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Posts posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. can you or anyone shed some light on alps faders lastablility?

    I don't know for DJ use. Last year I did some tests with the high quality Alps Master fader by using a crank arm. The fader was loaded by about one stroke per 2 seconds. After 6 hours the fader was kind of blocking in a way, that the arm almost couldn't move the fader anymore (the motor was a pretty strong gear motor).

    When I stopped the load and continued after about 10 minutes, the fader was easy use again like before.

    Now, DJing is a much heavier load than a stroke every 2 seconds, but the problem was not the taper.

    I think the faders you used were carbon tapers (much cheaper) and not conductive plastic.

    Greats, Roger

  2. i am more keen to smallish thingy to stuff in my travelling bag...

    ... how about the resistance-taper-element of a 10k linear (100mm) fader used in the base and a foil which is well conductive on top (e.g. a copper foil laminated/glued onto a piece of rubber sheet)? I think there is copper foil available with a sticky side, just like scotch tape.

    Greets, Roger

  3. Can the midi data from 3 cores be merged into one connector? Should be no problem if their ID header is different, right?

    ... the problem is the host software. Most Software expect in LC-Mode to get 8 channels per MIDI-Port

    PS. which Microcontroller should I order? Am I correct to assume PIC18F4685 is the best candidate for this project?


    Greets, Roger

  4. But, aren't DOUT output lines pulsed?  That may cause trouble with the relay.  In that case, adding a latch before the relay may be helpful.  Would someone who knows more about DOUT please help me out?

    ... if it really is a problem, put a capacitor over it. (value: trial & error with a KO) Might be that the inertia of the relay is high enough.

    Greets, Roger

  5. Pls see:


    Can this be built using a CORE and some DIN, DOUT, AIN modules using the Mackie HUI/control protocol?

    ... yes. No AIN needed

    I am concerned it may not be possible to switch 3 banks at a time, do the time display and jog/shuttle?

    No problem performance wise but you would need 3 cores (depending on your host software), since you need 3 MIDI port connections if you want to use the HUI protocol to use 24 channels.

    What Hostsoftware are you using? Does it allow to configure 24 channels to one Midi port? You could do it with a MIDIBox 64 just using plain MIDI protocol. The HUI protocol is not really needed, since you're having no Channel label displays and faders (don't know about the time diplay)

    Also, I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron, but have no experience programming firmware.

    ... not really programming needed, just configuring.

    Any programming experts want to write the program for this box? I'll pay

    ... forget it - DIY

    Greets, Roger

  6. Hi bozak

    The Infinium faders are nice and what I like, is the adjustable tightness of the slider.

    But what is it really what makes a quality linear fader get worn out? - Is it the taper? No, it's the slider part. The slider does not work smooth anymore and gives the user a "bad feel".

    But exactly this part will be worn out with Infinium faders too. And I still didn't see the 1024 step resolution type around yet. The available type has a resolution of only 128 steps.

    I'm not shure about the wearing out of the taper in DJ use, since the fader gets used much more often and heavyer than in a conventional downmix situation.

    ... just a few thoughts to think about.

    Greets, Roger

  7. Now I see what you tried to explain.

    ... the magic comment to understand was: "...tempting to try to use your master fader as a monitor volume control..." (though I don't know anybody doing this)

    I mainly got confused by the statement "to set a fader to any dbFS" since you can't adjust a fader to FS. - dBFS refers to level and not to gain.

    ... confused me too:

    Not the big knob specifically, but external analog control is better.

    I'm not too good informed on semi-pro equipment anymore but I thought "Big Knob" is analog. Is it a Rotary controlling the Master-Fader? :o - I don't know.

    How ever; I now understand what you mean and can agree.

    Greets, Roger

    PS: Thanks... no dithering etc. - That for I was reading books in the early days of digital technology. - Explaining facts not assumptions.

  8. :o

    I agree.

    Not the big knob specifically, but external analog control is better.

    From an engineering perspective, you are much better setting your channel levels lower to avoid clipping, rather than overloading your master buss, then turning the master down.

    If you turn down your master level below 0dBFS, you are essentially eating into your bit audio depth. Surely no-one wants that??!

    That's sounding pretty esoteric. :)  I think ADC, DAC, Bit-depth (fix/floating), internal gain structure, Master-Level and -Gain setting got mixed up a bit in this statement.

    Greets, Roger

  9. @Rabbit: das waere natuerlich eine idee, aber jetzt hab ich 28 von den anderen, "normalen" Motorfadern hier ;)

    ... die bist Du schnell wieder los im Forum.

    Ich kenne mittlerweile die Alps Specs nicht mehr ganz so gut aber ich meinte, dass Du den N-Type (den, welchen Du hast) gar nicht mit Dual-Taper kriegst. Du müsstest dann auf den K- oder V-Type wechseln, da Du den linearen Taper für die Steuerung noch immer bräuchtest.

    Greets, Roger

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