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Posts posted by Screaming_Rabbit

  1. Die gibt dann pro kanal eine regelbare Spannung aus,

    die dann als Steuerspannung fuer einen spannungsgeregelten Widerstand (Kondensator?)

    fungiert. An diesem Widerstand liegt dann das Audiosignal an.

    ... ich weiss nicht, ob Du schon im Besitze eines VCA controlled mixers bist und diesen per MIDIbox automatisieren willst. - Wenn nicht, weshalb kaufst Du Dir nicht einfach Motorfader mit Log Audio-Taper?

    Greets, Roger

  2. What about a single resistive track on the side attached to each fret. Connected to Vs and Vd

    Each string connected to an AIN input.

    As you press down on a string the voltage travels off the resistive track, through the fret, down the string and to the AIN.

    Would this work?

    Of course you'll have a live wire problem. :)

    ... don't look/think too far. As Seppoman already mentioned: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_scan_matrix1.pdf

  3. I'm sure the companies that make slider pots would know about robust resistive strips.

    ... the company where I work was building their faders by themselfe a few years ago. - The biggest issue was the design of the sliding piece in matter of wearing down the taper vs. cleaning it (scrape away the dirt without wearing down the conductive plastic). - So ... no chance  :-[

    Greets, Roger

  4. The board will be a resistive element and depending on the place the string is touching a different resistance is created. That's for pitch tracking.

    ... I don't know how you play the guitar. - If I would play it, the resistive plating would be worn down after a few vibratos.  ;)

    I haven't really seen the diode matrix design, but it seems that barre chords would frustrate any design using solid metal frets.  ??? 

    ... I don't see a reason.

    Greets, Roger

  5. Do think you could send me a link to the 10" PC screen you've mentioned?


    ... watch out, this display has an LVDS interface. - You'll need a converter, if your PC has no LVDS interface onboard (which an ATX board normally doesn't have). LVDS is standard for laptops.



    ... I don't know about this one fits, I bought another make.

    Inverter for Backlight:


    Touchscreens (incl. Controller board):


    Greets, Roger

  6. Btw, what does a 19" screen and touchboard have to do with Midi anyways?  This forum is called Midbox.org isn't it? 

    ... that does not mean, that a MBHP-Controller is the right solution  ;)

    I'm also combining MBHP-Controllers with screens of a MiniATX-board. The Controllers are used for the rotaties and the 10" PC screens for graphics/displays (and the screens/PC get the display information over a Midi-Through... so in this case the screens have to do something with Midi ;)).

    Everybody in this forum (also Playbo$$) just wants to help you and give you ideas.

    Greets, Roger

  7. I fear this would also heavily increase the latency because the DIN registers are read periodically

    ... not really. As you write, the register get read... not the number of buttons connected to them.

    But for shure, the fat cable thing is a serious contra argument.

    Greets, Roger

  8. Now the question:

    is it possible to wire the serial chain line parallel to two SR's so that they both are handled as SR number 6 and if I push the play button on SR6a both play-LEDs on SR6a and SR6b light up?

    ... why don't you just wire the buttons (Buttons-B) to the same pins as Buttons-A? - This should work.

    I guess it isn't possible anyway to define two pins to the same function in the lc_io_table.inc.

    ... in an answer to this question, I would be interested too.  :)

    Greets, Roger

  9. Warum nehmt ihr eigentlich den Umweg über Paypal ? Könntet doch eigentlich direkt auf das normale Konto überweisen....

    ... weil PayPal, wie in einem anderen Deutschen Thread zu lesen ist, seine Tücken hat.

    Für mich in der Schweiz ist es nicht möglich, den € Betrag, welchen ich auf dem PayPal Konto habe, auf ein Schweizer €-Konto zu überweisen. - Nur auf ein Schweizer CHF-Konto, was heisst, dass ich durch den Währungs-Wechsel Geld verliere. - Also bezahle ich wenn immer möglich per PayPal, bis ich den Betrag auf einem anständigen Niveau unten habe.

    Greets, Roger

  10. Now seriously Thorsten, how did you remove it without knife (or ther tool) when knob becomes cold? Or maybe shaft dimension tolerance is so big that there is a difference in my encoders and yours. ???

    ... knobs are made of thermoplast. - If you warm them when mounting them, they won't retighten that much when cooled down.

  11. glue the shaft to an electric engine (min 5000 RPM), turn on the engine, come back after one week, there you go, it s very important to buy good glue


    ... is this a joke?

    Doing this with a mechanical encoder... all the abrasing from the detend notches. - You probably get a resolution of about 10'000 per rotation  ;D

  12. I thought: "Cool, some Newbies going ahead and do something for the whole community. - Just great!"

    So, please don`t be offend with my attitude, I just don`t want somebody to be fxxxed up.  :-\

    ... well you propably just fxxxed up the success of this bulk order with this pessimistic comment. - I don't understand the motivation to shout out personal doubts in this thread. You don't beware anybody of beeing fxxxed up but the pessimism is infecting and people start to get more careful and reserved without a real reason.

    I mean there is always a certain risk but the benefit is the price. There is a risk for both parties and you never know. But we're not talking about big bucks. Did anybody in this community really know me, when I did the last Motorfader bulkorder? - No... nobody. Perhaps Smash and Skunk knew me a bit better than the rest of you but they didn't know about I'm a jerk or not. (They still don't  ;D)

    I don't want to offend you Sasha (I even would send you money in advance for a MF-order ;) ) or Playbo$$, but I just had to get rid of that.

    I understand your doupts but I don't understand why you just don't join the bulkorder and keep your doupts for yourself.

    A Newbie is not known at all but he shouldn't be a subject for crime just because of this.

    Greets, Roger

  13. würden wir 3 zusammen auch einen kleinen rabatt bekommen ?

    ... mit mir könnt Ihr leider nicht rechnen, ich habe vor gut einem Jahr selbst eine Sammelbestellung organisiert und damals meine MF-Ration bestellt.

    Ich finde es nur schade für das Forum, denn mir scheint anhand der Postings, dass eigentlich wieder Bedarf besteht.

    Das Problem in diesem Thread war, dass zuviel gefragt und darauf eingegangen wurde. - Bis es allen den "Mut" geraubt hat. Klar, zuerst muss ein gewisser Stand an Infos über die allgemeinen Bedürfnisse erfragt werden. Danach kann entschieden werden (vom Organisator), was angeboten wird. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt heisst es nur noch "take it or leave it".

    Auch das fehlende liebe Geld ist keine Verhinderung, denn wie ich ein paar Postings zuvor geschrieben habe, kann man das Geld locker auch vor der Sammelbestellung einziehen, was auch das Risiko für den Organisator verringert. Ich hatte das nicht nötig, da ich die Summe problemlos vorschiessen konnte und somit den genauen Betrag kurz vor dem Versand einziehen konnte. Als ich die Fader bekommen habe, habe ich die einzelnen Pakete geschnürt und somit das genaue Gewicht für den individuellen Weiterversand gewusst.

    Da ich keine Fader brauche, werde ich die Bestellung für Euch nicht organisieren :P. Meine Sammelbestellung war aber eine gute Erfahrung (keinerlei Probleme) und wenn ich mal wieder was Bestelle, bei wessen sich eine Sammelbestellung lohnt, werde ich dies sicher wieder tun.

    Und nun los... organisieren!  ;D

    Greets, Roger

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