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Everything posted by tatapoum

  1. Thorsten, Drum mode is really excellent. I just regret to have ordered the front panel the day before the news in order to write on it the button function. But don't care with that. However the All function is a little bit strange in this mode. It change note and the accent... I also not understand why it change some GP leds state. More generaly speaking, I think that a normal setup of the encoder (the binary thing is fun but not really usefull) and the use of, by example, the Menu button to navigate between the other parameters should be easier. Maybe it's not possible to do such a thing. Just an idea. I don't have assembler skills to understand how to do that myself. Another point, why not to write Note before the note set ? Thank you, it's a really nice piece. I don't have yet receive the front panel but I've played with it for 2 hours... ludo
  2. That's look fine Moxi ! Could you tell us more about how you made your front panel, what are this button, etc... ludo
  3. Salut, Je l'avais trouvé sur e-bay auprès d'un vendeur allemand pour 8 euros. La référence est la suivante : BT 22005 VSS -SMN-LED04 . J'aurais bien aimé trouver les mêmes en 2x40. Si tu cherches quelque chose de semblable, Lextronic en propose ici en 2x16 à une dizaine d'euros. Par contre je ne connais pas ce magasin. ludo
  4. only the backlight as a dedicated poxer supply because it needs 12v. ludo
  5. My LCDs' LEDs are supply separatly in 12v. I play with the contrast pot but I can't reach a complete black... ludo
  6. Hum, it looks like a spaghetti plate, but I will arrange all that with some colson cable ties. I've also one remaining problem, the LCDs are a bit pale. I check the negative voltage tips, but it's not the problem and the vendor told me that it works with positive voltage between 0 and 1V. Maybe LCDs don't have a nice contrast... ludo
  7. Great ! My SEQ is almost finish and yesterday I ordered the front panel to Shaeffer. Thank you Thorsten, ludo
  8. Hi, Finally I compiled with detented2 and it works perfectly. I think I have to check my SID, maybe it's a similar problem, or maybe mecanical as read in some other posts. Now I'm working on a draft front panel in wood... Work in progress... Concerning posting your photos, you have to put them somewhere on the web and then put a link with the img fonction and with the url in. Thank you for your help, ludo
  9. Ok, I've to seen that I've to set the encoder in MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 mode in the setup_mbseq_v2.asm. Values set in mios_tables.inc and main.asm are not read if set in setup_mbseq_v2.asm. That was not clear for me. Thanks to the ifndef... I will give a try tonight. ludo PS : James, are there any photos of your sequencer available online ?
  10. Hello, I'm sorry for the confusion. In fact the encoder of my sid box don't work correctly. It has some hopping in values... Yesterday I receive the DIN boards (thanks Tim) and solder them. Then I connected the encoder and get the same problem as on the sid box. Values are hard to fix precisely and seems to increase of two step each time. I tried to connect in other way but nothing better. My SEQ is program with the default Thorsten SEQ V2 binary. So maybe all encoder are not set in DETENTED2 ? Here is my understanding of the SmashTV encoder pin out : . Thank you for your support, encoders connections are a nightmare ;). ludo
  11. Thank you for this picture. That shows the good rendering made by Schaeffer. I'm now confident with the Archi font... By the way, I wrote by e-mail to Schaeffer about this font but they never answer me. ludo
  12. Hi all, Last night I had an idea... Why not put an Atari 1024 STe in a rack with a little lcd screen on the front panel ? However I don't know if it's possible to connect a such screen on an atari and getting a nice display in 640x480. If it's possible it could make a nice quiet sequencer with Cubase inside. Any experience or feedback ? ludo
  13. Hello, It seems that everybody use the classic helvetica bold as front panel font. Has anyone used some other font and could provide a photo of the result ? My idea is to used the 'Arch, 1-stroke' font with an engraving burin of 0,4 mm (0,2 seems to thin). I want something more fun than Helvetica. The result with FPD is fine, but I don't know if the result will be similar. Thank you, ludo
  14. Pense aussi au bankstick : 24LC256-I/P ou 24LC512-I/P. ludo
  15. Pour ma part je n'utilise pas le LTC pour le port série, mais pour avoir un port Midi Thru et les diodes d'activité midi. ludo
  16. Salut Pierrot, Smash fourni des PCB très bien faits et les deux fois où j'ai commandé, c'est arrivé en 5 jours ! L'emballage est parfait et il ne manquait rien. De plus, vu le prix du dollar, ce n'est pas forcement plus cher que Claudia. Et son site est infiniment plus clair. L'autre avantage, c'est que Tim (aka SmashTV) propose des encodeurs. Je n'ai pas commandé chez Claudia, donc je ne saurai dire si c'est mieux. Mais je viens de commander pour la troisième fois chez Tim. Ludo
  17. Hum, I find the answer on the MB Seq Hardware Options page : "Multiple BankSticks for more than 128 patterns and 16 songs are not supported yet, but planned." So I will use a single 24LC512 and wait for an update with multiple bankstick support. Sorry, ludo
  18. Hi Moxi ! I don't like this solution. Don't ask me why, but I prefer the SID approach. But if this limitation can't and will never be avoid, I will prefer something like DB9 with 24LC inside. Thank you for your offer, but I think that I've some rotary switch in stock. ludo
  19. Hi, Regarding the MBSeqV2 specs, it seems that it's limited to 2 x 24LC256 or 1 x 24LC512. Any reason ? Isn't any multiple bankstick support like with the MBSid ? Maybe it's planned for a new release, but nothing about this in the specs. So should I have to make a multiple bankstick board or not (that's not the biggest part of the work) ? Thanks, ludo
  20. In an updated design, I've put right of midi tx and rx left to the power switch. Concerning the encoder, this design was drawn with 15 mm knobs. Thank to Mixo, I will have some 13 mm knobs. I will try to mount tree of them in this setup on a draft metal board to try it. Here is the new design: Thank you for your advices, ludo
  21. Hi Thorsten, Yeah, good advise ! Thank you ! ludo PS : Thorsten, don't want to abuse of your precious time, but have you take a look the second design of the sequenceur I've post ?
  22. Hi, I have some spare rotary encoders with switch. I intend to mount them in the MB Seq for note select, but what to do with those switches ? What other functionnality can I assign on it ? Please note that comes in addition to the function switch. Thanks, ludo
  23. I've made that with Visio 2000. It's not a shape, it's a quick drawing. I can send you the file you want to arrange it to do a nice shape. However it's easy to do. A rectangle of 0,5 by 0,7 inch or 0,7 x 0,7 for large one. Any feed back about the new design ergonomie ? Throsten, is it was you have in mind ? ludo
  24. Dans ce cas, je t'en prendrai bien 16. Ils sont tous de la même couleur ? Merci, ludo
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