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Everything posted by Altitude

  1. Steve, I sympathize but in all fairness setting a tiny isolation on a trace where its not needed from a budget board house is kinda asking for trouble
  2. I think the point that Otterfan was making was that the PG200 does not use midi to communicate (just the port) and there is no sysex implementation on the Jx3p, its some proprietary roland thing that just happens to use the midi port
  3. http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=AQ97F&DOY=12m9# probably not over kill. bridge rectifiers are all designed for high voltages. W04's are what are included in the smash kits
  4. I guess that is that without the midi kit. I'm sure the software on that page is worth looking at though and could be used to make a MBHP controller for it
  5. I do that with midiquest all the time to program my Novation Remote, simply sniff the output port when moving the onscreen controls, look at the min and max values and your done. I'm sure the older stuff does not have that complicated of a sysex implementation
  6. http://www.esr.co.uk http://Maplin.co.uk esr should have everything
  7. it's a simple fix, one wire to the one of the pins on the core (J7) to one of the legs from where the old osc was (look at the trace, it goes directly to the CLK pin, its pretty obvious)
  8. 9090 is stuffed and i'm just waiting for pots from the UK to arrive (no one stateside sources that i could find). I bought some 2u cases from a place called enclosures and cases in MN. They are all aluminum with extruded sides and are pretty nice (and cheap, 65$ each). I'm in the process of finding some 909ish knobs so i am holding off sending the panels for machining but I should be firing up for the first time in the next couple of weeks
  9. I'm in the midst of wrapping up my 9090 so all my time is committed to that but i have plans to work on it this weekend since I have all the parts I need for the MOSFET based one. All my MBHP stuff is on the slow development path since I have so much left to do as far as the C surface goes and the mixer
  10. I think he was wondering about the cool 3d renders of the board
  11. ST and TI both make 2 amp 7805's in a TO-220 package. Thats what I'm using and you should check them out since normally they only go to one amp in the medium size package and after crunching the numbers, I can see getting to over 1 amp with a C control surface
  12. they should be removed and bridged, the 5V coming from the optimized psu is already 5v
  13. I have seen plenty of DIY toner transfer systems but with this I think the key is the actual laminator. Everyone I talked to said using an iron to heat it up is very hit and miss
  14. I like the laminator idea. I have a datak etching tank which is an elegant rig and makes easy work of etching board since there is no clean up, just put the top on the tank. I have no problem using photo exposing and I can get traces down to 0.016" but this system would make life easier for sure, also makes 2 sided boards much easier to make
  15. also bear in mind the 6581 and the 8580 have different power requirements
  16. I went the other way. I just had schaffer do the machining and did the paint and graphics myself. My front panel ended up costing $40 for the machining plus paint and labels it came to about $55. I have some pics up of my lazertran tests: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=7171.15
  17. yep. to dissolve any remaining salts. The solution should be at 130 F
  18. no. Just buy a din 7 connector (same as the c64 psu) and make the circuit on protoboard
  19. Ok, I did some testing with the lazertran: I used some flat model clear coat first to set the decal followed by a flat acrylic clear coat. Initially, the edges were visible but with some modest sanding with 800 grit, they were easily sanded away. Obviously, a high res printer would have given me better results but I have to say that this is impressive and definitely my plan for doing front panel graphics
  20. http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_4xsid_c64_psu_optimized.pdf is what you should be going by. I tested the simple PSU board and it was pretty noisy so this is the way to go With the optimized psu, you will have +5VDC and +14VDC outputs. The core module needs to have the regulator removed (you can take the rectifier off too) and its input wired to the output, the power will then be supplied to the core via J2. The +5/GND to the SID will be connected via J2 VCC and VSS pins. The +14VDC is connected to the SID module via J1. The 14V can be a single wire since GND is connected via J2. You should also add a big cap (2200 uF/16V) at the end of the +5 and GND power lines to filter digital noise
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