrix board that have DIL Sockets mounted on them. I could mount all my buttons, pots, encoders etc on Strip board, then mount some DIL sockets spaced the same distance apart as J3 - J6 on the other side of the board and plug the module directly on to the board which has the controls on it. Cheers Rowan
  15. Hi, I would like to know if R12 is necessary on the core if no IIC devices are being used. The reason I ask is that I have one of Smash's R-4c boards and I noticed that there is now a new revision (R-4d) which has R12 added. Maybe I'm fussy, but I like tidy PCB's and would rather not add it if I don't need to. Thanks Rowan
  16. Hi, I found this today: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/THAT-2180-LB-VCA-chip-for-SSL-mixbus-compressor-FREE-SH_W0QQitemZ190010015760QQihZ009QQcategoryZ23793QQssPageNameZWD2VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem The price is good, so if you are after the best VCA's money can buy and you are in the states have a look. They are direct relations to the great dbx VCA's which are no longer in production. I can think of 3 good uses....SSL G4000 Mix buss clone, ultra high quality VCA's for a synth and rechipping some low end compressors i.e. Alesis 3630. I've got the schematics for the SSL mix buss compressor (I actually have the whole service manual). I've been thinking about making a clone for some time....I just have to finish my current MB first ;) When I get around to doing it I'll buy my IC's from http://www.profusionplc.com/. They have some really nice hard-to-find chips Rowan
  17. Hi, I've been lent a Novation Remote SL Zero for the weekend to try out. So far it seems alright....not great. Any one have any suggestion how I should analyze the MIDI I/O so that I can gather some information about the Automap feature and how the protocol works? Rowan
  18. Thanks Johnh, that clears thins up a bit. I'm digging through the developer documentation at the moment to find some more details. The info should be here, somewhere: http://developer.apple.com/audio/ or here: http://developer.apple.com/networking/ I just have to find the details
  19. I'm going to look further into this when time permits. If the unit is bonjour friendly some very cool things could be done with Logic 7. This seems like one for the Apple guys (audiocommander, what are your thoughts on this?) out there as OSX.4 has MIDI over Ethernet built in (I don't know yet if ethernet is the right term in this case, maybe UDP) It all uses bonjour which is now available for window.
  20. You can get away with using a single button for Start/Stop if you set the Launch mode of your clips to Toggle. Saves DIN's, buttons and space if things are tight
  21. Hi, I came across this today: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7623833837&ssPageName=MERC_VI_ReBay_Pr4_PcY_BIN_Stores_IT Does anyone have an idea if this could be used with MIOS to send MIDI Via Ethernet? I know ethernet modules have been discussed before, but this seems like it could be a simple solution if MIOS and the computer at the other end can talk to it. Regards Rowan
  22. I haven't read the whole thread either, but have a look at this: http://www.timothywisdom.com/science/dgroove/dgroove.php There are some really nice ideas in this interface. A different take on mesuring the angular velocity of a spining disc could use AIN's.
  23. Too right, Tiger has soooooooo many little built in features like this that make it without a doubt the best OS for Audio/MIDI. I love Aggregate devices to.........The TDM bridge in Logic.........The fact you can chose the picture for devices in AMS.........Distributed Audio Processing...........I could go on for hours.
  24. We really are spoilt for choice when it comes to MIDI over ethernet on OSX, I prefer the built-in MIDI networking in the Audio-MIDI Setup App on Tiger. Bonjour make this stuff so, so easy ;D I really want to try the Audio over ethernet AU, just haven't had a chance.
  25. Check out: http://www.albs.de/albs_e.htm I don't know for sure if they have white one, but i've brought some nice soft-touch knobs from them recently. Prices are good for small quantities, I got 50 knobs for 0.80 euro each Rowan
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