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Everything posted by audiocommander

  1. Hi, I haven't used GUISim, but as far as I can see the timer routine isn't implemented in the main runloop, though it's already in the underlying code. This should fix it: Open GUISIM_windows.c and add the following code to the function [tt]void LCD_SDL_RUN(void)[/tt], near the end inside the [tt]while(!LCD_SDL_stop_program)[/tt] loop: // poll Timer() if(debug_user_timer.TIMER_ENABLED) { Timer(); } I'd put it after the Tick(); and before DISPLAY_Tick(); This should hopefully do the trick ;-) Hope that helps, best, Michael
  2. Hi Pablo, I never used CodeBlocks, so I'm not sure if I can be of any help, but if it worked in Notepad++ but not in Codeblocks, I guess there might be something wrong with the make-process. With the old toolchain, one had to add additional classes to the Makefile (OBJS = mtc.o)... again, not sure if this is done automatically by adding files to a target in CodeBlocks... Best, Michael
  3. This topic has been moved to MIDIfication. [iurl]http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=13549.0[/iurl]
  4. Hi :-) 1. the RS232 PC I/O is a serial interface for the "Phrase-a-lator" software (windows). You can use this software to store phrases on the speakjet or debug it, thus bypassing all the midibox related hardware. It should work on a mac as well with a windows emulator like parallels and a proper USB/Serial connector. Though it's not necessary if you don't want to store phrases or don't intend to debug the SJ-board ;D 2. yes, it'll consist of two boards: 1 midibox core and 1 sj-board, so it's not really that much... Not sure what you mean with point-to-point wiring, but if you print out the PDF it should be pretty much 1:1, so I hope you don't have too many problems :-) Cheers! Michael
  5. The PDF http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=seppoman:ssm2044_schematic.pdf downloads or opens fine for me and seems to be okay - (Safari on a Mac). I guess that Firefox or an extension you installed may have troubles with the ":" in the file path? It also works fine on Firefox 3.0.10. Regards, Michael btw, here's a link to the wiki-page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=ssm2044_pcb
  6. it should be more than accurate enough to make music and deliver a most reliable and steady pace, esp. if the core is just running the small clock app... though I admit, it might get critical if you're working at the CERN staff restaurant and need atomic time accuracy for the afternoon dance over coffee & cake =) Regards, Michael
  7. :d'oh: thanks so much :) luckily I still have more than three hairs left due to your quick help =) (I think I can safely stick to that Avatar a couple of days) Best regards, Michael ps: in case anyone doesn't know the simpsonzier yet http://www.prosieben.de/spielfilm_serie/simpsons/simpsonizer/simpsonizer.htm
  8. Hi Mates, long time no see (though I'm still tracking and trying to keep updated)... I was very busy the past year, but I'm now having again a little bit more time to spend on my midibox stuff :) I'm currently trying to code a patchmanager for the ACSensorizer (lost track of what is stored there), but I'm having troubles getting the BankStick data via SysEx for any other bankstick than the first one. I read mios_syses_implementation.txt over and over, and even tried the deprecated bankstick select command, though with the same result: This is working for the Bankstick #1: [tt] F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 40 00 20 00 F7[/tt] and I get the whole bs data in return, all data okay But when I try to get the contents of the second Bankstick: [tt] F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 40 00 20 00 F7[/tt] I get the error: [tt] F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0E 01 60 F7[/tt] wich means: 0x01 | Less bytes than expected have been received Now I'm slowly going to tear my few remaining hairs out, 'cause I'm trying for two days now and I can't find any explanation for this behaviour ??? Any hint for me? Cheers, Michael
  9. yes :-) it's not correct it the current svn either. Best, Michael
  10. demym, there's a readme with the j5_io files that explains which functions are available and how to call them:
  11. Hi stryd, don't be too angry with bcbox until we know what happened ;) usually when it comes to spam and other nasty stuff, we're dealing with evil bots and probably only infected & unsuspectingly humans. Though as someone who cleaned an infected WP installation just recently (with infected pics all over the server), I can understand your mood ;D Best, Michael
  12. Hi, You have to add the j5_io module to your project ;) Here's how that works:
  13. Hi demym, I never tried this, but I am quite sure that you can use the function, though it's not (yet?) documented in the function list. But it is defined in mios (j5_io.inc in mios_base_v1_0b) : ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; FUNCTION: J5_IO_Init ;; DESCRIPTION: This function initializes J5 as digital IO port. ;; The "TRIS" (tristate) flags are expected as parameter. ;; - if 1: pin used as input ;; - if 0: pin used as output ;; ;; Pin Mapping: ;; Pin #0: RA.0 ;; Pin #1: RA.1 ;; Pin #2: RA.2 ;; Pin #3: RA.3 ;; Pin #4: RA.5 ;; Pin #5: RE.0 ;; Pin #6: RE.1 ;; Pin #7: RE.2 ;; IN: tristate flags in WREG ;; OUT: - ;; USES: MIOS_PARAMETER1 ;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _J5_IO_Init ; (for C) Best, Michael Edit: the function is part of a module, that can be additionally added to enhance the available base functionalities of mios. The extra modules can be found inside the mios_base folder inside /modules
  14. Hi demym, could you specify what's "a" midifilter/monitor program: is it your own code? In that case, it might be helpful to post the relevant filter code (esp. for MPROC_NotifiyEvnt & ..._ReceivedByte) and the status of the MIDIMerger function. Best, Michael
  15. Hi Stryd, I was the one who removed Fink. AFAIK MacPorts and Fink are two similar but different solutions that I believe are a bad idea to mix up. As the install of SDCC has been improved much in the past, I don't think it's necessary anymore to mess around with single libs & dependencies. ;-) Best, Michael
  16. either you use the merger as a pre-built functionality (that means: forward all or nothing) - or you have to implement it yourself. That means, you got to do the forwarding on your own. This way you can ignore certain messages. It's another question, why your application should forward certain data while not forwarding certain other data. In general, I'd say this sounds a bit inconsequential (at least looking at it from a user's side of the view) :-)
  17. Hi goule :-) I'm not sure if it's a good idea to dis- & enable the merger functionality here? Wouldn't it be better to en- or disable it just once in a setup routine and to simply ignore the bytes here you're not interested in? Because every time, there's a byte received that's not 0xf8 or 0xfe, the merger is set to enabled... that sounds odd to me :-/ cheers, Michael
  18. · having time for midibox again ;D · updating ACSensorizer to the new skeleton structure · fetching up all the latest stuff here I have missed · updating MBSpeakjet · starting ACHarmonizer
  19. yes, I am on a Mac, too :-) but I agree that it's not really fun to have a virtual box running on a PPC, on Intel it's very easy... also: one should never buy a cheap USB-Serial cable, they usually don't work. That's because most of them don't push the 5V to a necessary 12V. Though the Keyspan adapters should work fine. cheers! Michael
  20. Hi, yes, it can be done: you can use the keyboard to pitch but in this mode you'll have also to change the allophone (of course) ...wich can be done: * by using a second keyboard * experimentally by a jaw-tongue controller * by using the Phrase-A-Lator software from Magnevation to store phrases (though phrases storage on the chip itself is very limited!) * by using a midi software to record and re-play kinda phrases IMHO for singing certain predefined words with a predefined melody, you might find Phrase-A-Lator probably easiest... There's also a word to phoneme chip, but I haven't found the time to play around with that (maybe in the next version) :-) best, Michael
  21. I don't know what Edrum does exactly, but I'm using FSR's (Force Sensitive Resistors) with ACSensorizer. As it's just a resistor, you can use it like a pot: read the value from the AIN; define a threshold and control the note-velocity. Sounds pretty simple. regards, Michael Edit: see: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c.html and: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_c_send_ain.html
  22. it's always a good idea to give us version numbers ;-) Many errors happen due to old or incompatible versions usually you get the version with "-v", eg: [tt]gpasm -v[/tt] regards, michael
  23. Hi Tokolos! that's great work! :D ...and exactly what I hoped for would happen - And we should definitely give this project a folder on the midibox svn server... Thanks for sharing! Best, Michael Edit: whoops, the new toolchain fix was really fast... btw: a temporary job/project of mine will hopefully end after this winter term (march/april 09). I'll surely add a Mac-OS / Cocoa GUI module to this one ;)
  24. Hey Michel, Building a Sneaquencer from scratch surely is a great example of a user project! You are welcome to add your project here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/user_projects - and make an official documentation there or link to your resources. This page is also linked on ucapps.de! There's also programmer's access availble in case you want to add your code to the midibox svn. I think TK manages the access; there's a wiki entry on how to generate a ssh key. You will then also have access to our programmer's dicussion area where we discuss development related (pre-release) issues. And there's also the blog, where projects like these could additionally be promoted :) As we have seen many nice projects (and members) coming and going, these efforts are made to keep the projects together and build up a useful resource to make this an even more valuable and nice community :) Cheers! Michael Edit: I see, you're already "Programmer" :-[ ;D
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