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Everything posted by Rowan

  1. I think the Mute/Solo mode should be on the left hand Extra column replacing the "Track Select" Buttons when active. It would be counter intuitive to have the Mute/Solo buttons on the Extra Row at the top I think. Muting/Soloing should NOT require two simultaneous button presses to activate. If two simultaneous button press are required you would need to use two hands to active the function which wouldn't be ideal in a performance situation. I like the "Mute+Solo - Mute all tracks" idea. Your suggested rearrangement of the button order also makes sense.
  2. My initial thoughts are based around a 16x16 matrix so there are 8 unsed buttons between the 303 button and stop button. I understand to make this scalable to a 8x16 matrix only 8 Extra column buttons are available which are all currently in use. The suggestion of replacing the Start and Stop buttons solves this problem rather neatly. I've got an idea as to how full transport functionality could be added at a later stage, but let's not confuse things and deal with one idea at a time. One LED state suggested seems illiogical to me.... I may be missing something here but I can't think of a use case. Mute and Solo On - LED Red Funtionally this is the same as Mute Off Solo Off (while another track is Solo'ed). Solo's should also be additive I.e. More than one track can be sole'ed simultaneously. I haven't tried Soloing tracks on the MBSEQV4 itself yet so I don't know if that's the default behaviour.
  3. Thanks for the link. I've got a Raspberry Pi somewhere, I think I'll try that option.
  4. My initial thoughts after spending some time using the BLM tonight would be to add a "mute mode" on the button above the "303" button in the Extra column on the right hand side. When "mute mode" is active the left hand Extra column buttons become track mute buttons regardless of which mode is active. To extend this idea further a "solo mode" button would also be useful. Other useful options would be: Alt+Mute Mode - Clear all active track mutes Alt+Solo Mode - Clear all active track solos Unmuted track - LED green Muted track - LED off Soloed track - LED red Mute/Solo Sync "countdown" - LED flashing. Cheers, Rowan
  5. Hi TK, Here is a feature that I'd like to suggest, though I don't know if it's technically possible to implement on a STM32F4 core. Firstly, support for USB hubs would be required for the USB OTG port. I believe I have read elsewhere that this has been discussed and is possible. Secondly, adding direct support for the Novation Launchpad S and Launchpad Mini into the MBSEQ application. As they are both USB/MIDI class compliant devices the MBSEQ app already has the basic support in place. My wish being to be able to use 4 x Launchpads as a 16x16 BLM without a computer. As I say, I don't know if it's even possible but if it is it would be a great feature that in the long run is a far more cost/time effective means to add a scalable BLM to an existing SEQ running a STM32F4 core as opposed to building a MBHP based solution. Thanks, Rowan
  6. I can confirm that 4 x Launchpad Mini arranged in a 16x16 matrix works with 4.087 firmware. One feature I think that could do with some tweaking is the way muting/umuting tracks is handled. The current solution where by you press the track select button twice isn't ideal, especially in a performance situation. My current thoughts are that a new mode should be introduced for muting/unmuting. I haven't thought about how it should be implemented yet in any detail.
  7. I've installed V4.087 and it seems to be working well. I've only had my MBSEQ working for a few weeks and an still learning how to use it. I am really loving it so far, so many cool features that I'm finding really inspirational. Well done TK, you're a genius!
  8. Hi, Can anyone offer me advice on testing one of illimimators TDP PCBs while I'm assembling it? This is my first try at soldering SMD components so I'm vary aware that It's likely I've botched the soldering of the SO-16 parts. I've used a very fine tip for my iron, 0.5mm 60/40 solder and flux. I'm at the stage now where I have soldered all the Shift registers and I don't want to go any further until I'm 100% sure all the connections are sound. I have inspected all the joints with a magnifying glass and everything looks alright. Any tips from someone who has successfully assembled this PCB would be appreciated. Thanks, Rowan
  9. I don't need these anymore as I have sourced an alternative.
  10. It's a long shot, but if anyone has a Heidenreich case for a SEQ4 case they want to sell I would like to buy one. I'm on the waiting list for the next batch but if I can get one sooner I'd be happy.
  11. I've built the DIN side of a 8x16 BLM and it's working great but I'm at a bit of a dead end on the DOUT side for the LED's. What I'm looking for is a schematic for single colour LED's in a 8x8 matrix configuration for the MIDIO128 App. Any advice?
  12. I'm looking to buy 16 x Rean P401 knobs for my MB SEQ V4. Does anyone have some spare knobs they are willing to sell me?
  13. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere already. I'm trying to find the mechanical spec of the encoders for Wilba's CS PCB. I'm in the process of buying the parts for the CS PCB but I can't find any specific info on the recommend encoders. Could anyone who has built the CS point me in the direction of a data sheet of an encoder that has the correct shaft length to use with Rean P401 knobs and Julian's front panel? I would prefer to buy the encoders from Mouser as I will already be buying most of the other parts for the CS from them. If Mouser stock a specific encoder that fits the bill that would be ideal.
  14. Could you add me to the next batch waiting list please?
  15. Hi, I'll buy the CS PCB from you, check you PMs Rowan
  16. Are all the cases on this group buy sold/paid for yet? If there are any available I would like to buy one.
  17. Did you receive you order from Smash TV? I've been waiting patiently for PCBs over a month.
  18. These look like the business http://cui.com/adtemplate.asp?invky=638255&catky=560054&subcatky1=895884&subcatky2=&subcatky3=
  19. Here is a site with some very useful info for those that are interested http://excommence.com/thepadfix/index.htm
  20. Just a side note, I've got myself an MPC2500 now. The Pads are also pressure sensitive
  21. I'm unsure how easy it would be to make the sensor sheet, remember that MPC pads are velocity sensitive. The contact arrangment suggest to me that the sensors work something like pizeo sensors. If it was a straight switching mechanism i would have thought each pad would need three contacts to transmit velocity?
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