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Everything posted by Altitude

  1. I will be definitely making one. Cubase's midi device implementation is spectacular so writing one up should not be a big deal. There already is a VST plugin to control the midibox SID, btw (check the sticky)
  2. I would just gut an old one or two octave midi controller and just use the keyboard portion then hardwire the midi out to the core
  3. It states on the site that you can however your voltage regulator will get pretty hot
  4. Thanks for the help, btw What would be a indictation that there is a mismatch in impedance and what size steps should I increase the caps if there is?
  5. So running it off the same 14 VDC rail as the sid modules is fine with the schematic as is?
  6. I have been hunting for some easy mixers to sum the 4 audio outputs since I dont have 4 channels free on my console and came across this: http://generalguitargadgets.com/diagrams/mixer_sc.gif Now my question is, what would be the most efficient way to power it from the C64 PSU? The ins and outs of the TL072 are a little over my head so i am not sure whats acceptable for supply voltages and how that impacts the audio
  7. Greetings all. Finally getting to the point of powering up my SID project and I have a couple (hopefully simple) questions that I could not find answers for at Ucapps: I am using Tims previous rev SID and core boards based on the 6581 and the simple 1 sid PSU (mbhp_sid_c64_psu.pdf) 1> Are the connections for the above shematic OK for use with Tim's boards? I am assuming that all the pinouts are the same and anything not shown is left not connected 2> Where is pin one on J15? Its not marked so I am assuming it would be in the corner based on the orientation of the text 3> Any other tips would be greatly appreciated Thanks! Alt
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